I am working on a large assembly file and I have to tweak components to show where all the tubes and other components are linked. If I select a group of components to explode(tweak), then can I add components to the same tweak it in later stages (Like suppose I missed some nuts and bolts which should go with the components I have already tweaked)?

The tweak automatically adds that component to the tweak at the same direction and distance as other components in the tweak. This action will alter the positioning in existing tweaks that come after that contain the same component. If you only hid trails in the tweak before - did not choose the option of no trails - you will get a trail with the added component.

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Personally I do not tweak too much. I have my big handful of goto profiles which worked well quite from the beginning. Tweaking starts with some more specific needs, e.g. less gain, a bit more body. I very often use the Definition control. Clarity and Pick here and there. As stated in another thread I always put an EQ in the X slot with high and low cut.

And remember if you do tweaking (or sometimes audtioning) of profiles then please do this at rehearsal volume or at least loud enough. Bedroom playing / low volumes can create some false impression of profiles due to a loudness effect sometimes (Google: Fletcher/Munson if you like for further explanation).

Agreed. I tweak little if at all. Definition and EQ primarily. If a profile is so so, perhaps changing the cab helps. If it is horrible I waste no time; I just look for another profile that suits me. And I try to test profiles thru headhones, monitors and a cab.

I massively tweak them. Like, a lot. I look for potential from a profile NOT necessarily one that is ready to go, because I haven't found that yet. I've been playing tube amps, well, my first amp was a tube amp at about 12 years old so, 40 years. So I think I'm pretty good at getting a proper tone. I thought I was gonna throw up the first week I got the Kemper because I thought everything I heard was crap but after getting to know it, I don't think it can be beat. Just remember It's the sound of an amp Mic'ed up not "in the room." good luck.

Great point and that's something some missunderstand when they buy a kemper at first . And it's a matter of how it sounds in a band/mix content that matters first and most. And that profiles that sound great in solo usually don't work together in a band/mix. Solo I love darker tones but they never work in a mix. Too muddy. Tweaking? I usually never tweak at all. At the most a very few steps on treble and presence at the most.

Coming form the Fractal Axe-Fx where I used t tweak a lot....like a lot, I was surprised how little I needed/wanted or have to tweak since I've go the Stage. Not better or worse just a different way of doing things.

Anyway, I've found a profile that I liked and the only thing I did was to lower the Bass a little the Amp. I always look for a profile that is 'right' for me. I f yo need to tweak a lot it's better to move to the next one.

For me personally, I've gotten the best results by tweaking profiles. If I were you, I'd try tweaking the Definition, then Presence and Treble, then Mids and Bass. I'll occasionally tweak some other parameters but those are the main parameters I'll always need to tweak. And if tweaking those parameters didn't work out, try swapping the cab to a different cab section. Try saving a few cabs as presets, from a few profiles you really like the overall sound of. And then try swapping the cab section and see what happens

One important thing I would suggest is to only tweak profiles that are at least close to the tone you're after, or profiles that you really like something specific about (gain structure, response, feel, etc). I've wasted a lot of time trying to dial in a profile I thought was only okay, just seeing if I could get the tone I wanted out of it. And most of the time I can but, it'll take more tweaking than was worth it. Most of the time I'll get the best tones when the profile doesn't need so much tweaking. Sometimes I won't even need to tweak it and just changing the cab section makes all the difference.

So the people in the forum saying to not spend too much time tweaking a profile and to not waste time on profiles you aren't vibing with, definitely have a solid point and it's very valuable advice It'll save you TONS of time lol!

I don't leave profiles alone completely but I also don't start out tweaking much. If I have to do much beyond the definition control and mild eq I start to feel like I'm chasing my tail. My thought is "I'm not stuck with 2 or 3 sounds from the amp I have, so don't limit your thinking. Why twist a bunch of knobs? Find another amp."

I'm a tweaker, always have been. So I find a profile that's pretty close to what I'm after, then I adjust EQ a little to taste, play with definition a little, and, if it's a lead sound I'm after I almost always add some tasty delay, increase rig volume, and add a morphed pure booster just in case I need more when I hit the stage. Lead sounds almost always benefit from that, especially if you're looking for "live" rigs, which is mostly what I do.

I'm using Inventor Professional 2017 with a 1200+ item assembly created in 2012. Previously in presentation files, I could edit the direction of a tweak. Respective of X, Y, or Z axis. I cannot find this option in the "Edit Tweak command. It would be much more time efficient if I could change direction instead of deleting the tweak and starting over. I've attached a snip of the screen. The tweak paths I set the parallel lines to with the pen function in the snipping tool are referencing the tweak in question (upper right). The funny colored parts are the ones being tweaked. I drew in by hand where the Cartesian coordinate should be. However, the only option it seems is to adjust the length of this tweak-not direction. Is there a menu or dialogue box I'm missing?

You will not find an option to change the direction of a tweak. Once you have defined the direction of the tweak, any changes can only be to the magnitude of the tweak amount whether distance or rotation. You will have to delete the tweak and then select the correct direction. You can change your mind while you are creating the tweak by dragging the component back to the original position and selecting a new axis. This is only true if you have not stopped the left click drag motion.

I have also found this to be a problem. I've also found that after creating a tweak that moves in 2 or 3 axis (select the center sphere for direction) I cannot edit anything but the magnitude and the odd ball direction is fixed. This should be changed. If a user enters x,y,z to create something, the user should be able to edit x, y and z to change it. Seems to me like a fairly basic rule of thumb for user interfaces was violated.

So how do I actually tweak the operation ? I saw we have shift, ctrl, and alt available when using the tool why we are not taking advantage of those free keys and use them to tweak the operation or to start a new operation instead. ?

If you want to hear my opinion what works the best is: left-click-drag to start the operation and tweak the operation after, Shift+ left-click-drag to start a new operation, right-click to end the operation.

FYI - of course polygons snap to the surface. This is how you do manual retopology.

You slide them around on top of the background object to tweak, refine and relax the distribution. This goes hand in hand and is not specific to a retopology workflow, either.

These small tweaks are separated as extras because they are not based on restorations or anything other than some thoughts of mine, or are probably insignificant to majority of players and made mostly for extra nit-picky crazies like myself. 0852c4b9a8

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