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Note: The connection URL for using SSL is of the form: jdbc:mysql://:3306/?verifyServerCertificate=true&useSSL=true&requireSSL=true. However, to use SSL, you must specify truststore files created from the CA certificate, the client certificate, and the client key you obtained when you created an SSL certificate.For more information, see Configuring a SQuirrel SQL connection to use SSL.

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The Object Explorer view lists all the Databases and Users, as shown in Figure 9. The databases listed are information_Schema, mysql, performance_schema and sys with the active database shown in blue as mysql. All the SQL statements run in a worksheet are run on the active database. Setting active database is discussed in a later section.

Already in a trial? If Toad Edge has helped you ramp up on open source RDBMSs fast, buy it now or contact a sales representative.Tags: Development, MySQL, Toad Edge About the Author Deepak VohraAbout the AuthorDeepak Vohra is an Oracle Certified Associate, Oracle Database 10g, and Sun Certified Java Programmer. Deepak has published on OTN and in Oracle Magazine.Start the discussion at

Also, the log file of mysqld should be called host_name.log (where host_name is the hostname of your pc) and will probably be in /var/log and try looking for a mysql subdirectory. if you find the log file, it might help somebody deduce what the error was.

jack [12:33 PM]

@Amir mysql changed the default authentication protocol in MySQL 8, so to connect to memsql with the MySQL 8 connector you will need to set the client configuration default-auth=mysql_native_password in some fashion, or you can use any version older than 8.

The main issue is that you should specify defaultAuth=mysql_native_password instead of default-auth=mysql_native_password. The option=value pairs in the advanced config are Connector/C++ options ( -cpp/1.1/en/connector-cpp-connect-options.html), so the right option name is defaultAuth.

Yeahh at times you are in a webjungle, same database - different backups. A CPanel mysql backup turned out to be different from my local mysql backup and different from a php script backup. Since I used Diogo,s way to compare them I learned that most of the times only the "header" in the sql file is different. Some CPanels, when exporting a database, put extra data in the sql "header" file to mark it where and how the sql file was generated. In my case I could not import a sql file on another hoster because of this extra marked data done by the cpanel of the previous hoster. Simply stripping out this marked data was the solution and I could import the sql file on the other hoster. Since then I learned where to look in the top of a sql file to check if there is any added hoster or cpanel data and strip it out.

If your php script uses the common mysqldump command, there are a gazillion options that can affect the size of the resulting sql file. For example, you can decide if you want to expand names to include full tablename.columnname or not, Or you can simply backup the database structure without data, you can decide if you want to include CREATE_TABLE in the backup or not, etc.

The SQL queries can be created and optimized and then further executed using the visual tools provided by the MySQL toad. Other features that help and make the task of query designing and execution simpler include autocompletion, highlighting of syntax using different colors, provision of execution history of queries, and reuse of snippets of SQL. The connection panel can store and manage various database connections for databases, including MySQL fabric. The object browser enables instant access to the schema and objects of the database.

We are not able to connect rds mysql after upgrading from mysql 5.7 to 8.0.34Receiving below error message.System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationExceptionA call to SSPI failed, see inner exception.Stack Trace:at MySql.Data.Common.Ssl.StartSSL(Stream& baseStream, Encoding encoding, String connectionString)at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()at Quest.Toad.MySQL.MySQLConnection.OpenInitialTestConnection()at Quest.Toad.MySQL.MySQLConnection.DoBeforeConnect()at Quest.Toad.Db.Connection.Connect(Boolean notify)at Quest.Toad.Db.Provider.BackgroundConnector.CreateBackgroundConnection()

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