I've been having a problem recently with Firefox where mobile YouTube (m.youtube.com) keeps turning up in Simplified Chinese. I'm on a Pixel 3 and my device language and default language are both English (Australia). Whenever I can change my default language, I do it to English (Australia) or English (UK). My keyboard languages are English (Australia), Chinese (Simplified) and Russian (Russian), and although I don't think this should affect the problem, I see no other reason YouTube would show me a Chinese YouTube.

Whenever I go to the YouTube settings and change it to English (Australia), then close Firefox and reopen it to access mobile YouTube again, I am faced with the same Chinese YouTube with seemingly Chinese recommendations too.

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Not Chinese (Simplified). Just want to reiterate that Chrome does not have this problem. However, Chrome does decide to set mobile Youtube's language as English (US), not English (UK), and I know for fact my device language is not English (US).

This issue doesn't occur with Google Chrome and other browsers. Might be a bug that needs fixing. I'd like to add the Chinese and Russian keyboards back on my device without having mobile YouTube turn completely foreign in Firefox.

A slow-running website can cause a great deal of trouble for any organization. Moreover, China presents several unique regulatory and browser ecosystem challenges that make having a rapid loading time hard for international website owners. This fact can especially threaten an eCommerce enterprise. Some reasons for the slow speed include:

Unoptimized sites have more issues than just speed. An unoptimized Shopify site, for instance, loads 9.7 times slower in China than speeds worldwide. It also misses 14% of its resources while not being indexed properly on Baidu, Shenma, or Sougou. Moreover, websites not optimized for China can have missing resources like fonts. Thus, websites must be optimized to be fast and tested by real users on different browsers to provide the ideal experience.

Manual testing on Chinese browsers from real users is crucial for optimizing websites and providing a smooth user experience. At GoClick China, we provide clear visibility into the Chinese market using real people on real devices spread across the country. By leveraging our data, benchmarks, analytics, and insights, organizations can take one step forward towards thriving in a rapidly-advancing digital Chinese economy.


i have a Xioami MIUI 12 Android 10 phone (not rooted or something). Yesterday, i was checking for an anime serie (i use Firefox) and finally apparently get it in website with apparently lot of pop-ups, intrusive ads... on it (it's not the first time that i have to deal with this types of site and never this things happened, i just close immediatly the pop-ups and that all habitually). So i entered (with Google searsh) in the site and just scrolled down in the page of the site one time (i didn't press anything on the website, just scroll down a bit one time only) and my phone suddently opened and switched to the Amazon application (it was already installed), by itself.

At this time, i was just thinking that the site opened a Amazon pop-up page and i was directly directed in the mobile app (even if its the first time that happened to me, in my memory). But, for precaution, i've immediatly closed the Amazon app (without seeing what was displayed on it) and Firefox, deleted all datas in both apps and i started an complete malware analys, as fast as i can, with the Malwarebytes app. So the analys gone for few minuts and i suddently got a toast message with chinese characters that appeared for a feeew seconds in the middle of my phone screen in the Malwarebytes app. It's at this moment that i thinked i have been hacked, it's the first time that happened to me in my memory.

So, i still have let finish the analys (and checked the screen some times, saw nothing strange), and after 10k+ datas and apps during 1,5+ hours, the analys finished and found nothing, 0 viruses. Just after, i still have by precaution immediatly after the analys cuted my (i was in 4g) internet (i think that i haved to do it direcly when i saw that toast message..) and i sent all my passwords to my pc (passwords of looooots of accounts with a lot of confidential infos) and i was having only 1 very important confidential data after the passwords, some screens of my ident card. After this, i checked fast the phone for see if new data was downloaded or something else suspect and i found nothing apparent, with the fast check that i did. So, finally i factory reseted my phone and immediatly did a analys with both Kaspersky and Malwarebytes apps, 0 viruses found.

My question is simple, with all the infos above, is there a little chance that my phone was hacked yesterday and my private datas in my phone, and my entire phone was accessible and usable by a tier person, and maybe the hacker still have the datas by saving them at this time? This is possible, just for a simple scroll down in a site with pop-ups??

I precise that nothing suspect in all my accs or something else happened at this time.

I stay online for additional infos if needed.

Thanks you very much if a calified person can guide me!!

The most likely scenario is that you still had some lingering browser related ad popups. This is caused by the way browsers handle redirections executed by JavaScript code. Most browsers do not do a great job of preventing these redirects, which can also cause ad pop-ups. Unethical advertising affiliates are aware of this and exploit this weakness. Even if an advertising affiliate is shut down for using this exploit, they just come back with a different affiliate id and are right back at it.

The best way to block these pop-ups is to try a different browser, disable JavaScript, install a browser with ad blocking (like Brave), and/or install Ad-block Plus. Sounds like you already have by using Firefox; which I believe you can install an adblocker extension.

Just as additional info, if i understand you, that chinese android toast message (my phone system is in french langage and all normal toast message habitually come in french or english langage) that came, without apparent reason, in the middle screen of the Malwarebytes app during analys was just an concidence and had no links with what happened before? Any idea of what was the cause of this chinese toast message? This is probable that happen for some reasons??

I did some tests with some other analyses after the factory reset and no, this did not happened an other time, only one time this happened to me (chinese toast android message) since i use the Malwarebytes app. So, at this point, i don't think it was related to the app. Any ideas of what was the potential cause of that? Same questions as my last post.

Qihoo 360 secure browser, first released in September 2008, was once the biggest browser in China. According to CNZZ, 360 Secure Browser occupied 24.21% market share. It had 332 million monthly active users, and the penetration rate hit 70%.

When a user tried to install another browser, the security suite would try to block; when the user allowed the installation, it would pop up a window asking users not to set it as the default browser.

Although WeChat has been the darling of the media, it actually has formidable competition in QQ. When it launched as a mobile-only messaging app, it stood in stark contrast to the crusty, still-desktop-centric QQ. The QQ team quickly re-doubled its efforts and successfully pulled off several total redesigns of the app to boost its engagement on mobile devices.

The blocked software includes the video-sharing app TikTok, which has been downloaded an estimated 600 million times in India; UC Browser, an internet browser that uses very little data and is popular among Indians using low-cost smartphones; and other well-known apps such as Shareit, Baidu, Weibo, and WeChat.

Ben Jiang: UCWeb started 10 years ago as a mobile browser maker. Over the course of the past decade, we've come a long way to become the largest third party mobile browser in the world by user base and has expanded into new territories.

Now, in addition to the cornerstone browser product offering, which usually is perceived as the gateway to mobile internet, UCWeb has also expanded to areas like app distribution, mobile game cooperation, mobile search, etc.

In terms of distribution platform and game platform, since UC is the largest third party browser in China with dominant market share (65.9 percebt according to iResearch), in China a lot of browser users fire up the browser to look up for mobile entertainment content, including games.

We started out as a browser company, but now have evolved into a worldwide-leading platform of open services with multiple offerings and one simple aim - to give user fast and easy access to the best mobile internet experience, be it information or games.

And since smartphones have more functions and more revenue opportunities, we're actually quite positive on the shift and are aligning our efforts to it. For instance, a lot of new features built into our browser/mobile search service utilize smartphone sensors (camera, microphone) to enhance the user experience. 0852c4b9a8

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