I'm trying to configure my cisco 2950 switch and I need to use putty on linux. Im not used to using linux but I've been told that putty is built in to linux terminal. I have my serial console cable connected to the router but I'm unable to telnet in. How do I use putty?

First you need to decide if your VM connected to your host machine via a bridge connection or via a NAT, but ether way you'll need to put the VM IP address in putty to be able to connect to ip, in the VM terminal run this command to show you the machine IP address(and no is not the machine IP address)

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I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but I'll try to answer anyway :)When you connect to a remote system using ssh a terminal emulator (e.g. putty) and run a "foreground process" (i.e. something that stays opened, not a daemon that runs in the background) in that terminal, that process will terminate once you disconnect from your ssh session. If you run a background process, i.e. a daemon, it will continue to run even after the remote session ends. (You can "daemonize" most foreground processes by appending & at the end of the command you start that process with.) To kill it from another session you need to know its PID number (obtained e.g. via ps aux | grep 'name_of_process' or using top or htop utilities, or by issuing killall name command... and dozen other ways probably). On the other hand, to keep a foreground process alive between sessions, you need to use something like screen,tmux or byobu terminal multiplexors. They can be detached into background upon disconnecting and reattached the next time you log in, with all the processes running inside them intact. (Of course, if they die or are killed, everything in them dies as well).

I have putty installed (and use it) and just today with the prrte update, pacman says it conflicts with it. And indeed, looking at prrte's PKGBUILD, putty is flagged as a conflict.

Does anyone happen to know why it conflicts, and what alternative there is, short of giving up on either of them?

(I mainly use putty as a serial terminal - if anyone can point me to something else that works as well for this purpose, I'm open to that, but haven't really found anything that great for this purpose so far. 'screen' sucks.)

If they haven't been able to settle on a solution for 3 months, not sure what kind of hope we'll have here from the respective projects. Probably the simplest for now would be to rename one of the executables in the PKGBUILD, although that may break stuff for people who rely on these names.

But probably better than preventing people from using putty altogether.

Quick workaround for those of you like me that need to use putty, is to block the update to openmpi in pacman.conf, so that prrte does not get installed. You can also go the whole hog and block the updates to prrte and prrte-docs too while you're there.

The process is much easier than you think. Load the public / private key pair you generated in puttygen again. In puttygen, you'll notice a window in the middle of the screen which says: "Public key for pasting into Open SSH authorized_keys file:".

I am not sure if this thread is still active, but I stumbled upon a similar problem with Windows 10 anniversary edition which now support Ubuntu kernel. I use to use Putty before for connecting to Linux machine. For generating id_rsa in linux format, use puttykeygen and load your putty private key then click on conversion and choose the second option.

As visible in the PuTTY screenshot above, it provides a range of connection type to choose from: Raw, Telnet, Rlogin, SSH and Serial. It also ships with command line tools for SCP (pscp), SFTP (psftp), RSA and DSA key generator (puttygen) etc, which can be run from the terminal.

I have just installed Manjaro, and everything is fine but ssh.

If I try to connect to my Debian Server in XFCE-Terminal with ssh -p 8888 in local network nothing happens, not even any Error Notice.

If I do the same with putty, I can connect.

Very strange, never had such an issue with ssh since my first Linux Computer with Suse 5.0.


 I am trying to add another search peer to my search head, through the Settings > Distributed Search menu. I do not have a username or password to connect to the search peer I want to add however, as I connect to it using putty and a ppk file.

I do of course not know why you need putty since all putty functionality is

integrated in every linux by design, but if you want to use her is the rpm


for 11.4 (provided you use openSUSE 11.4).

In the main window, locate the PuTTY package. Check the box next to the "putty" package and right-click to mark it for installation. You can also mark PuTTY-related tools for installation if needed.

I have a VPS setup with an SSL key. I did this on my desktop / windows machine. I was able to install putty with sudo apt-get install putty. However, in order to connect to my server, I need pageant so I can load the key. How do I download pageant for linux? Is this not possible?

On linux, the recommended method for logging on using your SSH key pair is via the ssh-agent. This tool allows you to load your private key(s) into a session so that they will automatically be picked up when you attempt to make an SSH connection. Type the following command on your initial host (outside of JASMIN) to start an ssh-agent session:

You do not need to install PuTTY on linux just use SSH. PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client designed for the Windows platform. The method you have posted is not to use ssh but rather how to set up a server and change the ssh key.

1. My problem is we can't run BCP command in Linux system through putty ?

2. Customer was saying BCP is installed in Linux box but i couldn't able to find bcp in Linux ? How to find BCP is installed or not in LINUX box ?

3. If bcp is possible through putty then what is the exact command ? Can you please give some example.

1) Yes you can, if you have installed the mssql-tools from Microsoft which i think can be installed through YUM(Redhat,CentOS), apt-get(Ubuntu,Debian)

2)If you have mssql-tools installed in your linux box it should be in the default directory which is, whereis is a command to find tools inside linux.

3)An example can be found in Microsoft docs, i tested it yesterday this is the link.

BCP with SQL Server on Linux

I remembered how to use 'cd' and was able to find my way to the right place but I don't know how to run a script through a command line. I tried guessing with 'run update.php' - but I got an error, I think it was 'command not found'. I did a search for putty commands but didn't see anything - I could have been looking in the wrong place. What is the command and syntax to run a php script though a command line with putty? coopster Msg#:3237737  10:52 pm on Jan 30, 2007 (gmt 0) 

Putty facilitates a connection type range to select from Serial, SSH, Rlogin, Telnet, and Raw. Also, it ships along with various tools of the command-line for DSA and RSA key generator (also known as puttygen), SFTP (psftp), SCP (pscp), etc, which can be executed from the terminal.

where servername is faclinux for faculty and staff and stdlinux for students. X11 Forwarding has been disabled for compliance with University security policy. All users requiring a graphical session should use FastXv3 instead.

The Ohio State University Department of Computer Science & Engineering has replaced X-Win32 with FastX3 for remote Linux sessions. You would usually use this to open a remote session to stdlinux.coeit.osu.edu OR faclinux.coeit.osu.edu.

Make sure you can: log into your CSE account (login.cse.unsw.edu.au) as Host Name in putty and click open rungedit example.c &and see if the window appears on your home machine compile one of your C programs using dccThe combination of PuTTY & Xming should be sufficient to perform all work required for this course.If you get a message "Error: Can't open display:" when you try to run geditthat means Xming isn't running or you haven't enabled X11 Forwarding in PuTTY (scroll down to section 3.1: From Windows).scp: transfer files to/from CSEIt can be helpful to be able to create & edit files on your home machine.This will let you work without an internet connection - e.g. on a laptop on the train home.You can download gedit for Windows.Many other editors are available.

You need to acquire the free application "putty" from their website. From there, create a new connection to the server indicated above, enter your CAEDM username and password, and you should be provided with a shell. 0852c4b9a8

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