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An accelerator propels charged particles, such as protons or electrons, at high speeds, close to the speed of light. They are then smashed either onto a target or against other particles circulating in the opposite direction. By studying these collisions, physicists are able to probe the world of the infinitely small.

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The Large Hadron Collider is the most powerful accelerator in the world. It boosts particles, such as protons, which form all the matter we know. Accelerated to a speed close to that of light, they collide with other protons. These collisions produce massive particles, such as the Higgs boson or the top quark. By measuring their properties, scientists increase our understanding of matter and of the origins of the Universe. These massive particles only last in the blink of an eye, and cannot be observed directly. Almost immediately they transform (or decay) into lighter particles, which in turn also decay. The particles emerging from the successive links in this decay chain are identified in the layers of the detector.

In a circular accelerator, the particles repeat the same circuit for as long as necessary, getting an energy boost at each turn. In theory, the energy could be increased over and over again. However, the more energy the particles have, the more powerful the magnetic fields have to be to keep them in their circular orbit.

A linear accelerator, on the contrary, is exclusively formed of accelerating structures since the particles do not need to be deflected, but they only benefit from a single acceleration pass. In this case, increasing the energy means increasing the length of the accelerator.

An accelerator can circulate a lot of different particles, provided that they have an electric charge so that they can be accelerated with an electromagnetic field. The CERN accelerator complex accelerates protons, but also nuclei of ionized atoms (ions), such as the nuclei of lead, argon or xenon atoms. Some LHC runs are thus dedicated to lead-ion collisions. The ISOLDE facility accelerates beams of exotic nuclei for nuclear physics studies.

The energy of a particle is measured in electronvolts. One electronvolt is the energy gained by an electron that accelerates through a one-volt electrical field. As they race around the LHC, the protons acquire an energy of 6.5 million million electronvolts, known as 6.5 tera-electronvolts or TeV. It is the highest energy reached by an accelerator, but in everyday terms, this is a ridiculously tiny energy; roughly the energy of a safety pin dropped from a height of just two centimetres. But an accelerator concentrates that energy at the infinitesimal scale to obtain very high concentrations of energy close to those that existed just after the Big Bang.

CERN operates a complex of nine accelerators and two decelerators. These accelerators supply experiments or are used as injectors, accelerating particles for larger accelerators. Some, such as the Proton Synchrotron (PS) or Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) do both at once, preparing particles for experiments that they supply directly and injecting into larger accelerators.

Imagining, developing and building an accelerator takes several decades. For example, the former LEP electron-positron accelerator had not even begun operation when CERN scientists were already imagining replacing it with a more powerful accelerator. That was in 1984, twenty-four years before the LHC started.

Many accelerators developed several decades ago are still in operation. The oldest of these is the Proton Synchrotron (PS), commissioned in 1959. Others have been closed down, with some of their components being reused for new machines, at CERN or elsewhere. Travel back into the past of CERN accelerators.

Particle accelerators are devices that speed up the particles that make up all matter in the universe and collide them together or into a target. This allows scientists to study those particles and the forces that shape them. Specifically, particle accelerators speed up charged particles. These are particles with a positive or negative electrical charge such as protons, atomic nuclei, and the electrons that orbit atomic nuclei. In some cases, these particles reach speeds close to the speed of light. When the particles then collide with targets or other particles, the collisions that result can release energy, produce nuclear reactions, scatter particles, and produce other particles, such as neutrons. This gives scientists a look at what holds atoms, atomic nuclei, and nucleons together, as well as the world of particles like the Higgs boson. These particles and forces are the subject of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Scientists also get insights into the quantum physics that govern how the world behaves at incredibly small scales. In the quantum realm, the classical Newtonian physics that we live with every day is insufficient to explain particle interactions.

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A miniature accelerator chip fits on a 1 euro cent coin. The pictured chip contains 42 different particle accelerators of various lengths. When hit with laser light, an accelerator gives an energy boost to electrons passing through.

Constructed on silicon chips, the accelerators are composed of two rows of pillars about 2 micrometers tall, reminiscent of miniature rows of skyscrapers. When hit with laser light, the pillar structure generates electromagnetic fields that push the subatomic particles faster and faster along an extremely narrow alley between the pillars, less than a micrometer wide.

Meanwhile, carefully placed gaps between the pillars help keep the beam of electrons in focus, mimicking the capabilities of larger accelerators. This is really the first accelerator based on nanophotonics that contains all the features any modern accelerator contains, says Hommelhoff, of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.

Physicist Robert Byer of Stanford University and colleagues reported a similar achievement October 3 at, with energy gains up to 23.7 kiloelectron volts. The two groups are part of a larger collaboration called the Accelerator on a Chip International Program, or ACHIP, which unifies efforts to build these small accelerators.

For example, high-energy electrons can treat skin cancer by damaging the DNA within cancer cells, killing them. But generating the energetic electrons currently requires a roomful of bulky machinery. With an accelerator on a chip, electron beam therapy could become more accessible.

Another application could involve using the devices to create special states of light that could be useful for quantum computing. Or the accelerators might be useful for materials research, for example, for making images of thin materials with ultrahigh time resolution.

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