This example shows the DataTables table body scrolling in the vertical direction. This can generally be seen as an alternative method to pagination fordisplaying a large table in a fairly small vertical area, and as such pagination has been disabled here (note that this is not mandatory, it will work justfine with pagination enabled as well!).

Today we want to share a slick and flexible vertical jQuery accordion with you. The main idea is to expand the accordion slices on click and show some more information. The other slices will become less opaque and squeezed. When navigating to the next slice using one navigation arrows, a new slice will slide in from the top or the bottom. Once a slice is open and we navigate, the subsequent slice will open on slide.

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By default, the Grid does not display scrollbars when scrolling is enabled. To render scrollbars and achieve vertical or horizontal scrolling, define the following dimensions of the Grid. You can control vertical and horizontal scrolling independently.

When scrolling is enabled, the vertical scrollbar of the Grid is always visible even if not needed which simplifies the implementation and improves the performance of the component. To remove the vertical scrollbar, use CSS rules and make sure that neither the Grid nor its data area apply fixed heights so that they are able to shrink and expand according to the number of table rows. In the following example, the #GridID allows the application of styles only to a particular Grid instance. To use these styles in all Grid instances, replace the ID with the .k-grid CSS class. For a complete example on showing and hiding the scrollbar depending on the number of Grid rows, refer to this example.

Hey guys I am quite a newbie to JS.I am wording on a vertical image scroller.Now, I am using this code to scroll to LI from left to right and the page is scrolled till centre of that Li reaches.Now I want to integrate this functionality to a vertical scroller.I have 6 divs set up and when I click on a thumb the li's should be scrolled to that is my horizontal code for it.

@designerNProgrammer, It's generally good practice to make things in your site work without depending on jQuery/Javascript. You can then progressively enhance these features using jQuery/Javascript. This is how I would approach the vertical window scrolling using jQuery:

The vertical scroll position is the same as the number of pixels that are hidden from view above the scrollable area. If the scroll bar is at the very top, or if the element is not scrollable, this number will be 0.

An image to be clicked on and it will vertically animate a certain amount of pixels (lets say 50) upwards. I want to then click on it again, and it will then animate back down to its original position.

When the positioned element overflows the window in some direction, move it to an alternative position. Similar to my and at, this accepts a single value or a pair for horizontal/vertical, e.g., "flip", "fit", "fit flip", "fit none".

The second provides feedback about the position and dimensions of both elements, as well as calculations to their relative position. Both target and element have these properties: element, left, top, width, height. In addition, there's horizontal, vertical and important, giving you twelve potential directions like { horizontal: "center", vertical: "left", important: "horizontal" }.

jQuery Mobile is a web-based technology used to make responsive content that can be accessed on all smartphones, tablets, and desktops. In this article, we will be creating a mini vertical checkbox control groups button using jQuery Mobile.

A column chart is a vertical bar chart rendered in the browser using SVG or VML, whichever is appropriate for the user's browser. Like all Google charts, column charts display tooltips when the user hovers over the data. For a horizontal version of this chart, see the bar chart.

Since bar charts and column charts are essentially identical butfor orientation, we call both Material Bar Charts, regardless ofwhether the bars are vertical (classically, a column chart) orhorizontal (a bar chart). In Material, the only difference is in thebars option. When set to 'horizontal', theorientation will resemble the traditional Classic Bar Chart; otherwise, thebars will be vertical.

The explorer option allows users to pan and zoom Google charts. explorer: {} provides the default explorer behavior, enabling users to pan horizontally and vertically by dragging, and to zoom in and out by scrolling.

By default, users can pan both horizontally and vertically when the explorer option is used. If you want to users to only pan horizontally, use explorer: { axis: 'horizontal' }. Similarly, explorer: { axis: 'vertical' } enables vertical-only panning.

An object with properties to configure the gridlines on the horizontal axis. Note that horizontal axis gridlines are drawn vertically. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

Start, center, and end are relative to the style -- vertical or horizontal -- of the legend. For example, in a 'right' legend, 'start' and 'end' are at the top and bottom, respectively; for a 'top' legend, 'start' and 'end' would be at the left and right of the area, respectively.

Specifies properties for individual vertical axes, if the chart has multiple vertical axes. Each child object is a vAxis object, and can contain all the properties supported by vAxis. These property values override any global settings for the same property.

To specify a chart with multiple vertical axes, first define a new axis using series.targetAxisIndex, then configure the axis using vAxes. The following example assigns series 2 to the right axis and specifies a custom title and text style for it:

vAxis property that specifies the baseline for the vertical axis. If the baseline is larger than the highest grid line or smaller than the lowest grid line, it will be rounded to the closest gridline.

An object with members to configure the gridlines on the vertical axis. Note that vertical axis gridlines are drawn horizontally. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value; this will be upward in most charts. Ignored if this is set to a value smaller than the maximum y-value of the data. vAxis.viewWindow.max overrides this property.

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value; this will be downward in most charts. Ignored if this is set to a value greater than the minimum y-value of the data. vAxis.viewWindow.min overrides this property.

The center class when applied to a slide, will vertically center the slide content by adding the appropriate spacing at the top of the slide. Vertical distances between elements will not be modified. For example:

The r-stretch layout helper lets you resize an element, like an image or video, to cover the remaining vertical space in a slide. For example, here the image will automatically be resized to fit space remaining outside of the slide title and text before and after it:

A responsive, flexible, animated, scrollable and high-performance jQuery (Vanilla JavaScript) timeline plugin that automatically switches between horizontal and vertical layouts depending on the current screen size.

Visual user agents should avoid clipping any part ofthe table including the caption, unless a means is provided to access allparts, e.g., by horizontal or vertical scrolling. We recommend that the captiontext be wrapped to the same width as the table. (See also the section on recommended layout algorithms.)

In the following example, the cellspacing attribute specifies thatcells should be separated from each other and from the table frame by twentypixels. The cellpadding attribute specifies that the top margin of thecell and the bottom margin of the cell will each be separated from the cell'scontents by 10% of the available vertical space (the total being 20%).Similarly, the left margin of the cell and the right margin of the cell willeach be separated from the cell's contents by 10% of the available horizontalspace (the total being 20%).

By default, admin widgets for many-to-many relations will be displayedon whichever model contains the actual reference to theManyToManyField. Depending on your ModelAdmindefinition, each many-to-many field in your model will be represented by astandard HTML , a horizontal or vertical filter, or araw_id_fields widget. However, it is also possible to replace thesewidgets with inlines.

You can write your content as a separate file and have reveal.js load it at runtime. Note the separator arguments which determine how slides are delimited in the external file: the data-separator attribute defines a regular expression for horizontal slides (defaults to ^\r?\n---\r?\n$, a newline-bounded horizontal rule) and data-separator-vertical defines vertical slides (disabled by default). The data-separator-notes attribute is a regular expression for specifying the beginning of the current slide's speaker notes (defaults to notes?:, so it will match both "note:" and "notes:"). The data-charset attribute is optional and specifies which charset to use when loading the external file.

The web is a rather vertical place. You read a web site like you read a physical page: left to right, top to bottom. But sometimes, you want to step away from the verticality of it all and do something crazy: make a horizontal list. Or even crazier, a horizontal site! 0852c4b9a8

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