I am looking for a full-fledged virtual Android (Android in Android) without limitations in functionality with the same functions as real Android. If there is one, I will be very grateful if you share it to me.

But, the apps run really slow since it is 2 virtual machine layers deep. The first layer gets virtualization support with multiple cores, but the 2nd layer (BlueStacks Android emulator) does not get hardware virtualization support, and is therefore single-threaded and very slow.

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Its the visual studio android emulator as I 100% have to run hyper-v given my work environment. Hyper-v means genymotion and the google android emulators are not viable as they require VirtualBox and are incompatible with hyper-v, so there is absolutely no way I can use them / this VS emulator is my only option.

The VS emulator didnt work at first, but adding the android studio adb version to path and a windows reg key to it seems to have worked, i.e. I can open a console and type adb devices and the virtual device is listed ok.

Expo seems to talk to the virtual device, if I open a 4.4 android and open on android device I get loads of error text in in the expo react native consol saying cant adb reverse which I later found out is supported in android 5.0.0 + devices.

Whats frustrating is I can see no log out put, no time out, or error saying cant deploy etc I have nowhere to start to try and make this work. From what I read, people have made this work with the VS android emulator so its possible.

So I made the switch to linux, after an inotify issue and adb path, it (seemingly) works fine Also, means there is no hyper-v requirement and I can just use virtual box / the standard android emulator which just works.

With AVF, we are more broadly supporting virtualization to Android. Virtualization is widely used and deployed to isolate workloads and operating systems from each other. It enables efficient scaling of infrastructure, testing environments, legacy software compatibility, creating virtual desktops and much more.

With AVF virtual machines become a core construct of the Android operating system, similar to the way Android utilizes Linux processes. Developers have the flexibility to choose the level of isolation for a virtual machine:

Virtual machines and the applications running inside them are far more portable than trusted applets. For example, a Linux-based virtual machine with a Linux-application payload will work on all devices that support AVF. This means that developers can build an application once and deploy it everywhere. VMs also make porting of existing Linux based applications seamless and easy, compared to porting into a Trustzone operating system.

AVF consists of the framework APIs, the hypervisor, and the Virtual Machine Manager. The hypervisor guarantees virtual machines (including Android) are isolated from each other, much like how the Linux kernel does it for processes. The AVF hypervisor (pKVM), however, does that with a significantly smaller (~50x) code base compared to the Linux kernel.

The hypervisor is focused on open source availability, security, device assignment to VMs and security by isolation between virtual machines. It has a small attack surface that meets a higher security assurance level. AVF APIs and features are fully supported by the protected KVM hypervisor (pKVM).

pKVM is built on top of the industry standard Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) in Linux. It means all existing operating systems and workloads that rely on KVM-based virtual machines can work seamlessly on Android devices with pKVM.

crosvm, a Rust-based Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), provides the glue between the hypervisor and the AVF framework. It is responsible for creating, managing and destroying virtual machines. In addition, it provides an abstraction layer across multiple hypervisor implementations.

Isolated virtual machines are invisible to Android i.e. any process running in Android cannot inspect, see, tamper with the content of such a virtual machine. This guarantee is provided by the hypervisor.

Microdroid is a trimmed down Android OS package that is created to serve as a template for starting a virtual machine (VM). It provides developers with a familiar environment to build and run their workloads in a VM. Microdroid uses familiar Android tools and libraries, such as Bionic, Binder IPC and keystore support.

RpcBinder is an all-new backend developed for the Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL). RpcBinder enables communication to and from virtual machines using the existing binder wire protocol. This means:

The rest of the AVF framework makes virtualization easy to use by Android services and apps. For example by abstracting inter-VM communication using AIDL as a transport layer, managing the VM lifecycle or how VMs are created.

some games need an option to choose, and so need to type some keys.in this page (bottom of the page) it says that the virtual keyboard can be opened with select+down key of the controller (the controller is included with the gpd xd plus)but in my case when i press select+down there is no virtual keyboard.i searched many options to try in the menu but nothing succed.

When you save a credit or debit card to your Google Account, you may be able to turn on a virtual card number. Virtual card numbers can be shared with merchants for online or in-app transactions to keep your actual card number info more secure.

Virtual cards are a safer way to pay online or in-app. When you use a virtual card to make a purchase, the app replaces your physical card number with a unique virtual card number. When you check out, the virtual number hides your personal payment details and helps to protect you against fraud.

Tip: The virtual card number, expiration date, and CVC may be different from your physical card. For added security, some card issuers change your virtual card number or CVC for different merchants or transactions.

No, the virtual card number replaces your physical card number, but is used the same way. Your credit line, balance, fees, and transaction info stay the same. You use your virtual card number during the checkout process. Instead of your actual card info, the merchant gets your virtual card number, expiration date, and CVC.

To make a return, or pick up an item in store that you bought with a virtual card, you may have to find the last 4 digits of your virtual card number. The last 4 digits of your virtual card are different from your physical card. To find the virtual card number, refer to the receipt from the merchant or go to your card issuer website. If neither of these have the last 4 digits you can contact your bank for support.

This article explains how to use the Android Device Manager to createand configure Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) that emulate physical Androiddevices. You can use these virtual devices to run and test your appwithout having to rely on a physical device.

After you have verified that hardware acceleration is enabled (asdescribed inHardware Acceleration for Emulator Performance),the next step is to use the Android Device Manager (also referred toas the Xamarin Android Device Manager) to create virtual devices thatyou can use to test and debug your app.

The Android SDK must be installed (seeSetting up the Android SDK for Xamarin.Android).Be sure to install the Android SDK at its default location if itis not already installed: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk.

When you first launch the Android Device Manager, it presents a screenthat displays all currently-configured virtual devices. For eachvirtual device, the Name, OS (Android Version), Processor,Memory size, and screen Resolution are displayed:

Select a processor type for this virtual device by clicking theProcessor pull-down menu. Selecting x86 will provide thebest performance because it enables the emulator to take advantageof hardware acceleration.The x86_64 option will also make use of hardware acceleration,but it runs slightly slower than x86 (x86_64 is normallyused for testing 64-bit apps):

If you want to include Google Play Services APIs in your virtualdevice, enable the Google APIs option. To include the GooglePlay Store app, enable the Google Play Store option:

The Device Editor screen lists the properties of the virtual deviceunder the Property column, with the corresponding values of each property inthe Value column. When you select a property, a detailed descriptionof that property is displayed on the right.

After you have made the necessary configuration changes, click the Save button.For more information about changing virtual device properties, seeEditing Android Virtual Device Properties. 2351a5e196

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