When developing a Reader-enabled plugin, follow the steps described in Creating an Adobe Reader plugin to make specific changes to your plugin code in order for Adobe Reader to recognize and load it. For information on obtaining a license key for enabling your Reader plugin, see the site for the Acrobat Reader Integration Key License (RIKLA) Program at _program.

Host Function Tables (HFTs) are tables of function pointers, essentially providing a means by which plugins call methods in Adobe Reader. The following HFTs are available for development with Adobe Reader:

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I have a large monitor and when a PDF file is opened in my browser with the PDF plugin the letters are tiny with 100% zoom level. Every time I have to set it to 200% manually to be able to read the text.

I also struggeld a lot with not having an instant translation in Adobe Reader and in Windows generally - I really think adobe should Implement an instant translation into adobe reader or Micrsoft into Windows.

I am puzzled regarding how to load Adobe plugins that are listed in the Digital Edition Help menu selection "About Adobe Plugins". The info window for this topic shows a collection of Adobe Plugins that (I guess) came with my install of the software. But some of them are shown as loaded and some are shown as not loaded, such as the DRM plugin for example. Some of them seem to be loaded at some times but not loaded at other times, and there is no control or function that I can see .that provides this functionality. I cannot find any info on how to find, load, unload, actyivate, or whatever in the Help files. The list is pretty long and most are loaded, but I would like to now where to get plugins, how to install and activate and control them, and so on for the DC reader so that I can control what is available etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the reply. Should I presume that the Reader software itself will determine and control the enabling and disabling of plugins behind the scene so I do not have to control this function? Where can I get more information on Adobe plugins, how to acquire, install, and use them etc.? I could not find anything specific in the Help file or FAQs or anywhere else on the website.

Unfortunately the instructions did not work for me. I received this 'invalid plugin detected' immediately after I had installed CutePDF Writer. Obviously it has installed a plug-in somewhere which Adobe Reader is picking up on, it then terminates the program. I have uninstalled the programe and have tried to clean my Windows 7 operating system with CCleaner, all to no avail.

ADOBE this is not good news, so many hits on this in Google, you've messed up big time. The only way to get to my PDF documents is to get another PDF reader installed. I guess that is the last Adobe wants, so please get your finger out and sort this out.

I have resolved the issue by renaming the "plugins" directory to "plugins deleted" and then restarted Adobe Reader. It has rebuilt a new directory and the program works fine now. The option in the Help pulldown menu does not work for me.

The solution from 'bulgariangirl' didn't work for me either, so I try the one from 'P-Jansen' and worked. Goto C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader and rename the [plug_ins] folder to [plugins deleted] (Maybe any name will do it, but I prefered to go with the sugested one.) Restart Adobe Reader and walla! Error is gone!

NOTE: According to my observation, first time when I installed Acrobat DC, my plugin was working fine. But when my trial version completed, I reinstalled it now and it is not working now. 

For your more information, when I try to delete those plugin from the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 2015\Acrobat\plug_ins keeping Acrobat open, then It says "The action can't be completed because the file is open in Adobe Acrobat DC"

Ok at this point I suggest testing the Acrobst installation. Get a commercial third party plugin (or free or demo) and see if it loads. If it loads you have a specific issue with your builds. At that point I would be using depends.exe.

I just recently had a large group of users migrate from a 2017 version to current release and they are telling me that it used to work on the 2017 reader version, but now they can no longer even access the third party plug in option in the help menu.

I tested this myself on my own machine and I could indeed not use FileOpen when using reader current release, but only when using a paid standard DC or Pro DC license. Do these users now need to hold a license to use third party plug-ins?

For reference, this is my plugin option menu. Even when "Use only certified plugins" is unchecked I still am unable to use FileOpen while it is installed. I am on version 23.006.20380 on acrobat reader.

I appreciate the quick reply, but FileOpen not working in reader is exactly my problem. FileOpens latest release is tailored to x64 (see SS) bit applications so that bit is not the issue. 

The option to review my installed and active third party plug-ins is not even available in the help menu of acrobat reader as I stated above. The option to handle third party applications does not appear in the help menu until I assign a paid license to a users account.

I have the same issue. I am using Windows 7 Pro 64-bit along with Internet Explorer 9. I've uninstalled Adobe Reader X then installed the Adobe Reader XI and now the plugins do not appear in Chrome or IE. Please advise.

On Windows Server 2008 R2, I installed Adobe Reader 11.0.10. IE11 automatically opens pdf links in browser with the Acrobat plugin without prompting. I don't want this. I want it disabled, but when I go to "Manage Add-ons," like others report here, Adobe Reader doesn't show up, so I can't disable it. Tried rebooting. I have selected "Show all Add-ons".

For the record - I just experienced this error while opening one particular PDF document (but not others). I was able to solve it by removing escript.api from plugins directory. This was in Adobe Acrobat Reader 2022.003.20263, 64-bit, under Windwos 10.

Just want to update that if you take out the IA32.api file from the plugin folder you will not be able to print the windows that need to come when you try to print or if you use the icon it will not work. the only fix is to move this file back to the plugin folder

We downloaded and installed the latest update 22.003.20310 for the 32-bit version of Adobe Acrobat Reader so that we can deploy it to our organization. However, upon launching the application after install, we receive a fatal error: "Invalid plugin detected. Adobe Acrobat Reader will quit" message. Previous versions from 2022 work fine and do not produce this error.

I know for us encountering the error, it was being caused by a 3rd-party add-in. As soon as we removed it from that folder, the issue ceased. If you were to follow @Narciso279086791h9i 's advice, you would be wiping out all 3rd party add-ins. When the folder gets recreated, those 3rd party files don't come back. A more intentional method you could use is the one that @CapitaineSaucisse outlined in his post here: -reader-discussions/invalid-plugin-detected-adobe-acrobat-read...

Hi everybody, I'm trying to use the adobe reader plugin on safari to preview file on website pages. Looking around it seems that when I install adobe reader dc the plugin would be auto installed. but I can't found it nowhere in safari preferences. Someone know how to solve?

Good afternoon, we use the adobe reader on some computers, the same in the last few days it started to show an error involving a plugin related to the PTC CREO software, the adobe reader, it only works again with the deletion of this plugin, I would like to know if it is possible make it unnecessary to perform this exclusion, since in older versions, it works normally.

When I try to open a pdf with fileopen drm on it, instead of opening the pdf it will open a browser page prompting me to install the fileopen plugin. I have installed and tried to open the pdf again with the same result. I have tried multiple fresh installs of acrobat reader and the plugin, tried using the fileopen plugin remover provided on the website, running as administrator and various compatibility settings. I have contacted tech support of the company that provided the pdfs and they have no idea.

I remember I had this issue a couple of years ago and it drove me crazy and unfortunately I can't remember how I solved it. Iirc is was a relatively simple fix too. Unfortunely this seems to be a fairly obscure plugin and there isn't a whole lot of information availible out there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I wanted to add menu to existing Adobe reader Application in macOS. Any heads are much appreciated. It would be more helpful if anyone can point to documentation, and any plugin sample. Which language or tools can be used to develop macos plugins. Thanks in advance

The other thing is that you will need the current paid-for Acrobat app. You must use Scrobat to create and test the plugins first, then enable in Reader. So you have the cost of Acrobat and the variable cost of the plugin license.

Also... plugins are written in C++, or Objective C on Mac. You need Xcode on Mac of course. To make plugins for Catalina, they must be notarized and you will need a paid-for Apple developer license certified for your company.

What is Scrobat, Even for testing plugins should i need licence and Pro account. I have got some documents _US/acrobat/acrobat_dc_sdk/2015/HTMLHelp/#t=Acro12_MasterBook%2FPlugins_Cre.... But those are supporting OS10.8. Where can i get latest adobe SDK which has samples that support catalina. Please guide me as i am new in this plugin developement. Your help is very much appreciated. I have Apple Developer license and i will aslo work on getting adobe license

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is free right , cant i just use it for developing a sample plugin. if at all i need to get Pro for Adobe reader which one should i get , will it still support free version. Is there a way that i can get call scheduled with acrobat technical support to get all info 0852c4b9a8

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