i know it is not illigal to put linux on a windows machine. The cables i use for my apple products dont work anymore after update, how to patch this? Is there a jailbreak workaround it or some sort of patch. It is very annoying, because only my old iphones are still working with my cables....

Not likely, at least in the United States. The purpose of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was meant to prevent the illegal copying of copyrighted materials, such as piracy of video content. There have been some claims that jailbreaking may be a DMCA violation.

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No it is not illegal to jailbreak an iPhone or iPad. It never has been. Apple does not support jailbroken devices, as is their right. And a jailbroken device is open to a whole lot more potential malware, outright spyware and malicious code than an Apple default iOS or iPadOS install is.

You are removing all of the built in security when you jailbreak your iPhone so be sure to acquire some security apps from various sites and keep them up to date. If you are on 15.4.1 I don't believe any jailbreaks are currently available and I'm not sure that even when they are they will fix your problem with 3rd party non-MFi cables. Seems like it would just be easier to recycle the cables that don't work and acquire some that are MFi certified.

Since the term first appeared, jailbreaking has also been used to refer to adapting the code on other devices, from phones to games consoles. People sometimes use it to refer to installing custom software on mobiles or removing Digital Rights Management (DRM) restrictions on movies. However, the term usually refers to Apple products. Aside from the iPhone, jailbreaking can also refer to the iPad and iPod Touch.

Jailbreaking does not change the device's core features, and a jailbroken iPhone or iPad can still purchase and download apps from Apple's App Store. However, to download apps that Apple rejected or leverage the additional features jailbreaking provides, jailbroken devices rely on independent app stores. The most popular of these is Cydia, a storefront for jailbroken iOS devices, which is usually installed during the jailbreaking process.

Jailbreak code is usually provided for free through forums and sites by hacking communities who want to promote unrestricted device use. Most jailbreaks come with full instructions and desktop tools to apply the new code, but some technical knowledge is usually helpful.

Strictly speaking, jailbreaking is not illegal, but laws vary worldwide, continue to evolve, and are often a grey area when it comes to this topic. While it is legal to jailbreak or root a phone (if you are doing it to install legally acquired apps) that is not the case if you are doing it to install illegally acquired apps.

In the US, jailbreaking falls under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which covers digital copyright issues. Section 1201 of the law makes it illegal to circumvent digital locks that protect access to copyrighted works, which can include software. Congress reviews the law every few years and has gradually expanded the list of exempt items. Jailbreaking phones became legal in 2010, followed by smartwatches and tablets in 2015. Since then, more devices have been added to the exemption list, and it continues to evolve as it is reviewed.

While Apple does not support jailbreaking, the company has generally not legally threatened jailbreakers. In fact, Apple has even been known to thank jailbreak communities for detecting security holes.

Regardless of the law, jailbreaking your phone voids the warranty, so if something goes wrong with your device, you have nothing to fall back on. It also leaves you exposed to a range of security issues, which we discuss below.

This is why Apple warns against jailbreaking your iPhone or any other iOS device. While it is rare for iPhones to get viruses when they do, it is often because the phone has been jailbroken. If something goes wrong with the phone, it is up to you to fix it, because the act of jailbreaking voids your warranty.

Apple aims to provide users with a unified look and feel. For users who find that restrictive and want to customize their phone by adding their own icons, wallpapers, and menus, jailbreaking is the way to do that. You become the administrator of your device with all the relevant rights, rather than Apple or anyone else. For example, you can add extra icons to your iPhone home screen or install your own screensavers. Jailbreaking also gives greater access to the file system and even unlocks communication from another device, which means you can connect your iPad to your PC and have greater control over what you can see and do.

Some users believe jailbreaking gives them access to better anti-theft features. For example, the iPhone has a Find My iPhone feature, but this does not work when the phone is on airplane mode, turned off, or offline. There are jailbreak apps that claim to work better than Find My iPhone, such as iCaughtU. When a thief enters the wrong passcode, the front-facing camera takes a photo of the perpetrator and emails it to the owner.

Apple states that unauthorized modification of iOS is a violation of the iOS end-user software license agreement. Because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software. So, if your device is damaged or malfunctions after jailbreaking, Apple can refuse any service repairs you request.

The motivation for jailbreaking a phone is often to access more content, but this can sometimes be counterproductive as the user can lose access to other services in the process, such as iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, Apple Pay, Weather, and Stocks. Third-party apps that use the Apple Push Notification Service have had difficulty receiving notifications or received notifications that were intended for a different hacked device. Other push-based services such as iCloud and Exchange have experienced problems synchronizing data with their respective servers. There have been reports of third-party providers blocking jailbroken devices.

A notorious jailbreak hacking incident occurred when hackers gained access to iCloud login information of 225,000 individuals who attempted jailbreak. The hack was facilitated by security vulnerabilities created by jailbreaking, which helped hackers infiltrate users' devices.

Data from banking apps, stored passwords, and data from social media accounts could be at risk if this information becomes accessible from a jailbroken iPhone. As mentioned above, this risk became apparent when an iOS jailbreak malware called KeyRaider stole 225,000 Apple IDs and thousands of certificates, private keys, and purchasing receipts. Ultimately, victims reported their stolen accounts showed abnormal app purchasing history, and in other instances, phones were locked and held for ransom.

Before you start, make sure you perform a full backup of your iPhone or iPad. This is because the process of removing the jailbreak will completely wipe your device and restore it to stock configuration. So you will need to back up any files you want to keep beforehand. The best practice is to save your backup file on 2 locations (locally and on the cloud).

iOS jailbreaking is the use of a privilege escalation exploit to remove software restrictions imposed by Apple on devices running iOS and iOS-based[a] operating systems. It is typically done through a series of kernel patches. A jailbroken device typically permits root access within the operating system and provides the right to install software unavailable through the App Store. Different devices and versions are exploited with a variety of tools. Apple views jailbreaking as a violation of the end-user license agreement and strongly cautions device owners not to try to achieve root access through the exploitation of vulnerabilities.[1]

While sometimes compared to rooting an Android device, jailbreaking bypasses several types of Apple prohibitions for the end-user. Since it includes modifying the operating system (enforced by a "locked bootloader"), installing non-officially approved (not available on the App Store) applications via sideloading, and granting the user elevated administration-level privileges (rooting), the concepts of iOS jailbreaking are therefore technically different from Android device rooting.

Expanding the feature set that Apple and its App Store have restricted is one of the motivations for jailbreaking.[2] Apple checks apps for compliance with its iOS Developer Program License Agreement[3] before accepting them for distribution in the App Store. However, the reasons for Apple to ban apps are not limited to safety and security and may be regarded as arbitrary and capricious.[4] In one case, Apple mistakenly banned an app by a Pulitzer-Winning cartoonist because it violated its developer license agreement, which specifically bans apps that "contain content that ridicules public figures."[5] To access banned apps,[6] users rely on jailbreaking to circumvent Apple's censorship of content and features. Jailbreaking permits the downloading of programs not approved by Apple,[7] such as user interface customization and tweaks.

Software programs that are available through APT or Installer.app (legacy) are not required to adhere to App Store guidelines. Most of them are not typical self-contained apps, but instead are extensions and customizations for iOS or other apps (commonly called tweaks).[8] Users can install these programs for purposes including personalization and customization of the interface using tweaks developed by developers and designers,[8] adding desired features such as access to the root file system and fixing annoyances,[9] and making development work on the device easier by providing access to the file system and command-line tools.[10][11] Many Chinese iOS device owners also jailbreak their phones to install third-party Chinese character input systems because they are easier to use than Apple's.[12] 0852c4b9a8

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