If you have Python installed then the easiest way you can check the version number is by typing "python" in your command prompt. It will show you the version number and if it is running on 32 bit or 64 bit and some other information. For some applications you would want to have a latest version and sometimes not. It depends on what packages you want to install or use.

The commands you advised work just as you described and Python 3.12.0 is seen as the version of python. However when just reentering Terminal again (or loading a Python file into Python Launcher) and using Python --version it still says the version is 3.9.7. I assume it must be something in the PATH (or similar) that redirects to an earlier version. Not sure how to change PATH or otherwise. Hope you can advise.

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The commands you advised work just as you described and Python 3.12.0 is seen as the version of python. However when just reentering Terminal again (or loading a Python file into Python Launcher) and using Python --version it still says the version is 3.9.7. I assume it must be something in the PATH (or similar) that redirects to an earlier version.

Steven, I need these programs for my retired golfing groups that I make tee times and keep records and maintain handicaps etc.

I appreciate any guidance that will me back up running python.

Bob Sposili 77 year old retired geezer.

I will able load python 3.9x on my pc and then copy my python programs to python39 folder from the CD and execute my programs. Unfortunately, the file structure on windows 11 differs from windows 10 and my date files restored from my CD previously went to a new folder string.

An update on realpython.com/intro-to-pyenv/ I had issues with pyenchant not being able to find enchant C library when I used pyenv installer as suggested in this link. However, when I used brew install for all packages including pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv - I was able to have multiple python virtual environments on 2.7.18, 3.9.9 on latest Monterey using M1 silicon 14" pro.

Came across this post/thread with a problem I'm having. I'm simply trying to run a .py script on macos Monterey 12.5.1, that I found online, to see why my current/active window I'm working in loses focus. When I go to run the script, it returns an error 'ImportError: cannot import name 'NSWorkspace' from 'AppKit'. Anyone know why appkit won't import in python3, and what I need to do to rectify this error?Thanks!

I have a custom developed modular input that was developed with an older version of the Add-on builder app. The custom code itself has always been compatible with python3, however I'm trying to get the app fully updated to be compatible with the most recent and upcoming versions of Splunk Enterprise and Cloud. To do that I'm trying to get past Splunk App certification. When I attempt the App Pre-certification validation process in Add-on Builder 4.0.0, it gives me the following error

However, I do have "python.version = python3" specified in the apps inputs.conf.spec file. No matter what I've tried, it keeps giving me the same error, but I can't find anymore info on what might be wrong. Any insight or suggestion would be appreciated.

.spec files only say what settings are allowed in .conf files. The settings only take effect if they are in a .conf. Did you try putting python.version = python3 in inputs.conf? It works for me.

Yes, I understand the purpose of the .spec vs .conf files, the input works if you manually add python.version to the inputs.conf. However the main issue is getting the app certified, not making the input work, so I know it can be deployed on the latest Splunk Enterprise and Cloud (previous versions of the app has been certified and published on Splunkbase for several years).

Not currently - there is not yet an alpha version of Ironpython 3 despite several years of work . McNeel devs have said they may include another python interpreter in Rhino in the future without removing the current one.

Things are looking upon the esri-build :: Anaconda.org site, for arcpy 3.0, but it looks like they are only going to go as far as python 3.9, so at least we will get the walrus and the improvements to numpy and other packages

I'm using virtual environment, but this python version and pip version makes me very confused. It usually happens that some modules I installed is only available in either python 2 or python 3. Thus, some weird issue often happens.

If you're running python in a virtual environment, then you likely have only python 2 or python 3 installed in that env. With each python version, a corresponding pip is automatically installed so you shouldn't need to worry about mismatching pips. The "local env" pip should know if it's for 2.7 or 3.x and install the module in the correct python library.

If both python versions are visible within the env or you are running outside of a virtual env, then you'll need to distinguish between pips: use pip for python 2.7 and pip3 for python 3.x. If pip3 didn't install with python 3.x, you can install pip3 using sudo apt-get install python3-pip.

However, my real problem is about the mod_wsgi's python issue.Do you have any experience about flask deployment?I use python3.4 in server's virtual environment and all module packages are installed for python 3.4.

However, the mod_wsgi force me use python2.7. Because when you deploy it on a server by wsgi, you don't actually run it. Instead, you set a init.py which can be invoked automatically. Therefore, I cannot control the python version. Even though it shows python3.4 when I type

Hi everyone ,

I am trying to run a ML pickle file in the python tool and I am facing issue at the unpickle step while loading the model. I have attached the error image below but its not much of help i guess as it doesn't describe the error. I am guessing the python version of pickle and python version of Alteryx are different which is causing this issue. If that's the case then how can i change the python version in alteryx ? If you feel something else is causing this issue then please guide . Thanks a lot in advance.

Hello, I am starting the python course and I am on a Mac so I need to change the default python code runner from python u to python 3. the tutorial cant be used on the current vscode version. please does anyone know how to change this

When I was clicking on the triangle (run code) it told me: python -u bla bla error

Then I clicked on the arrow pointing down near this triangle and selected: run python file and this is working with my selected interpreter.

Run code (triangle) is still running with python -u and not working for some python files

I want to be able to run both Python 3.8 (currrent version) and Python 3.7 in my Jupyter Notebook. I understand creating different IPython kernels from virtual environments is the way.

So I downloaded Python 3.7 and locally installed it in my home directory. Used this python binary file to create a virtual environment by

/opt/eff.org/certbot/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/constant_time.py:26: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Support for your Python version is deprecated. The next version of cryptography will remove support. Please upgrade to a 2.7.x release that supports hmac.compare_digest as soon as possible.


I renamed opt/eff.org/certbot/venv and ran USE_PYTHON_3=1 /usr/lib/certbot/certbot-auto --version. It created a new venv with links to python and python3, no deprecation warning, but it did not output the version.

Based on the log information, it's clear this is unrelated to colcon; it's CMake that's finding the wrong version of python when building the ament_cmake_export_assemblies package. The script that fails is invoked from inside the call to ament_package and it seems to use the version of python found here which happens when find_package(ament_cmake) is called. Looking at the CMake docs for finding Python, it looks like the main way to control which one is found is via the Python3_ROOT_DIR variable. You could try to set it to the one you want as a --cmake-arg in the colcon invocation or via colcon.pkg file for that package specifically.

Colcon doesn't "select" a python version. Like all python tools, it uses the version of the environment it was installed into. The script that runs when you invoke colcon as an executable command is a python file generated in the install process and its first line is a shebang pointing to the python interpreter of the environment. On Ubuntu, when you do apt install python3-colcon it points to /usr/bin/python3 since it's using the global system environment. But you can also pip install it in other places (like a virtual env) and then it will point to that interpreter instead. Or alternatively, if you have a python environment which can see the installed colcon packages (like a virtual env which can see system packages), you can run colcon inside that environment through it's interpreter directly via python -m colcon.

Our problem in the past with an upgrade is that we had a conflict with the upgrade when it came to the install part of python modules (only around the 7% complete install stage) because we had a higher version then what the upgrade was trying to install. We have upgraded python in the past to clear security vulnerabilities. We are currently at python 3.9.5.

You could set up an inter process communication like a socket connection between your external python 3+ application and the existing jython 2+ scripts in Ignition and communicate between the two thru a handshake. It may also be possible for your external application to access the same SQL data base for historical data as Ignition.

/Users/xxx/Library/Caches/Sublime Text 3/Package Storage/LSP-pylsp/pyvenv.cfg implies that python 3.7 is being used (seems odd to me since I thought the options for plugins ver 3.3 or 3.8). mypy==1.8.0 is not available for 3.7 either. 0852c4b9a8

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