Any event handlers attached with .on() or one of its shortcut methods are triggered when the corresponding event occurs. They can be fired manually, however, with the .trigger() method. A call to .trigger() executes the handlers in the same order they would be if the event were triggered naturally by the user:

As of jQuery 1.3, .trigger()ed events bubble up the DOM tree; an event handler can stop the bubbling by returning false from the handler or calling the .stopPropagation() method on the event object passed into the event. Although .trigger() simulates an event activation, complete with a synthesized event object, it does not perfectly replicate a naturally-occurring event.

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When we define a custom event type using the .on() method, the second argument to .trigger() can become useful. For example, suppose we have bound a handler for the custom event to our element instead of the built-in click event as we did above:

The event object is always passed as the first parameter to an event handler. An array of arguments can also be passed to the .trigger() call, and these parameters will be passed along to the handler as well following the event object. As of jQuery 1.6.2, single string or numeric argument can be passed without being wrapped in an array.

Note the difference between the extra parameters passed here and the eventData parameter to the .on() method. Both are mechanisms for passing information to an event handler, but the extraParameters argument to .trigger() allows information to be determined at the time the event is triggered, while the eventData argument to .on() requires the information to be already computed at the time the handler is bound.

The .trigger() method can be used on jQuery collections that wrap plain JavaScript objects similar to a pub/sub mechanism; any event handlers bound to the object will be called when the event is triggered.

I have two polygon feature classes, Campus and a Site, that each have an Insert/Update set of triggers that will pass the Campus ID value to the Site feature if they intersect. If a new Site is created or updated (moved) within a Campus, it will get that Campus's ID value. If a Campus is created or updated (moved) to intersect an existing Site feature, the Campus ID will be set on that Site feature.

I have a Delete trigger on the Campus whose intent is to set the Campus ID to Null for all Site's that have that deleted record's Campus ID. While I think the logic for this could be better (it would be great to somehow take the Delete trigger from Campus and then trigger the Site feature to check for intersects again...can you do this?), it seems like it should work. What I am finding is the Arcade Expression has an Edit/Update to the Site feature to change the Campus ID field value to Null and that in turn is triggering the trigger I noted above where the Site get's the intersecting Campus's, Campus ID value and this never gets set to Null. It seems the actual delete of the record is happening after the Edit/Update and the Update trigger that runs on Site, so there is still a valid intersect with the Campus record I am deleting.

My project has attribute rules that are triggered by insert/delete with two polygon classes with different projects. When they intersect one another, there is a project_number attrbute that gets updated in one of the datasets whenever a new polygon is created that intersects the other polygon. I am having trouble with having the project_number value be removed or set to null when the same intersecting polygon is deleted.

Some events have multiple activity types. For these events, you can specify which activity types will trigger a workflow run. For more information about what each activity type means, see "Webhook events and payloads."

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." Although only the completed activity type is supported, specifying the activity type will keep your workflow specific if more activity types are added in the future. By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

The issue_comment event occurs for comments on both issues and pull requests. You can use the github.event.issue.pull_request property in a conditional to take different action depending on whether the triggering object was an issue or pull request.

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. Although only the checks_requested activity type is supported, specifying the activity type will keep your workflow specific if more activity types are added in the future. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. The edited activity type refers to when a project board, not a column or card on the project board, is edited. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, a workflow only runs when a pull_request event's activity type is opened, synchronize, or reopened. To trigger workflows by different activity types, use the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Conversely, workflows with the pull_request_target event will run even if the pull request has a merge conflict. Before using the pull_request_target trigger, you should be aware of the security risks. For more information, see pull_request_target.

With the exception of GITHUB_TOKEN, secrets are not passed to the runner when a workflow is triggered from a forked repository. The GITHUB_TOKEN has read-only permissions in pull requests from forked repositories. For more information, see "Automatic token authentication." ff782bc1db

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