I have a Toshiba Satellite Click Mini L9W. Ancient, slow, but I finally have a use for it after having it in my closet for a while. Now, I did a fresh install of Windows 10 32-bit, but to my large disappointment, the driver site is down. There's the (USA-only) Dynabook site that has loads of drivers, but not for this model, and there's the European site, which onnly supports professional-grade laptops, which my laptop is not.

So I'm kind of lost on the drivers part, and generic drivers are not a solution. Absolutely nothing works without drivers on this device. Touchscreen, sound, keyboard, trackpad, nothing works. I've only managed to install anything by use of an external usb hub and connecting a mouse and keyboard to that.

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I know devices have hardware IDs and you can look those up, but it only gives me shady sites with auto-updaters and 500 fake download buttons. I've tried out a few system drivers which seemed legit and installed properly, but they did not work in the end. They show up in the list of installed programs, but even after a restart, they don't do anything.

I'm using Ubuntu since few month(january 2013) and I'm still a beginner.I want to know if is it possible to install any version of ubuntu on my new toshiba satellite pro L830 15K and if there will be any problem of compatibility.I put a link with the features of that machine.

In reference to this scenario, just to let you know, all the proper drivers for your system are provided by Toshiba directly, they are the ones that customized the drivers and validate them to be installed in your platform while using the proper Operating System version.

Toshiba sold you this laptop. Your warranty, while it existed, came from Toshiba. You do not have -- and, in fact, *never* had -- any warranty from Intel. If there is any legal obligation to make drivers available, it rests solely in the hands of Toshiba. Their product; their responsibility.

While Intel had an obligation to maintain and provide Toshiba with drivers for a certain period of time, Intel has never had any obligation to maintain driver downloads for Toshiba. Their product, their responsibility.

I have used the driver files from the "AHCI HDD drivers ICH8M_32bit" folder of the Matrix Storage Manager and tried to include the driver with this Tutorial (Post 4) from www.windows-unattended.de (in german) but it didn't work.

Hi, anyone else having a problem getting their Toshiba Satellite mouse pad drivers?

A bit of a shlep having to carry an external mouse around, especially if one is on the go most days.

Maybe one of our brighter users could compile one?

Just hoping

Thanks in advance


To download the latest drivers & utilities for your printers and multifunctional systems please enter the model name - e.g. "e-STUDIO5008LP" or "B-EX4T1". Before installing a driver please make sure it can be used with your system by checking the list of models in the Related to section.

I was initially trying to get my PCMCIA cards working on my Toshiba T4850CT running DOS 6.22, and Windows 3.11 for Workgroups. After a few days, I gave up and installed Windows 95B (OSR 2) instead. PCMCIA slots worked right after install. You will still need the actual drivers for other cards, but some PCMCIA cards like the 3COM 589 series NICs have their drivers included in Windows 95. Once I had the network card working, I stopped trying to get the CF card working.

I installed the drivers on my Satellite Pro 410CDT successfully, yet I cannot get my PCMCIA CD-ROM drive to cooperate with it. I disabled the ones that were less relevant to my needs and disabled the ATA driver since that was only meant for the PCMCIA flash storage. Am I missing something here? It's an IO Magic PSCD-740 PCMCIA CD-ROM drive.

Well this has been fun. Basically, there is zero support on the Toshiba USA support site. Fortunately, the Toshiba Europe site has the drivers listed. I picked a model and downloaded them and presto! After completely installing all the drivers and apps needed, I promptly made an image of the PC. The I burned a DVD of the image, XP SP2 slipstreamed .iso file, and the drivers.

I am not very clued up to what drivers I would need to install to get my laptop up and running efficiently as it could be, and what drivers are optional which would be downloaded if I needed to perform a specific task.

I greatly appreciate anyone taking the time to help me with this, I decided to do a fresh install of windows 8 as the laptop came with a lot of pre-installed unwanted software. Installing the essential drivers for my laptop to function efficiently and effectively is the last thing I have to do.

In my experience, I tend to find that many of the drivers are versioned (sometimes by OS, sometimes by feature, bugfix, update etc). You basically need to marry together, the latest driver from your PC/laptop vendor supporting your OS, with any "Unknown Device" or device that displays as having no driver installed in your device manager. Really simple to do!

As @JourneymanGeek mentioned, some drivers may not be required and will consume additional memory, but I believe it's better to install these anyway - sometimes unexpected things start to without them or important/useful features are missing.

Thanks for your reply. To clarify, I'm actually referring not to the laptop outer case, but specifically to the hard drive case... I wish to access the data disk inside that looks like a miniature CD. It's been suggested that before selling, donating, or even recycling your hardware, that you perform this privacy-assuring step. For some reason, none of my torque drivers seem to be the right one- but I'm sure somewhere it's documented; whether it's a T1, 2, 4, or 6? Thanks again, for your reply.

I got dizzy reading your post! Do you even know how to use periods and commas? kidding. You might have got the wrong drivers. So I suggest you read this guide on downloading toshiba drivers. It might help.

Hi all. I got an old Toshiba Satellite 1800-s253 laptop that had been wiped. It didn't come with drivers of course and after installing Windows 98 I am struggling to find the video drivers for the computer. I can see from a manual that it uses Trident Graphics controller for graphics but searching for this doesn't seem to help either. What's weird is that Toshiba's computer website still has drivers for the computer but not the graphics drivers. I was hoping someone might have a bit more information on it or what I should be looking for to get the drivers I need. Thank you for any help.

This appendix presents all of the driver modules and their version information as shipped in the current version of UEK R6 (x86_64). This appendix is generated automatically. Note that driver versions and available drivers may change in subsequent errata releases, but the driver versions will always be the same or later than presented here.

I've been using it for several weeks now and I'm mightily impressed. I really like GNOME 3 and it's so much snappier than Ubuntu 11.04. In my enthusiasm, I decided that I would get a dual-boot with Ubuntu going on my desktop with Fedora to try it there. This is where the qualification of my enthusiasm begins. I got through the installer fine (with a lot of GRUB problems that are specific to my hardware that most won't experience), but then had to install the Nvidia proprietary drivers. Normally I would have been more than happy with the nouveau open source alternative, but on my GeForce 9800 GT the nouveau drivers won't silence the fan, leading to a system that sounds like an aircraft launching. I was unable to get GNOME 3 working, stably, with the proprietary drivers. I installed them, but the screen would refuse to refresh and the entire thing was unusable. I intend to try again following some different instructions, but this really needs to be fixed before I will be able to consider Fedora 15 a viable alternative for my main desktop. 0852c4b9a8

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