The shape property is usually used to get the current shape of an array,but may also be used to reshape the array in-place by assigning a tuple ofarray dimensions to it. As with numpy.reshape, one of the new shapedimensions can be -1, in which case its value is inferred from the size ofthe array and the remaining dimensions. Reshaping an array in-place willfail if a copy is required.

Shape Builder Tool can help you quickly complete the shape creation work. Shape creation mainly supports two modes, ADD mode (+ icon) and SUB mode (- icon)The Replace Selection button will use the shape created by the Shape Builder Tool to replace...

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I'm trying to change the patch type of legend elements that represent polygon features in an ArcGIS Pro (2.8) project. However, using the patch shape selector has not effect. Searching up about this functionality shows that back in 2016 and 2017 there wasn't any functionality for this. Is this still the case?

Thanks, Dan! The little highlighted dropdown arrow in your image was the giveaway that I needed. I am not sure whether using the shape selector in the 'properties' > 'layers' options of legend items is supposed to do anything, but I'm glad that at least this way works.

SHAPE selects new members through a competitive application and interview process during fall quarter. New members are required to complete a non-credit SHAPE training class during winter quarter. Email if you are interested in learning more about joining the group.

The WHO defines the Social Determinants of Health as "conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources at global, national and local levels. The social determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities - the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries". This CDC infographic highlights how root factors such as income, education, safe neighborhoods and housing impact an individual's health.

Draws shapes to the display window. Shapes must be in the sketch's "data" directory to load correctly. Select "Add file..." from the "Sketch" menu to add the shape. Processing currently works with SVG, OBJ, and custom-created shapes. The shape parameter specifies the shape to display and the coordinate parameters define the location of the shape from its upper-left corner. The shape is displayed at its original size unless the c and d parameters specify a different size. The shapeMode() function can be used to change the way these parameters are interpreted.

The scale at which the cache will be created. For example, if you cache a vector shape using myShape.cache(0,0,100,100,2) then the resulting cacheCanvas will be 200x200 px. This lets you scale and rotate cached elements with greater fidelity. Default is 1.

A Shape instance that defines a vector mask (clipping path) for this display object. The shape's transformationwill be applied relative to the display object's parent coordinates (as if it were a child of the parent).

For example, myContainer contains two overlapping children: shapeA and shapeB. The user moves their mouse overshapeA, then directly on to shapeB, then off both. With a listener for Mouseout:eventon myContainer, two events would be received, each targeting a child element:

 when the mouse leaves shapeA (target=shapeA) when the mouse leaves shapeB (target=shapeB)However, with a listener for "rollout" instead, only a single event is received when the mouse leavesthe aggregate myContainer content (target=myContainer).

For example, myContainer contains two overlapping children: shapeA and shapeB. The user moves their mouse overshapeA and then directly on to shapeB. With a listener for Mouseover:event onmyContainer, two events would be received, each targeting a child element:

 when the mouse enters shapeA (target=shapeA) when the mouse enters shapeB (target=shapeB)However, with a listener for "rollover" instead, only a single event is received when the mouse first entersthe aggregate myContainer content (target=myContainer).

I find bread shaped as a boule typically has a more rustic feel, with the intention that it's to be cut in half or into quarters, then further sliced; or simply left whole and placed on the dinner table. Tearing by hand is acceptable, encouraged: a bread for sharing.

A boule can also lend itself to decorative scoring techniques as the spacious surface is the perfect canvas to get creative and more intricate. It's a versatile way to shape, and the bread can ultimately be taken in the desired direction of the baker.

Each of the methods below starts with a pre-shaped and rested round of dough. Sufficient bench rest is important: it should be long enough to allow the dough to relax after pre-shaping. The tighter the pre-shape the longer the bench rest, but typically 20 to 30 minutes is sufficient. If the dough isn't relaxed adequately it will resist stretching and folding, and may even tear.

This straightforward approach is always my first choice when shaping a boule. The essence of this technique is to fold the pre-shaped round to resemble an envelope. Then, you'll flip the envelope over and use two hands to drag the dough and create tension as the dough slightly sticks to the bench.

Lightly flour the bench and flip over the pre-shaped round of dough. As shown top-left, above, fold the bottom of the circle up to the middle. Then, fold the left side up and over about two-thirds toward the right, the right side up and over two-thirds toward the left. Finally, fold the top down to about the middle.

This method is similar to the one outlined by Jeffrey Hamelman in his book Bread. It relies on gentle folds of the pre-shaped dough, finishing with two hands pushing the dough around in a circle to impart tension and structure. The key element when pushing the dough around is to use the area on the outside of each hand, between the tip of the pinky and base of the palm, to push the dough lightly against the bench to create tension.

Lightly dust the bench with flour and flip the pre-shaped round onto the flour. Grab the bottom of the dough with two hands and fold it up in half. Then, using both hands with thumbs pointing up, pick up the dough at one side and gently fold it over, about in half, with the seam of the dough facing away from you. As you fold it over also gently pull the dough toward you, tightening the outside skin.

Lightly flour the bench and flip the rested and pre-shaped round onto the flour. Grab one side with the left hand and gather it up to the center (top left, above). Grab the opposite side with the right hand and fold it up and over to the center. Continue these motions with the other two sides until the dough is gathered up into a nice package. If the dough needs more strength continue to grab the newly formed corners and gather them into the middle. If the dough feels strong enough, stop after the first four.

Shape objects have a StrokeDashArray property, of type DoubleCollection. This property represents a collection of double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that are used to outline a shape. A DoubleCollection is an ObservableCollection of double values. Each double in the collection specifies the length of a dash or gap. The first item in the collection, which is located at index 0, specifies the length of a dash. The second item in the collection, which is located at index 1, specifies the length of a gap. Therefore, objects with an even index value specify dashes, while objects with an odd index value specify gaps.

Dashed shapes can be drawn by setting both the StrokeDashArray and StrokeDashOffset properties. The StrokeDashArray property should be set to one or more double values, with each pair delimited by a single comma and/or one or more spaces. For example, "0.5 1.0" and "0.5,1.0" are both valid.

Shape objects have a StrokeLineJoin property, of type PenLineJoin, that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of the shape. The PenLineJoin enumeration defines the following members:

I have been trying to import a shape map (tree location map) into sketchup using the shapefile extension. But everytime I click continue nothing come up. Does the shape file automatically geolocate it self? I have attached link to the shape file. Also, can I merge the data on to terrain (on a hill), so I will know where the trees are on a slope.

UConn S.H.A.P.E. is a peer education group that strives to promote accepting attitudes towards all body shapes and sizes while helping to encourage self-esteem and positive body image. It also fosters awareness about disordered eating and eating disorders, the warning signs, and the resources available for support on campus. Through presentations, events, and discussions, S.H.A.P.E. peer educators provide knowledge and aid to the entire UConn community.

The shape data type facilitates the indexing of and searchingwith arbitrary x, y cartesian shapes such as rectangles and polygons. It can beused to index and query geometries whose coordinates fall in a 2-dimensional planarcoordinate system.

Optionally define how to interpret vertex order forpolygons / multipolygons. This parameter defines one of two coordinatesystem rules (Right-hand or Left-hand) each of which can be specified in threedifferent ways. 1. Right-hand rule: right, ccw, counterclockwise,2. Left-hand rule: left, cw, clockwise. The default orientation(counterclockwise) complies with the OGC standard which definesouter ring vertices in counterclockwise order with inner ring(s) vertices (holes)in clockwise order. Setting this parameter in the geo_shape mapping explicitlysets vertex order for the coordinate list of a geo_shape field but can beoverridden in each individual GeoJSON or WKT document.

Like geo_shape, the shape field type is indexed by decomposing geometries intoa triangular mesh and indexing each triangle as a 7 dimension point in a BKD tree.The coordinates provided to the indexer are single precision floating point values sothe field guarantees the same accuracy provided by the java virtual machine (typically1E-38). For polygons/multi-polygons the performance of the tessellator primarilydepends on the number of vertices that define the geometry. 2351a5e196

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