I'm trying to use the equation editor to enter systems of equations, piecewise defined functions or matrices. The editor doesn't seem to allow more than one line per equation. Can anyone give me a method of using the equation editor to do this. Thanks!

So ... the new equation editor that they just released has some serious issues. A couple are listed here in New Math Equation Editor and I mentioned some more in Add \overline to Math to Basic Math Equation Editor while it was still in beta.

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In the thread that Ron ( @Ron_Bowman ) mentioned, the old way of typing the LaTeX directly, then selecting it before you hit the equation editor button doesn't work anymore. I just type LaTeX directly, enclosing it in \( and \) as in \(\alpha\), but that doesn't render in the mobile apps (which most student's shouldn't be using when math is involved).

I may not completely understand your question, but in my equation editor, there is a button labeled Directly Edit LaTex. it starts in the off position. in that position you do not see the LaTex rendering. with it turned on, the LaTex rendering shows up below the button. I have a feeling I am missing something in your question.

By the way, this hasn't been "solved". The issue is that the rendering seems to work fine when working with the equation editor in an Assignment, but doesn't work when using it in a Quiz. This might be the reason some of us are seeing it render fine and others are not. I've submitted the bug report already and they're investigating the issue. But rather than marking this as "solved", it would be great if others who are experiencing this bug also reported it.

(I think the question refers to Equation Tools, in integrated part of Word, as available in Word 2007 and newer, and not to the old, much more primitive equation editor, officially called Microsoft Equation 3.0, which is still available in new versions, but hardly of any use.)

You can use Control + Tab inside the equation editor, then press space to align symbols in your equation. This will function as a divider so you can align different parts of your formula with previous symbol placements (or will function as a tab/whitespace if you would like).

Please consider adding the ability to do multi line equations. I have my students use the equation editor tool inside the textbox menu. It works OK, but they need to exit the tool in order to move to press enter. Then they need to grab the equation tool again when they start the next line. This is annoying and many students forget.

Using the equation editor in the main toolbar is even worse because they need to start a new box for each line of the problem. It is very challenging for students who have spatial issues to get things lined up and spaced properly.

The blahtex translator feasts on newline syntax and does not support the other \\*, \\[n], and \newline forms. There are other Google discovered online TeX/LaTeX documentation resources for learning purposes, and Apple inherently expects users of the equation editor, where blahtex is not forthright in its support, to bring LaTeX/TeX/MathML knowledge with them.

What you taught me specifically (I think) is that the equation editor requires more environmental setup for basic code to work, even though the Apple support page you referenced suggests exactly the opposite (because \\ still doesn't seem to work without wrapping it in \begin{align}, \begin{split}, or something else).

If all else fails, and the equation doesn't have to be editable, you could use an online LaTeX editor to write the equation, save it as an image file, and paste into your document.Plenty of them around, this is the first result from ddg:

I use the quiz feature in my Panopto recordings. It would be great if I could add equations and mathematical notation in my quizzes. It appears Google Forms are being used for quizzes and there are already existing add-ons that allow to insert equations in such forms, so it might be possible to integrate with Panopto. Bonus: if I could type in my equations using LaTeX, that would be wonderful!

I agree with Jason Detwiler. It is important to have LaTex. We are not able to write equations clearly using Panopto quiz. We are not able to add images or pictures to the quiz. Also sync the grad of Panopto quizzes on canvas is not available as far as I know. Please improve these features.

I once got it to do "2+2=". But it was with a long time lag. So maybe there is something tremendously slowing down the rendering of the equation, and as a result it looking like its just not working.

If rendering equations (in preview etc) is very slow your browser might have some extra plugins, some program (for exaple performance testing tools) might cause that delay or for example some malware might cause that trouble. In your screenshot all buttons look ok (from cache?) and if Tex filter renders new equations ok on your site it's not probably caused by problems on your site.

The file moodle-atto-equation-button/moodle-atto-equation-button-debug.js is used by moodle when debugging is enabled so you can make changes here when you have debbugging on to test it. The file moodle-atto-equation-button/moodle-atto-equation-button-min.js is used with debugging off. It is the same as the debug file with comments and spaces stripped, variable names shortend etc. Once you have fixed the debug file, you can copy it over the -min.js file and disable debugging in Moodle. The minification is just a nicity that speeds loading.

By the way, I noticed that there is a difference in the equation editor's performance depending on where it it being used. For example when I'm editing the front page of my Moodle site, the equation editor seems more robust than when I'm previewing a quiz essay question.

I am working on a course that involves mathematical equations and fractions. Is there a simple and less time-consuming way to enter fractions? I have to currently insert three text boxes for numerator, denominator and the dividing line. I saw a discussion around this in the community that is posted around 6 yrs back and I am hoping that there is a way out now. Kindly suggest.

Thanks for sharing your interest in an equation editor that produces accessible output and interprets LaTex! I'd recommend sharing this with our team in the form of a feature request. If it makes it on our feature roadmap, we'll update you!

+1 for me to adding an equation editor! Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (as well as Health, Education, Medicine and Business are all great users of Equations. We have tens of thousands of STEM students and hundreds of STEM academics who might consider developing learning materials with Articulate if this feature were available. Thanks!

I usually use Latex2png free website to type the equation (even change the font colour!) then copy/paste into slide in Storyline. For my purpose, I just use hotspots on the png image to build interactivity. I know Lectora has a built-in equation editor, but from my experience (the same one used in MS Office), nothing measures up to Latex-generated equations in any scientific platform. I am more into Physics, Chemistry and Calculus. The ease of storyline rhymes well of high quality Latex!

This product NEEDS an equation editor function badly. It's one of the things holding it back and making people's lives miserable who need to easily create equations without jumping through hoops. Looking through the posts here, 9 years back people have been saying this. I understand it may not be easy, but I think having an editor may be a tad more important than more themes in my opinion.

So, so true. I don't know how much time I've spent importing equations as .png images. An equation editor, I think, may not be a realizable dream. I dearly love Storyline, but with we've repeatedly hit the absolute limits of the software with STEM training and need more than cosmetics. The variable structure needs to be shown some love. For science education, we need numbers with more than two decimal places. We need strings that don't automatically truncate when they contain certain characters. And, it would be nice to have variable-addressable states. We finally got some Else functionality, which is a huge bonus -- huge kudos for that, developers! Some sort of Switch statement would be a real timesaver.

I am baffled that Articulate hasn't added this yet. This is an absolutely critical feature that is holding this product back. It's not a good look for Articulate at all because we all know that without an equation editor, accessibility suffers greatly. I am truly stunned.

I'm still using InDesign for science texts because Affinity Publisher doesn't yet have endnotes and such books have hundreds of them. One of the downsides of ID is that it doesn't have an equation editor and does a poor job of importing equations from Word. I know,. Some others and I just spent two days wresting with the troubles that creates. 0852c4b9a8

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