I'm still fighting with antenna, tried to put a simple jack 3.5mm cable as antenna, but did not hear anything. It should have internal volume control. I can enable line-in in radio app for this card, but then there only noise from line in. But I was lucky enough to source the same MediaForte FM tuner on a single ISA card (might be good for 386 computer). It will have proper Media Forte driver, so it will get recognized by official RadioAKTIV app and I can try that next week. Compare the results.

I'm just looking for a simple solution here, I'm not some expert with HAM stuff at all. I have a couple of Baofengs for emergencies. Long story short, I am often on PCs/laptops and I don't want to spend a fortune on HAM radio set ups that I could emulate with a computer, if possible.

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The idea that I am envisioning here is being able to plug in a simple antenna via USB (or whatever) to a computer and use an app to basically emulate using a real radio for local coms. I'm mostly just interested in being able to easily scan UHF/HF frequencies for activity so I can get a feel for what is going on locally. I'm not so much interested in communicating this way but would like the possibility if necessary (via a typical PC headset I guess). So basically this is more of a scanner set up, but with a PC interface. Is this something easily doable?

Introducing the Tuner Genius XL. The first SO2R Tuner in the amateur market. Also, soon to be available in a 13 version. The Tuner Genius XL is a full frequency coverage tuner from 1.8 MHz to 54 MHz with the ability to tune up to 10:1 SWR.

First, check that your Virtual, Parallels Windows network is working. Open a windows web browser, and make sure it is, or not, connecting to the internet. This will tell you if your Network is, or not connecting to your LAN.

The radio is not a DHCP server, you will not get an IP address from the radio, you need it to go through a router. I don't know your setup as you may already have a router but I'll go through a quick typical setup, accept my apologies if I've over simplified this. I use a wifi router, they typically have 4 LAN ports on the back, this is where you would connect your 6600M, TGXL, other devices like the PGXL or AG, and the computer so to download and install the utilities. The internet is connected to the WAN of the router. The routers usually come with DHCP enables so to give out IP addresses to devices that are plugged into the LAN. the radio comes setup with DHCP as default, so assuming you didn't change anything, it should be simple plug and play. Be sure the router is on first, then turn on your 6600M it will pull an IP address from the router, then turn on your TGXL, it will also pull an IP address from the router which you should see at the bottom left of the TGXL display.

Just to let anyone interested know, I have installed Windows 10 Pro using BootCamp onto my Apple iMac Pro, and have easily got the 6600M to work top-notch on Windows 10. Using BootCamp Windows, my TGXL STILL does not get recognised by the utility. So I have raised a support ticket with Flex, as it does not make any sense to me why the radio works just fine, but the tuner is not being recognised.

Anyway, as a final remark, which really does not warrant a reply, I must say that I am very disappointed that the TGXL does not work in conjunction with the 6600M and SSDR for Mac. I do not like the windows SSDR as I find it very clunky in comparison to the slick performance of the SSDR for Mac. Beggars cannot be choosers, as they say. I am actually wondering if the upcoming firmware and Utility that the helpdesk mentioned might actually allow the proper mating of the three items, especially for us poverty-struck-I-can-only-afford-a-Mac customers!!

Specifies the tuner mode that the caller is requesting capability information about. It can be one of the following tuner modes from the KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES enumeration that is defined in ksmedia.h:

Here are some radios supported by VCRadio. Note that some older radio models are no longer being marketed by the manufacturer, but occasionally may still be found for sale on the Internet by doing a Web search.

Trademark names are the property of their respective vendors. Sagebrush Systems has no affiliation with any of these manufacturers, and all questions about the operation of VCRadio with a particular radio should be directed to

Some radios listed do not have Vista drivers, so Windows version tested with VCRadio will appear as XP (or earlier).

Would you like us to add a radio? Computer radios,unlike some other devices, do not have standardized device drivers under Windows. Therefore we have to write program code for each radio individually.In most cases, the radio manufacturer does not make information available to third-party developers like us on how to control their radio hardware. However,we now make this offer to you:

Send us a radio device that we do not currently support, for us to keep, and we will support it in VCRadio within two months, or we will return the radio hardware. (Contact us by e-mail first, for approval and shipping address and complete terms.) We will also send you one VCRadio registration upon completion of the support work.

FM Radio Player is an alternative to the built-in FM radio tuner.Supports the same country regions that comes with the built-in FM radio tuner.However, this setting is independent from the setting in the built-in app.If you want a simple and effective app to play the FM radio, this is the app for you.Features: - Bookmark radio stations;- Set a title to each bookmark;- Tune a frequency manually or automatically;- Backup the program in OneDrive;- Information sharing (using a shared OneDrive account). There is no limit to bookmarks you can add. The automatic tuner is slow (about 1 second for each frequency step) due to the FM Radio API design that requires a delay of 1 second between calls to the API.On the OneDrive account there should be a folder named 'FM Radio Player' where the program information is stored. The program currently supports the languages English (United States) and Portuguese (Portugal).

Remember you need a Amateur radio licence if you are going to be transmitting. If you are just wanting to try out receiving then you can get a usb tv tuner (for less than $20 on amazon) and use some software like SDR#Sharp

Now you need some software. There is lots of ham radio software out there. It depends what you want to do. A lot is free. Some you have to pay for. Google is your friend (or ask another question specifically about software)

There aren't, as far as I know, any radios on the market that are pure computer peripherals and high-power enough to be practical communication tools (as opposed to milliwatt-scale experimental devices) while still being at a reasonable cost for this application.

What you can buy or build reasonably is an interface to connect the audio from a standard radio to your PC. The exact details of this interface will depend on the radio model as they are not very standardized.

For more general information on such interfaces, you could read my previous answer to a similar question, How can I send a voice message from my PC to HT radios? If you've decided you want to do this I suggest looking for products or designs specific for the brand of radio you're already using; if you can't find one then consider a different radio that's easier to interface.

You will need a VOX circuit, and optionally, a VOX program. As long as the radio you are connected to is type certified, it is perfectly legal to connect it to a PC for the purposes of transmitting voice.

For the VOX circuit, either get a soldering iron or a breadboard, and construct one of these. Your power supply needs to match the specifications (+9 to +14 VDC), and you can use a 9V battery if you don't have a power supply. You can connect your computer to the "MIKE INPUT", and put another jack in parallel with the vox circuit to connect to your radio.

In Kenwood-style connectors (which, from my research, your radio has), the radio is told to transmit when the two "ring" conductors are shorted together. This can be done through the final transistor on the right.

If you have no idea how to breadboard, you can shell out and buy a SignaLink. You plug your PC into the SignaLink via USB, and plug the radio into the audio jacks. Once you configure the SignaLink, you need to configure your PC to send your microphone audio to an output device (in this case, the SignaLink).

WinTV v10 is for use with all Hauppauge WinTV analog and digital TV tuner products (WinTV-dualHD, WinTV-quadHD, etc) plus the USB-Live2, HD PVR's and Colossus 2. Watch, pause and record TV on Windows 11, 10 and 8. If you have a Hauppauge TV tuner with FM radio, you can also listen to and record FM on your PC.

yes your sound card can receive wave radios and you can process that, but fm has a frequency of 87-108 Mhz and your device works with maximum 96Khz, fm has high frequency and needs a short antena for receive, low frequencies needs monstruos antenas or parablicas to receive his signal, start searching sdr on google

The FM Radcap PCIe is a radio capture card designed for simultaneous recording of multiple radio stations. The frequency of each station is set in software and its audio appears as a standard Windows audio input device. RDS decoding is also supported.

The card uses a high-speed A/D converter to digitise the entire FM band, with up to 32 individual tuners. The Radcap achieves exceptionally low audio distortion through the use of linear phase filtering and mathematically precise FM demodulation and stereo decoding. FM demodulation, stereo decoding and RDS decoding (if enabled) are all performed in FPGA fabric.

Drivers have been fully implemented for Windows and Linux, with RDS being available on both platforms now. A 64-bit WDM driver for Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, 2019 and Windows 11 is supplied as well as software for setting the tuner frequencies and monitoring the received audio. A programming API and DLL for software control and monitoring are also supplied. The Linux driver is Alsa based and supports Kernels from version 3.8. 0852c4b9a8

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