At this point I try to free up some space, so I go to the dropbox folder in my Mac, select the attempted backup of my computer, and delete it. I think it was then that the folders disappeared, but I didn't notice until I was in the Dropbox system preferences trying to make it stop creating automatic backups...tried to deselect the Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders and save, but then a message popped up saying the folders couldn't be located...

First off, thank you so much for helping out! None of the files were in the Deleted files page, and I found a zip file of my downloads folder in the trash, ...moved it to my desktop, but opening it revealed it to be a copy of what I found on my computer this morning...all the folders, but all of them are empty. I put some screenshots here with different folders selected as files in any of fact aside from a couple screenshots I took earlier today. This is how all the folders in my Documents and Desktop tabs look as well..empty!

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After using Dropbox yesterday my desktop folder and download folder disappeared from finder on my Macbook Pro. When I start using Dropbox it started to sync and I stopped it, emptied my trash and deleted the files in the sync folder. After this my desktop and download folder where gone in Finder. I searched in hidden files but no desktop of download folders anymore. When going to I see the folders there and have no idea how to get them back to my HD on my Mac. Please let me know how to get the folders back on my Mac. Thank you

When I installed dropbox on my MacBook few days ago, I synced my downloads folder on my dropbox. After a day I decided to uninstall the dropbox because I just realized I have an iCloud storage. So when I actually uninstalled dropbox, then boom the downloads folder went missing, I cannot access it anymore, anything I airdrop to my MacBook cannot be found. I had a chat with apple support, they told me I should message dropbox support for the matter. Please help me....

@hannah this is exactly what happened to one of our users. Deleted an employees account but transferred files to my account so now her mac backup is sitting in my dropbox account. She cannot access her downloads folder as it says the folder cannot be found. I have no option to restore her because I have already transferred files. I have no way to send her back the files because they are from a Mac Backup.

I tried to stop it from taking over from iCloud but i mistakenly gave it permissions to sync my downloads folder. Now it is asking me to upgrade (my dl folder is large). I only need to use dropbox for a few documents so don't want to upgrade.

Hi: I am a new dropbox user and after downloading the software app I mistakenly started syncing all files in my "Documents" folder. Now in Finder is see that dropbox has begun syncing my files in my "Documents" folder. Now I cannot see them in my computer. I have the Basic dropbox storage. I do NOT want all my files in dropbox. I cannot find a way to stop the syncing process. I can no longer see in my computer all those files that the syncing process is still trying to work on as they appear in my Documents folder as "my files in dropbox". Basically all those files have been sort of "held hostage" by the syncing process and I am afraid I will lose them in cyberspace or something if I do something wrong. Can someone please provide instructions on how to stop the initial syncing process (which hasn't completed the initial backup to dropbox) and put back all my files into my "Documents" folder as they were originally before I downloaded dropbox? Appreciate your help!

I haven't tried using another browser yet but I did see a 2 or 3 files with the Dropbox symbol beside them. I didn't see a Dropbox folder. I'm also not sure what's going on. I deleted a picture I no longer wanted and got the following message" "If you change your mind, you can move (name of file) out of your Trash or restore recently deleted items on" When I right click a got a screen with a series of 'Quick Actions' that all were Dropbox related. These actions included: Share, Send with Transfer, Copy Dropbox Link, Version History, View on, View Comments, Get more space to sync this file, Open in Dropbox and Don't sync to Would it be helpful if I highlight all the files/folders within my Downloads folder and select the option "Don't sync to"? Would this solve the problem? My use of Dropbox is only to retrieve info created by others so that I can email them as requested.

having only just decided to implement dropbox into my mac os workflow this is not a program i want to be become dependant using as the first hurdle has arisen problems i dont want to experiance again.

dropbox delted my download folder with files kept since 2016. This although it was inactive. I disabled dropbox to load upon start. don't what to say.... Feels like fraud. They have access to my pc. I am refusing to extend my subscription. This is the revenge I guess.

I have an extremely fast gigabit connection, and can download from most websites at near about 100MB/s. However, when I try to download folders from Dropbox, it barely downloads at 1 MB/s if I'm lucky. This seems to be something new since I was able to download some content a couple of weeks ago at the speed I'd expect to be able to. Is my account being throttled or something? Even views of the content in these folders are slow, with each image taking minutes to load at a time.

Yes I did enable the option to invite specific members to the shared folder, as well as disabling downloads. But then when I share the link for viewing, the person who I share it with can easily download every file in the folder.

I followed the instructions and found the locations tab in properties and clicked on move and identified my Downloads folder on Dropbox as the new location. I thought it had worked. However, the next time I downloaded something (I am still installing some software), the download went to a downloads folder on my C drive. This was even though I wasn't showing a folder called "Downloads" before I did that download.

On my old Windows 10 and 7 computers, I had the downloads folder located in Dropbox for a long time and it worked perfectly, regardless of what I was downloading. A few upgrades ago it stops working, and have been impossible for me to get that functionality again. I upgrade my plan and things get worse; now they appear as backups and to see the files I have to log to

Is there any third party program that you can link with dropbox? I tried vimeo, but it's either give full access to the public or only myself. I do not want everyone to create a vimeo just so they can see the videos.

To be clear, I am not referring to the updating of the files in the Dropbox-in-the-cloud, nor the files in the Dropbox-on-my-computer as I mess around with them: their updating is satisfactory. This problem concerns the Dropbox installation on my computer downloading a new version of its code (about 110MB), failing to install it, and then trying again. This process can't be stopped (as with "Pause Syncing") except by killing the Dropbox task. While I spent an hour concentrating on a data problem, Dropbox made three failed downloads. This soon makes a big hole in my metered data account (USB cellphone link)

I am running a GNU/Linux Mint 21 system, 64-bit, and the Dropbox version identified via "Preferences" was 165.4.4300, which succeeded on the 24'th Jan from version 164.4.7914, itself succeeding on the 6'th Jan from version 158.4.4564, etc. All of those advances involved many failed downloads before one succeeded, only too soon being superseded and the floundering resumes.

I am currenlty running into a problem where all of my dropbox files are being held in both and on my computer. As of now i have it set up where i can do to my documents and select dropbox and ADD or Remove files there as well as edit. It functions just as any folder.

I am wanting to know how I can choose what is stored on my computer and what is stored in the cloud. My family photos are taking up 30GB's of space on my computer and are also in dropbox. Is there are way to have them only be thumbnails on my computer unless I clikc on them?

This just started happening on my Mac. My downloads folder just started uploading to dropbox and I checked back up settings and I haven't started anything there. I'd really like to not have this happen. Please help.

If you are not currently using Backups, but still see your browser downloads going to your Dropbox PC Backup folder, it is possible the browser's settings need to be updated.

Though, you might want to click on that "My Mac (Jim's MacBook)" that you shared in the Backup screenshot. That could possibly be the Backup that is linked to your Downloads.

On Chrome, you can get to the settings by pasting this into the browser: chrome://settings

Scroll down to the Advanced drop-down, then Scroll down and find the "Downloads" section.

Here, you will see the location of your downloads and can change it if it is directed to the Dropbox folder.

When I updated the Mac app it moved the dropbox folder into 'locations' set up links for Downloads, Desktop etc and moved all my Mac folders into the dropbox folder. Can undo that function so that my usual mac system folders remain where they are and dropbox goes back to being a drive on my MacBook?

I have now stopped the backups to the point where it is prompting me to set up backups... but when I 'save to desktop' it still puts the files into the 'desktop folder in dropbox, not my desktop folder on my Mac.

I am not technical. If I click it, it is supposed to work. Anyway, these are links to dropbox files from book authors and other people are downloading them just fine. I checked and I am nowhere close to having a full drop box.

So then I tried clicking the arrow and save to my dropbox . I get...a text box that tells me.. Save to my drop box and this file will be instantly saved to your dropbox and to all the computers linked to your account. I click save and get a message saying there was a problem completeing my request. 0852c4b9a8

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