Sometimes, If I back psychically back the phone up away from the code, it can scan. However, most of the time, this trick doesn't work as it's far too small/far away from the QR code to accurately scan it.

To prove it try this: Go to the stock camera app and focus on a QR code from far away, then move the phone closer. You'll notice a focus shift and a flower icon show in the lower corner of the screen. The phone changed modes automatically to this macro mode and was able to focus up close. Then go to the iOS native QR code scanning app/utility. Try the same thing. It won't focus.

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This is definitely an iPhone 14/15 problem. Previously I had a 12 and it never had this issue. When trying to scan barcodes or QR codes with third party apps like the Alexa app to add a plug for example, the camera/app will not allow zoom adjustment to be able to capture the QR code. This may be due to the new lenses in the cameras, but that excuse still does not address the fact we have tons of folks out there that have this same issue with the cameras. Either Apple or the Third party Devs need to collaborate on a fix or allow in app zoom to resolve or this will just get worse as the cameras evolve.

The framework and iOS have no problem reading the codes, it's the insistence of the app developer at having the code or ID fill the frame they set aside without using the zoom parameters mentioned in the video to change how it appears to the user.

afostias ~ AFAIK there is no history. But if you're willing to learn new things, Apple's Shortcuts app can give you more control over QR codes. The following custom shortcut copies the QR code's URL to the Clipboard. But it could be enhanced to also append the URL along with the QR code itself to Notes:

As with iPhones, scanning a barcode with an Android device requires a third-party app. Go to the Google Play Store and perform a search using the term "barcode scanner." Download, install, and open the app you choose. To scan a barcode, hold it up to the app's reader box. Based on what you scanned, the app will offer you several options, such as going directly to a website or starting a Google search.

There may be times when you want to track down where something was purchased, such as when you want to return a gift. Usually, an item's barcode won't offer this information. Most barcodes are UPC codes, which identify only the product and company. Some companies, however, may make a barcode specific to a store or area. The only way to see what information is available is to scan the code.

Recently whilst on holiday I got an email informing me of a Plex security breach and asking me to change the password and setup 2FA for the account. Part of the 2FA setup was scanning an on-screen QR code to configure the OTP.

In the end I had to AirDrop the screenshot of the QR code I made on my iPhone to my wife's iPhone, then scan it from her screen into 1Password on my iPhone. Rather cumbersome, and needed a second iPhone to do.

I was unable to find a way to bring in a code locally. Hopefully, we can improve on this in the future. I like the idea. It would fit with how we can bring in an Emergency Kit when adding an account. I'll let the team know you'd like to see this. Well, actually the both of us. ?

I know that iOS has no way of 'scanning' its own screen in the way that macOS can, but yeah, it would be great if you could click an icon to open the iOS media picker and choose a previously made screenshot from your Phone Library to be scanned for a QR code in 1Password.

Just found out (from 1PW Twitter Support), that you can scan QR codes from websites using the Safari extension. I never even thought to look in there, so maybe the iOS app needs a pointer to let people know that's an option:

The concept behind QR Codes originated from Japan as an answer to the demand for better technology than Barcodes. Barcodes required complicated technology to be scanned, couldn't resist damage and held little information. The development of QR Codes was a massive improvement on product inventory systems because they had better error tolerance, could contain 100 times more data, could be read both horizontally and vertically, which is why QR Codes are square. With the invention of smartphones, this brought QR Code use to the public. Nowadays, everyone can scan QR Codes via mobile, so many companies also use them with their marketing strategies to conveniently connect users to links and other content.

Since iOS 14.2 we have a problem with the in camera QR code scanner. The square shows up but the pop up with the link does not. Also the scanner is not available in settings>control centre so we cannot add it to the control centre as an icon.

I think both problems are related and I am pretty sure it has something to do with our Jamf School environment as I have no problems with my personal (Identical type) iPad. Unfortunately I can't find anything in the restricions and there does not seem to be an QR code build in application which needs to be added to the whitelist. Nonethless it seems blocked somehow.

Same problem here - Frederic, did you find any solutions yet? The cameras on our iPads recognize the QR code (they show the border/frame around the image) but no action is taken to offer opening up Safari. I don't see anything in the profile restriction settings in Jamf.

i have some iPads (5th gen) with iOS 14.2, on those i don't have this issue. i can add (control center) and access the qr scanner and get the scanner in the camera app directly with link direct. I know there are some issues related only to newer iPad generations.

@FCervini The only management setting that concerns the camera is whether to allow its use or not. Similarly the only management change(not setting) for control centre that affects it's state is if the device is in Shared iPad Mode. Aside from those two no other mdm configurations limit your use of the QR code scanner. I've tested it in our environment on iPads from 7th gen on down to Air 2's.

Same problem here. The cameras on our iPads recognize the QR code (they show the border/frame around the image) but no action is taken to offer opening up Safari. I don't see anything in the profile restriction settings in Jamf.

What I have noticed so far:

- iOS devices prior to version 14 do not have the problem.

- In version 13.4.x or earlier, some iPads have the QR scanner control in the control centre list, others do not.. I can't find a reason yet why some of them have the option and others do not. (EDIT: This is due the Safelist Profile. See beneath)

- When I upgrade to version 14.4 the QR scanner dissapears from the control centre list (If it was visible in the first place) with one exception so far. One iPad mini 5th gen kept the control and after the update the QR code scanner still works. I am not sure what is different as they all share the same restrictions and DEP profile. I need to investigate this one more.

- Turning the QR-code scanner off and back on in the camera settings does not remedy the problem.

- Rebooting the iPad does not remedy the problem.

- Turning the QR scnanner off in the camera settings, then a reboot and turning it back on does not remedy the problem.

- I haven't tried a full reset yet. Probably need to try it if I can't find any other solution. (EDIT: Reset All Settings did not work).

Status update:

I think I am getting closer in solving this issue. The QR-code scanner is affected when using "Safelist and Blocklist" in a profile. As soon as I apply a Safelist profile, the QR-code scanner dissapears in the conctrol centre. The Safelist does not feature a QR-code scanner option so there is no way to turn it on.

Safelists are the bread and butter of managing apps which I use extensively. I really hope there is an option to keep the QR-code scanner active with Safelists. Does anyone have a suggestion to bypass this or do we need to ask Jamf to fix this for us?

@FCervini See my edit below that. I went into my instance of School and didn't see a bundle id input anywhere. Your only options are to try a profile on a test iPad that was created in Profile Creator. The better, less tinkering type of solution, if you can call it a solution, is to submit feedback or a support request to get the OR code scanner added to the built in apps list.

EDIT: Still noticing some other odd behavior: I have iPads where the link pop up doesn't appear in the photo app (scan QR-codes is activated in the settings) even if the scanner is available in control centre (and works there). I have to figure out what the difference is.

Update: I had contact with the developpers. There is no solution whitin Jamf School.

Since the QR code scanner is not really an app, Jamf can't activate it in the Safelists.

A third party scanner is the only option when using Safelists.

Added just the profile alone does not work, the device also requires a restart


Add to your allowed apps in restrictions profile.

Needs a reboot to take effect.

It's super easy to scan QR codes on your iPhone or iPad, but not everyone is aware of how to do it. If you're not familiar with QR codes and have never had the opportunity to scan one on your device before, rest assured, you've come to the right place.

QR codes have become more popular in the last two years with the pandemic increasing the need for contactless interactions. These two-dimensional barcodes are read by the camera on your device and are often used by shops, websites and locations as a way of communicating or storing information.

They're becoming more common in some restaurants and cafes as rather than printing out paper menus and having to dispose of them each time new customers come in, these eateries can simply get you to scan a QR code and bring the menu up on your device - pretty cool, huh? ff782bc1db

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