Searching around I learned it was a problem of templates and I looked for a way to put my default back. I learned and experienced there is no way to revert (or to change effectively the default). One can create a new template in XLSTART but it doesn't always work .. if I create as usual a new spreadsheet (file+new or click excel start icon), it takes the default from somewhere else (i.e. the new default with the new themes) unless I create one by CTRL-N or I use some other shortcuts.

I read a previous post leaving me little hope but I wanted to ask a direct and specific question

A Windows Theme is a visual pattern that predefines the collection of wallpaper, icons, pointer, screensaver, sounds or any color styles which together form the looks of your PC. You have the options to customize the themes to your likings and modify the standard interface of your Windows PC.

Free Download Of Windows Xp Themes For Sp2

tag_hash_104 🔥 🔥

There are Windows Themes available on this site and it's free to download. Each theme can be classified into certain categories such as games, animes, sport, movies, nature and just about anything you can think of. Now here you have the high-quality themes at your fingertips and we are constantly updating the new themes. Explore the Windows Themes galleries now!

Browse through the categories and pick any Windows themes according to your personal preferences. Before downloading the themes, please choose any version of your Windows 11, 10 or 7. Locate destination of the downloaded file and after opening the file, it will automatically go to the theme setting and you can change it to the recent themes.

Applications should send WM_SETTINGCHANGE to all top-level windows when they make changes to system parameters. (This message cannot be sent directly to a window.) To send the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message to all top-level windows, use the SendMessageTimeout function with the hwnd parameter set to HWND_BROADCAST.

The fact that it overrides colors in web browsers is an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. Websites are designed with specific color themes to give their own contrast to different elements on the page (borders, links, buttons, interactive elements, mouseover highlights, text boxes, etc).

Contrast themes use a small palette of colors (with a contrast ratio of at least 7:1) to help make elements in the UI easier to see, reduce eye strain, improve text readability, and accommodate user preferences.

Don't confuse contrast themes with light and dark themes, which support a much larger color palette and don't necessarily increase contrast or make things easier to see. For more on light and dark themes, see Color.

You can also press the left-Alt key + Shift key + Print screen (PrtScn on some keyboards) to quickly turn contrast themes on or off. If you have not selected a theme previously, the Aquatic theme is used by default (shown in the following image).

A ResourceDictionary.ThemeDictionaries object can indicate theme colors that are different from the system-defined colors by specifying brushes for the Default (Dark), Light, and HighContrast contrast themes.

On the Settings > Ease of access > Contrast themes page (shown in the following image), users can select from four default contrast themes: Aquatic, Desert, Dusk, and Night sky.

This table shows the contrast theme colors and their recommended pairings. Each SystemColor resource is a variable that automatically updates the color when the user switches contrast themes.

We use {ThemeResource} twice in the preceding example, once to reference SystemColorWindowColor and again to reference BrandedPageBackgroundBrush. Both are required for your app to theme correctly at run time. This is a good time to test out the functionality in your app. The Grid background will automatically update as you switch to a high contrast theme. It will also update when switching between different high contrast themes.

Platform controls provide built-in support for contrast themes, but you should be careful when customizing your application UI. Two of the most common issues occur when either the color of an element is hard-coded or an incorrect SystemColor resource is used.

In the following code snippet, we show a Grid element declared with a background color set to #E6E6E6 (a very light grey). If you hard-code the color in this way, you also override the background color across all themes. For example, if the user selects the Aquatic contrast theme, instead of white text on a near black background, the text color in this app changes to white while the background remains light grey. The very low contrast between text and background could make this app very difficult to use.

In contrast themes, items in a ListView have their background set to SystemColorHighlightColor when the user hovers over, presses, or selects them. A common issue with complex list items occurs when the content of the list item fails to invert its color, making the items impossible to read.

Testing had revealed that the theme was totally broken on Windows XP. This had two main causes; first of all there was some bugs in the Win32 theme APIs on XP when rendering to surfaces with alpha, and secondly the css file used some windows theme parts that only existed in Vista and later. I added workarounds for the alpha bug and introduced a new css file that is used on XP (although most of the css is shared). So, now XP support is working.

Thanks for your work

and i have a question too. do you have any plan for supporting drag and drop(i mean d&d between a gtk app and a third party app for example a browser. i think it needs OLE) in windows?

I have explored this extensively and checked on windows forums and there is no way to do a direct port of this as of right now. It has to be done by hand. Perhaps a developer could write a shell script or program that could automatically make these conversions (which probably wouldn't be too hard on the Linux side of things because of the standardized format of icon themes).

Currently I'm doing this by hand with a Windows app called Icon Packager by Stardock. How to handle windows part I am unsure as I am not a windows developer. I think it could probably be done for a lot of applications using shell scripts and regedit though... hmmmm perhaps.

This link might also be useful if anyone else decides to take up this project. I'm considering doing it myself but I have a few other priorities to finish up first. -us/windows/desktop/shell/how-to-assign-a-custom-icon-to-a-file-type

Hi, I am a total beginner at Linux (and XFCE), having only recently installed it last week. I really like the general look and fell of Windows 7, and have managed to customise everything (panel, desktop, icons, sounds, etc...) but not the whiskermenu plugin. I dont need it to look exactly like the windows 7 one, I just want the colours, although a full menu theme would he great. Any help?

I am trying to install a windows theme for all users. I created an MSI that puts the .jpg and .theme files in the respective folder. This installs during the OSD Task Sequence from SCCM. The problem is, it does not activate the theme when a user logs in. I edited the GPO "Load a specific Theme" to this install location and theme. I know the GPO only works when a new user logs in. I have tested this many times with my Engineering team and it still will not activate the theme until "manually" selected.

Also, firefox has its own theme, that's why it's not following the windows one, but there are a ton of available themes, and you can choose a good contrast one here: -US/firefox/themes/ There are plenty of white on black themes to choose from

Use the Theme preference tool toselect a window frame theme. You should select the Atlantawindow frame theme for use with high contrast desktop themes. The Atlanta window frame theme may also improve readability for someusers. However, you can choose the window frame theme that best suits yourneeds.

Use the Theme preference tool toselect a window frame theme. You can use the Crux, Atlanta, or Bright window frame themes withlarge print desktop themes, depending on the contrast level that you prefer.

Choose between the themes and add reference to the corresponding theme assembly (ex: Telerik.Windows.Themes.Windows8.dll). You can see the different themes applied in the Theming examples from our WPF Controls Examples application. 0852c4b9a8

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