Hello, I'm mining in the motherlode mine and a player has a zammy boss pet that makes a loud stomping sound each time it walks. It is very annoying because I like to have my area sound effect on to hear the strikes of my pickaxes and "tink" once the vein is mined out. It's strange that I have not heard other pets make any sound, just this one? Any solutions to this?

What kind of walking do you need? Gritty footsteps? LEGO stud clicks? Walking on a concrete floor with echoes? Muffled walking on carpet? There are many different footstep sounds, so it might help if you were a bit more specific.

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Yeah, very few of the Freesound footsteps are any good. 

To echo Rioforce, what kind of thing are you looking for? 

You may be able to record something yourself, or find another member that has what you need.

(I've got some nice stud clicks if you want them.)

Well, do you have access to a place with a metallic floor? If you do, then you can just record the sound of you walking around at the pace you need. I'd recommend filming the shot first, and playing it back while you walk to make sure to get the timing correct. If you can't bring your computer there, then you could get a digital voice recorder. They're simple and some can be pretty high-quality if you look around. If that's not an option, then you can always resort to your phone. Don't use the stock sound recorder, though. I'm not sure about iPhones, but on Android there's a neat little app that lets you record audio at CD quality.

I have been looking for some event based walking sound effects, and right now I have it set as a common event that makes a walking sound whenever you press a key. The problem I am having however is that as long as you hold the key down the sound effect will play, even if the character isn't moving. Such as cases where you are against a wall or other immoveable object.

So I was wondering, is there anyway using events to cause the sound effect to stop playing if the player is no longer moving. I've seen various tutorials on this, and all of the event based ones seem to have this same flaw, and I don't want to use a script. The reason i want to avoid using a script is that A) I am not all that skilled in doing scripts and I am better at doing events than scripts at present.

This actually does what I want far better than the below variables. Now I just have to figure out how to get it to judge between normal_walk and Dash and get it to change the sound based on which one the character is doing. I realize this isn't exactly what I asked for, but I did do it in an event instead of adding it as a script. Which I may eventually do once I learn more about Ruby scripting.

This actually solves the problem for the most part, but it does create a lag between footsteps that wasn't there before. I'll likely keep working at it, since this does seem to come closest to solving the problem I was having. Maybe some lag between sound steps will compensate for the frame lag between position variables.

This is basically the process I used for my own footsteps common event. And I did notice in the video that the problem I was having is occurring in the video as well. When the character gets "stuck" in the dolls(at least I think that's what it was called in the video) I noticed that the footstep sound effect was still going despite the character not moving, which was the problem I was having with my own event setup.

This was how I set mine up, basically. And this has the same problem I was talking about. When the player stops moving but you keep pressing the button, such as walking into a wall but continuing to press the direction button, the footsteps sound effect continues despite the character not moving since the wall prevents it.

I actually tried adjusting the frame rates, it didn't eliminate the lag, but it did make it less. I eventually wound up using a condition check for "$game_player.normal_walk?" and "$game_player.dash?" to check for walking and dashing and adjusted it accordingly. It solved the walking sounds while not moving problem, and it can be used to work with terrains or region IDs as well. While it is true it is a script function, it can still be used in a Common Event instead of a full script. Which is the one thing I have yet to figure out how to do, since I suck as coding in general.

I've been trying to add a footsteps sound effect to my player that will only play when he's walking, and was going to post this as a question to the group, but in the course of explaining my steps below, I was able to analyze the problem better, and now I have it working perfectly!

So in the game, my player character jumps, walks and falls. I have a 10-second clip of the footsteps sound, and it's set to play as a loop. Here's the progression of my attempts to get the footsteps sound to always play when walking, and never play when stopped, jumping or falling :

Attempt #1: Simply play the sound when left or right buttons are pressed. (I was so naive...)Results: Triggered the sample every frame, of course! Which sounds like a Geiger counter.

Attempt #3: Only play the sample when left or right buttons are JUST pressed AND my character is_on_floor. Also added "$WalkSound.stop" to my "jump" code, to completely remove the walking sound during jumps.Results: Almost there! But there's one problem remaining now... at the end of a jump or fall, if I've kept my finger on the same walk button throughout the duration of a jump, and then I land, the sound never re-triggers, because it's only checking if walk buttons are JUST pressed. So after a landing like that, I'm walking without footsteps again...

Attempt #4: Finally, I tried brute-forcing it. I created a "walking" boolean. I said, "If I'm walking AND I'm on the floor AND $WalkingSound is NOT already playing, then play it. Also, if "walking" stops being true, or I'm not on the floor, then stop playing it. And if $WalkingSound is already playing, don't trigger it again.Results: It worked!

I'm creating a car game, everything works completely fine except I can't get the sound effect to work properly. I'd like it to play when the car is moving, and fade when it stops, I have a short clip of an engine noise. When I run the code, the noise is very staggered and jittery. What I'm after is for the clip to play over itself and then the first to stop. This would cause a noise that stops when the button isn't pressed. Here's what I tried:

In that case, using events would be more suitable. When the key is being pressed (keyDown-event), just start the sound playing infinitely with carSound.play(-1) and then stop it on key release (keyUp-event) with carSound.stop().

I have left leg sound fx and right leg sound fx.

The main reason I seek to do it this way. It is because the character has over 300 animations where the timing for the footsteps on the ground vary from animation to animation.

The sound issue is the same as the pants. A new sound will play for every tick that you hold down the D button. That means that the sound is just piling up because you'll have hundreds of them playing all at once.

The way I've done my walking sounds is to have short one-shot samples rather than a loop and I trigger them once under certain conditions (eg player is on ground, player is moving, frame 25 is playing), that way I can make sure that my sounds exactly match when my character's foot touches the ground. It also allows for more flexibility eg I have a pool of similar footsteps and it will choose a random sample and volume each time, so that it doesn't sound too repetetive.

Although some authors suggested (e.g., Bornstein and Bornstein [11]) that traffic noise may be one factor that influences walking speed, this proposition has not been tested adequately. In our previous studies, we examined the effects of the visual and acoustical environmental features of surrounding environments on walking speed [13,19,20]. It was observed that participants walked faster in areas without urban greenery and with more traffic, higher noise, and more people than in areas with urban greenery and with less traffic, less noise, and fewer people. However, the effect of traffic noise was based only on subjective estimations of the acoustical characteristics of particular locations. Recently, Maculewicz, Erkut, and Serafin [21] experimentally examined how sound characteristics for specific environments affect walking pace. The participants listened to sounds of the seashore, a busy street, a restaurant, and busy offices, and simultaneously walked at their own preferred pace on an aerobic stepper. Their results indicated that the sounds of the seashore and a restaurant provoked a significantly slower pace than the sounds of streets and offices. The study documented not only the effect of traffic noise on walking pace, but also showed that listening to nature sounds may result in a decrease in walking speed.

Although traffic noise may cause perceived stress, there are opposite studies that show the restorative effects of urban nature. Some research demonstrates that living in areas with large amounts of urban greenery or only exposing individuals to a natural environment either in a visual or acoustic form results in decreased stress. It is known that residents of neighborhoods with a greater percentage of greenery have lower chronic stress [22,23,24]. Stress recovery, as measured through a variety of physiologic measures, was more rapid in the group that viewed natural scenes compared with a group that viewed urban scenes [25]. A large number of studies have documented that viewing surrogate nature (photographs, slides, paintings, window views, videos, and virtual computer-generated nature scenes) resulted in decreased stress, increased positive emotions, and decreased negative emotions [25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]. In accordance with these findings, our recent study showed that the presentation of photographs of nature scenes prior to an outdoor walk decreased walking speed when contrasted with priming with photographs of shopping malls, and a control condition without any priming [33]. e24fc04721

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