Music downloads appeared in the late 1990s, at the height of the CD era. Downloads took up no storage space at all (apart from that of a hard drive) and were easily portable and transferrable, even if the sound quality of MP3 files tended not to be as good.

But very few music downloads in the late '90s were legal. By that point, CDs had a run of 15 years of double-digit growth and nine years as the most lucrative recorded-music format; the record labels weren't interested in supporting anything that would disrupt that momentum. They were especially afraid of supporting a format that was so easy to copy without authorization. So instead of embracing downloads, the labels pushed back against them with lawsuits, overly onerous licensing deals with emerging music services, and DRM technology requirements.

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It wasn't until 2004 that Steve Jobs was able to coax the major labels into backing a simple, attractive model for music downloads with iTunes. Download revenue started growing at the same steep rate as CDs had done during the 1980s. But the growth didn't last; revenue started leveling off in 2008.

Several factors contributed to the decline of downloads; one was the economic slowdown of 2008. But other factors were more important. One was the unprecedented ease of copying files and transporting them around the Internet. DRM technology was meant to inhibit that, but research on how effective it was has been very limited; my own research shows that the industry's 2009 shift to selling DRM-free downloads wasn't correlated with any significant changes in revenue.

Another factor that turned people away from commercial downloads was the growing sense that when you bought them, you didn't really "own" anything. The idea of building a "library" of digital files didn't turn out to be so appealing when you couldn't hold anything in your hands or point to shelves full of music, there wasn't anything special about owning things that could be copied so freely, and it became a hassle to keep all those files synced across all your devices.

In fact, as the projections in the figure above show, download revenue should drop below CDs by next year. (It's already less than revenue from all physical products -- CDs plus vinyl.) After that, we should see an end to downloads as a commercially viable format. In fact, the industry is rife with rumors that Apple intends to stop selling music downloads sometime next year.

At the end of the day, neither the industry nor consumers have valued downloads very much. Downloads were a convenient stopgap during a time when Internet access was slow, not pervasive and not continuous; and the more complex streaming technology had yet to be fully developed. But as the figure above also shows, the download era of 2011-2015 coincided almost exactly with the worst period for total industry revenue (adjusted for inflation) since the RIAA began compiling data in 1973.

Downloads may have long-term appeal among certain tiny niches, such as collectors of obscure music that isn't available on the streaming services or that minority of audiophiles who like 96KHz/24-bit FLAC files and don't prefer vinyl. But otherwise, downloads should soon fall off the map, and few will miss them.

The following songs have been released for the Rock Band games. All songs available in packs are also available as individual song downloads on the same date, unless otherwise noted. From May 4, 2010, to December 29, 2020, new songs were usually released on Tuesdays across all participating consoles - this cadence shifted to Thursdays starting January 7, 2021. Dates listed are the initial release of songs on Xbox Live. Starting May 20, 2008, all downloadable songs are available in both the North American and European markets, unless noted.

I deleted the app, reinstalled version (which I believe is the last version that allows you to save downloads to external storage), redownloaded all of my music then turned off automatic updates. I've got maybe 60 GB in tracks downloaded and haven't had any issues since.

By the way, if you want to move Amazon Music downloads to your device, you need to convert the music files to plain audios as Amazon Music is protected. If so, then you can use the Amazon Prime Music Downloader to convert Amazon Music as local files. Then you can transfer them to your device for using.

All the samples originally appeared as free downloads or cover discs given away with issues of Computer Music or Future Music magazine. Check out their latest issues for many more, but first, scroll through the links below (ordered alphabetically) and get downloading!

To play downloaded songs without using mobile data: Download your songs in Best Available quality. Turn on Stream only on Wi-Fi to prevent streaming while on a cellular network. Select Play downloads first in settings to play the downloaded version of a song instead of trying to stream it. 

I can download it (being a Pro member) that proves that the uploaded didn't disable downloads.

And as the score is marked as being "Original", anyone should be able to download it.

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