If you are using Apache OpenOffice 4.0 or later, you must use another version: PDF Import for Apache OpenOffice.

The PDF Import Extension allows you to import and modify PDF documents. Best results with 100% layout accuracy can be achieved with the "PDF/ODF hybrid file" format, which this extension also enables. A hybrid PDF/ODF file is a PDF file that contains an embedded ODF source file. Hybrid PDF/ODF files will be opened in OpenOffice.org as an ODF file without any layout changes. Users without this extension can open the PDF part of the hybrid file with their PDF viewer.

The PDF Import Extension also allows you to import and modify PDF documents for non hybrid PDF/ODF files. PDF documents are imported in Draw to preserve the layout and to allow basic editing. This is the perfect solution for changing dates, numbers or small portions of text with a minimum loss of formatting information for simple formatted documents.

Documents with more sophisticated layouts, such as those created with professional Desktop Publishing applications that use special fonts and complex vector graphics are not suitable for the PDF Import Extension. Similarly, longer documents (> 20 pages) may cause some performance and stability problems.

There is a simple solution to out problem with the pdfimport.uno.dll problem: try to download the adopted extension from the apache-own code website under -extras.org/p/aoo-pdf-import/wiki/Downloads as stated in my blog article ( -openofficeopenoffice-orglibreoffice-pdfimporter/). This extension works even without administration rights under Win7 64bit as far as I could test it.

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I downloaded the extension and tried several times to install, both following instructions under "File/open" and using the extensions manager in OpenOffice. Each time I got an error message "loading component library failed". I already have version 1.01 installed.

Default download button at Sourceforge site is not for OOO v4.0.0

When you click on the extension on the apache open office site, you are redirected to the sourceforge site where you see the green download button. Don't click that if you have OOO v4.0.0.0

Look slightly down and to the left, and you will see

"Version for Apache OpenOffice 4.0: see here."

If you click on the blue highlighted word "here" you will be redirected to the sourceforge page for the 4.0.0 versions of the extension.

You will see options for 4 different operating systems.

For Windows 7 (or any windows version I guess), click this link:

Windows aoo-pdf-import-0.1.0-windows-x86.oxt Apache OpenOffice 4

I let it download to my downloads folder.

Open OOO, I picked the Draw program, but it probably doesn't matter.

Click Tools, and on the drop down list click Extensions

Click Add, navigate to your download folder and click the file you just downloaded.

In the window that pops up, scroll down to the bottom and click Accept.

It will install with no problems on OOO 4.

It won't enable on my computer (Windows 7 Home Premium). I just upgraded to OO 4.0 and it works like a charm, but every time I try to get this add-on to run, PDF Import 1.0.4 it gives the error message:

Loading component library failed:

file:///C:/Users/[COMPUTER NAME]/AppData/Roaming/OpenOffice/4/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages/sv5zbeny.temp_/oracle-pdfimport.oxt/pdfimport.uno.dll

Any suggestions? And please, use simple layman language and step by step directions. I don't speak tech. ;-)


I like the fact there is no cost for the openoffice but it is not as easy to understand for me. I found two that have free 30 day trials that worked perfectly --- if only i could afford to purchase. ( BluBeam Revu and Adobe Acrobat XI pro) both were so simple to make changes to pdf - create pdf- etc.

file:///C:/Users/Tim/AppData/Roaming/OpenOffice.org/3/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages/sv8snyc.tmp_/oracle-pdfimport.zip/msvcr90.dll: can not get symbol: component_getImplementationEnvironment- nor:

But I have some cases where I import a PDF [all of mine are single page PDFs] (i.e. Open it), make no changes at all, export with all defaults on the PDF export properties page, and save as a new PDF file. When I open that file in a recent copy of Acrobat the modifications appear just where you'd expect them but the image the the importer produces from the PDF has been shifted either right to the bottom of the page or all the way off!

This extension does not work on win7, it messes up the pdf layout and changing the text format. After opening an pdf in open office, the pdf looks terrible. Not worth waisting time om this extension, it simply does not work.

Here's how I get this extension to work.

1. Download the oracle-pdfimport.otx file to any location (I downloaded it to my Downloads folder).

2. Open Finder, on the left side of the Finder window click 'Applications', and locate OpenOffice.org.app (but don't open it -- i.e. don't double-click it).

3. Single-click the OpenOffice.org.app to highlight it. Next (and here's the important part) hold down 'control' key at the bottom left of your keyboard, and while holding down the 'control' key click on your trackpad --> this will bring up a context menu --> from this context menu click 'Show Package Contents'.

4. You will now see all the folders and files that are used by the OpenOffice.org.app. BE VERY CAREFUL IN THIS STEP not to accidentally move or delete any of these folders or files...the app needs them all.

5. Continuing from Step 4, in the Finder window you will see a folder named 'Contents'. Click the arrow to the left of the 'Contents' to expand it and see the folders and files contained within it. After you've expanded the 'Contents' folder, immediately beneath it you'll see a folder named 'share' --> click the arrow beside 'share' to expand this folder. Under 'share' you will see a folder named 'extensions' --> click the arrow beside 'extensions' to expand it. Lastly, there is a folder under 'extensions' named 'install' --> click the arrow beside 'install' to expand it.

6. Continuing from Step 5, inside the 'install' folder you will probably see a file named 'dict-en.oxt' that automatically installs with OpenOffice. This 'dict-en.oxt' file has a file icon that looks like a puzzle piece (apparently that's the icon OpenOffice chose to use for extension files).

7. Now look at the Finder menu bar at the top of your Mac's screen. Click 'File', then click 'New Window'. This will cause a new Finder window to open. Now you have 2 Finder windows open: 1 window that has the contents of your OpenOffice.org.app, and the new window you just opened. Move (drag) each of these 2 Finder windows so that you can see both at the same time on your Mac's screen. Now, in the new Finder window you opened, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the PDF extension file named oracle-pdfimport.otx (in my case, since I saved it to my 'Downloads' folder, on the left side of the Finder window I click my name -- it has a little icon beside it that looks like a house -- then to the right of that I find and click on my 'Downloads' folder, then I scroll through the files in that folder and find the one named oracle-pdfimport.otx. Single-click on the oracle-pdfimport.otx file and drag it over to the other Finder window from Step 3 which shows the contents of the OpenOffice.org.app folders and files. Drag the oracle-pdfimport.otx file into the 'install' folder from Steps 5 and 6 and drop it into that folder. You should now see at least 2 files in your 'install' folder; both files will have the icon that looks like a puzzle piece. 1 file will be the dict-en.oxt that was mentioned in Step 6, and the other file will be the oracle-pdfimport.otx that you just dragged into that folder.

8. Once you've verified that the oracle-pdfimport.otx file got dropped into your 'install' folder, close the 2 Finder windows you opened. This is just for safety, since you don't want to muck around any further in the window that shows the package contents of the OpenOffice.org.app.

9. Whew! Now you're done. Because you placed the oracle-pdfimport.otx inside your 'install' folder, the next time you open the OpenOffice.org.app, the oracle-pdfimport.otx extension file will automatically load and be ready to use. Since the new extension automatically loads when the app starts up, you don't have to do anything after the OpenOffice.org.app opens to enable the extension. It's already loaded and ready to go!

9. Now to test the extension. After you've completed all of the above steps, start the OpenOffice app from your 'Applications' folder, and when it loads, click the 'Open' button on the start-up screen and navigate to a wherever you have a PDF file stored on your Mac. (If it's an important PDF file, be sure to make a copy of it before you open it.) When the PDF file opens inside the OpenOffice app, whatever text or image you click on will display a box around it; you can choose to either click somewhere inside the box to edit its text, or you can hover your mouse around the box until the cursor changes to a hand and then you can use the hand to drag the 'boxed' text or image to any place you like inside the PDF document. That's about it. From there, you just have to play around with it to see how you can edit text and move things to your liking. When you're done playing with a file, you can choose to save it or discard the changes you've made.


I just downloaded the extension, but I do not know how it works. I need to alter urgently the text of a pdf file but I do not know how to do this. I have the Apache Openoffice program.

Thank you

I followed the instructions to create this extension by downloading the zip file and then extracting all the files. Unfortunately the vital file required "oracle-pdfimport.oxt" is not present. Can anyone advise please. 0852c4b9a8

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