This presentation will explore the present place of university estates. For decades, assertions have been made about the influence and importance of estates and facilities for universities. Key themes and issues have focused on the physical and financial impacts of university estates as physical, social and reputational capital. Surprisingly, given the financial, social and personal impacts related to university estates, little empirical research and evidence has been offered on the connections between the estate and teaching, learning and research. While the relationship of estates to university operations, management, policy, planning and practice is implied, this presentation makes a case that now as ever, more work is needed to understand how estates influence university life.

The political rights of various minority groups are generally protected, though some groups experience serious societal discrimination that hampers their ability to achieve meaningful representation. Most political parties exhibit open hostility towards the LGBT+ community. The largest governing party, Smer-SD, made anti-LGBT+ rhetoric one of the main themes of its pre-election campaign. Former prime minister Igor Matovi and the leader of KDH have both made derogatory comments about LGBT+ people. Roma are also poorly represented, and there have been reports of vote-buying in Romany settlements for local and regional elections.

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The current approaches in identifying the characteristics of ethical leadership proceed mainly from a Western perspective based on virtue-driven moral philosophy (i.e., relativism) and frequently ignoring the Asian perspective of morality based on idealism. This study aimed to conduct parallel analysis in convergent design by using qualitative and quantitative methods to extract person-driven ethical leadership themes by considering the Asian context. Using the hypothetico-deductive method, 13 themes were extracted altogether, out of which 4 are new context-driven themes (i.e., altruism, encouragement, collective good, and spiritual transcendence as the emerging themes of ethical leadership in the Asian context).

A deductive approach is used to identify and logically classify themes present in existing literature (Hinkin, 1995). It demands a prior understanding of the context in which the particular phenomenon is addressed. This study emphasizes the person-driven antecedents and characteristics of ethical leadership (Hunt, 1991). The themes/constructs were identified that were repetitively occurring in exhaustive systematic literature reviews (Trevio et al., 2000, 2003; Brown and Trevio, 2006; Resick et al., 2011; Eisenbei and Giessner, 2012; Eisenbei and Brodbeck, 2014; Ko et al., 2017; Kimura and Nishikawa, 2018; Magalhes et al., 2019) and consistently prevailing in different scales on ethical leadership were identified (Brown et al., 2005; Weaver et al., 2005; Resick et al., 2006; Riggio et al., 2010; Kalshoven et al., 2011b; Moorman et al., 2012; Yukl et al., 2013; Langlois et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2017; Filho et al., 2019; Zappal and Toscano, 2020).

The open-ended question contains a set of codes. Coding means the process through which the raw data are transformed systematically and combined into themes or units containing the detailed description of the relevant matter characteristics (Holsti, 1969). The respondents, based on their understanding and judgment, give a response to the particular question. The researcher will categorize their response into the relevant theme or code.

In this study, data coding was made by recording and combining the phrases or words similar in meaning into similar themes. In this step, the data were systematically coded into 13 themes that are listed as follows:

The assurance of the semantic validity is more required than the face validity, which is based on checking similarities among words and phrases with themes but extended toward making the justifiable inferences relied upon the collection of reliable and valid data (Cavanagh, 1997).

In this study, semantic validity was performed (Table 3) by carefully checking that words or phrases categorized in themes defining ethical leadership properly and making tallies that how many times the similar responses by corporate and academia occurred in the particular theme defining the ethical leadership.

For data triangulation and analysis, the convergent mixed method design was applied in this study to merge or converge the themes/dimensions extracted from deductive and inductive approaches. In this design, the two databases (quantitative and qualitative) are separately analyzed and then merged. For merging the two databases, several ways are identified by Creswell (2014).

This study follows the side-by-side comparison approach. In this approach, the researcher presented the comparison within the discussion by first explaining one set of the findings; in this study, themes/dimensions were first extracted using the deductive method, followed by the themes/dimension extracted using the inductive method. The final procedure was to merge and to integrate these two forms of data into the graphic form or the table form, which is also known as the joint display of the data, and this can be displayed into many different forms (Creswell et al., 2011; Creswell, 2014). Using mixed-method design in this study was to identify the characteristics-driven themes/dimensions to develop the context-based ethical leadership questionnaire. So, based on convergence, 13 dimensions/themes were identified in which 9 themes (agreeable, conscientious, fairness, honesty and integrity, accountability, people-centric, internal locus of control, role modeling, and ethical critique) were supported by both deductive and inductive methods.

In contrast, four additional context-based themes (i.e., altruism, collective good, encouragement, and spiritual transcendence) emerged from the inductive method. However, among these new themes, Resick et al. (2006) previously identified three themes/dimensions (i.e., altruism, collective good, and encouragement) of ethical leadership were also identified. However, they were not recommended and used further by any other researcher. In contrast, the spiritual or transcendence-based dimension is the new context-relevant dimension that emerged from the inductive method.

Table 4 shows all deduction-based nine dimensions with the inclusion of four new dimensions were merged into the table, where the themes array in the horizontal axis and the categorical variables (i.e., quantitative and qualitative) on the vertical axis (Creswell, 2014) were considered to be a valuable addition to this study to define the context-based characteristics of an ethical leader.

This study follows the parallel comparison approach by first extracting the themes of personal-driven ethical leadership characteristics through the deductive method followed by the inductive technique. Furthermore, the final procedure was based on integrating and merging the two sets of data (deductive and inductive) in a joint display. The purpose of using mixed-method design specifically in this study was to explore the eastern context-based characteristics/themes of the personality-driven, ethical leadership domain through the convergence of 13 themes. Among them, nine themes were based on both inductive and deductive techniques, whereas this study identified four additional context-driven themes through the inductive method (i.e., altruism, encouragement, collective good, and spiritual transcendence) in the domain of ethical leadership from the eastern perspective. However, Resick et al. (2006) identified the prevalence of three themes in Eastern societies having collectivist cultures, namely, altruism, collective good, and encouragement, and explained that the ethical leaders are perceived as fatherly figures and tend to exhibit their focus on collective good, acknowledge individual contributions, and sincere in providing support and feedback to their employees, but these themes remain underexplored and were not represented in the scales. In addition, the theme of spiritual transcendence also emerged from the inductive method, and Eisenbei and Giessner (2012) highlighted in their study that the ethical leadership of Eastern cultures projects religious/spiritual orientation due to their ethical positioning based on the absolutism paradigm; still, this theme remains untapped and underresearched as the characteristics of ethical leadership. So, this study identified these four themes as the study gap in the existing ethical leadership scales. These findings will be considered a valuable addition in the investigation of context-based ethical leadership characteristics.

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