Hey people, I've seen countless tutorials on how to host a Minecraft server and everytime I tried and followed them, it didn't actually work and quickly made me drop my interest in the game, I've always wanted to re-experience Old Minecraft with friends but couldn't manage to do so, which is why I'm making this post to help you all to correctly set up your personal server and enjoy it with friends !

- Choose the version you wanna play in, the old server jars can't be downloaded via Mojang's servers now, thanks to Simply Development, all archived versions of Minecraft got their repsective server jars with it (From Alpha 1.0.17 to Release 1.9). Download them here

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- Open the .jar (as Administrator if possible), it should create the necessary files for the server to run, type "stop" when the newly opened window when it tells you "Done ! For help, type "help" or "?"" (In case you have OpenJDK installed, this is mostly the case if you installed a Minecraft Client such as Lunar, make sure to open it with Java SE)

- Create a .bat file, name it whatever, this will be the file you start the server from (since starting it from the .jar is not recommended). Type the following in the file then save it:

For your knowledge, java tells your computer to open something with Java ; -Xmx2G -Xms2G are the arguments to start the program with 2 gigabytes of memory allocated, you are essentially allocating 2G to the server (no need to add more since older versions of MC run on like 2Mb anyways)

- Next up you will need to install rAdmin, a third party program similar to Hamachi that will be essential for the others to log on the server. This is the part where I need to give you an important warning : to let others connect on the server, they will have to know your external IP adress, which means you need to be cautious with who you are going to give your IP to, make sure these people are trustworthy.

- Great job! You are now hosting your own private network, you now have your PCs name and an IP adress below it, in your server folder, open server.properties. (this is not a working link, reddit just identifies it as one and i cant seem to make it not do that my bad). You can now customize your server here!

view-distance Defaulted to 10, this is the max distance from your perspective that the server will load for you, I recommend leaving it to 10 as sometimes making it higher will mess with the memory allocations. Feel free to make it lower if you need to do so

online-mode This is VERY IMPORTANT, while this might be counter-intuitive, set it to false. Why? You may ask. This is the same thing why your skin is probably not working in these versions (if you don't have BetaCraft or any third-party skin server). Basically the old Minecraft authentification system isn't working the way it does now, which means Minecraft can't tell the difference between cracked accounts and premium ones. So setting it to false will make it so that any account (premium or not) will be able to join.

server-ip VERY IMPORTANT ASWELL, leave it blank OR put the IP adress rAdmin shows you below your PCs name. For odd reasons in case it happens, if the shown IP looks something like 192.168.1.XXX then is it NOT the IP you should put in, this is your local IP adress, not your external one. If that happens please leave a reply on the post, I'll probably see it and try to help you.

server-port Is up to you but I highly suggest you leave it on 25565, as setting it between 0 and 1000 may lead to some issues since these ports are probably used for other programs on your PC, and not higher than 65535 since it's the TCP port limit. Trust me just leave it like that it works.

- Port > TCP, Specific local ports > set it to the server port you had in server.properties > Allow connection > Enable all > Name it however (I personally name them Minecraft Server followed by the version) > Done

There are a bunch of other files in the server folder and I think it is pretty obvious as to what they serve for, for most of them when listing IPs or player names, make sure you put one of them each line, no commas or any divider of any sorts. whitelist.txt works only if you have the white-list setting set to true.

I launched the server updater and it updates to latest version but does not pull the map as part of the update. I also ran updater as part of the command line even specific for sinai terrain and no luck.

Edit: I see that i am actually currently on 2.4. version and not 2.8. Please check your game version before posting about not being able to download the Sinai map! Also keep in mind the OPEN BETA version of the game is a "separate" game, so you have to open the open beta version of the game to play the Sinai map (Currently)

We've identified an issue causing the copy tool to read old data from the servers when building your character list. We're planning to fix the underlying issue with the next maintenance on Tuesday, and until then you will be unable to copy new characters to the test servers. Apologies for the inconvenience here, and thank you for your patience.

Just wondering whether @james-carroll's global storage limit suggestion may make things easier to manage. "A basic account comes with xMB of server storage. Please note that if E2EE is activated your data may take up almost twice as much space as when unencrypted and so you will reach your limit much quicker." Then the client needs to be able to tell the user "Server storage capacity reached".

Do you have a line number for the error message? (in the server log ideally, but maybe it's also in app log). This error is a bug so not related to the storage limit, which should display a proper error message.

It's indeed a server error but there's not much info in the app log unfortunately. On the server, to get the log you could run docker-compose logs, which hopefully should have a full stack trace for the error. Any chance you could try that?

Since we now have a new testlive client in steam I have to wonder has this changed how we setup a testlive server? Is the -beta testlive in command-line still valid? I cannot get a testlive server to run and be seen. I have no issues running normal conan instances. Any help greatly appreciated.

Question for the unknowledgeable here.... If I elect to update to a current beta version (to fix current podcast and library issue) can I then later update to a regular stable release once it is out without any issues?

I'm in the process of knowledge very well the environment and settings with the server side and the Android TV APP with my nVidia Shield to tune my setup. Is a process and with the beta the precess never stops

I tried installing the current release version ( of Emby on another PC and Infuse does connect successfully with that. Downgrading my main Emby server back to official is going to be painful (if not impossible).

With the point of betas being to spot issues before they go live to less adventurous users, hopefully you guys can report the issue (to Emby developers) so it gets fixed before the release goes official?

I had changed the Allow this user to manage the server setting in Emby to remove admin from my user, but it appears that Infuse needs admin access (perhaps so it can trigger the install of the Infuse Sync plugin).

It has been like that that since they started the beta tests. I too find this very confusing and IIRC has not been addressed by any Dev so far (if it is a bug, something not yet implemented or whatever).

While we havent really gotten it confirmed, I still believe there are things that are so hardcoded they cant easily change it for a beta that is essentially just slapped on top of normal WvW. It needs a full patch, not just an activation/deactivation.

Meaning, if they "fix" this little bug they break normal WvW next week.

During world restructuring beta the new worlds/teams are borrowing the for now regular servers stats and API assigning population to the different ones. In EU, for example, if you are on Seven Pines you are currently assigned to Blacktide and if you are on Phoenix Dawn you're currently assigned to Ring of Fire. Your account, however, have not actually transferred, it's still on your "home" server, which might be, for example, Far Shiverpeaks - which happens to currently lending itself to Griffonfall.

If you see people you know are on the same maps right now at current time showing up as being on differently named maps on guild or friends list chances are that those people are not usually on the same server and will not be after the beta is over.

Last beta the map names people were showing on friend and guild lists when going from BBL to GBL to RBL was what whatever world/team was borrowing the stats/API from what would have been BBL/GBL/RBL for the match that week if there was no beta. So technically if someone with an account on Blacktide and another with an account on Far Shiperpeaks were currently together on Phoenix Dawn and jumping from BBL to GBL to RBL they would show up with differently named maps on the list and even in the match up UNLESS they were supposed to fight each other in a match up that week or are assigned to a world/team currently borrowing from server that would have been in the same match up that week - in this case Ring of Fire.

I haven't checked for this beta, but unless they have a new mass transfer back and forth implemented into this beta or are testing a new feature, I am guessing this will be true for this one as well. 0852c4b9a8

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