I finally resolved issue regarding alert ringtones. My alert tones were on phone. Just unable to get them on Ring app. 1) Internal storage . 2)Ringtones 3)Ring 4) audio. Copie any or all of the ring tones. Then move them to notifications folder back from the internal storage you started from. Than check your ring app. They should appear there. If not reinstall Ring app. Good luck folks. This drive me crazy that Amazon Ring nor Samsung could help. Happy new year all.

While I whole heartedly agree that we should not be constrained to hard and fast numbers for accurate skin tones ... LR does offer an RGB color readout ... I am assuming they made those percentages available for the user to monitor the breakdown of specific color values for a reason ... so we could have an indication of how a specific color in an image will be reproduced ...

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Yes and no. If you shoot with a custom white balance, in my experience you're going to get beautiful skin tones 90 to 95 percent of the time. But on the other hand a significant percentage of men have mediocre to poor color discrimination (not the same as colorblind, they just can't discriminate between adjacent colors very well). So unless you have taken a test like this one from Xrite to determine how well you see color, and if you're a man, it's best to use RGB values AND your eyes to handle skin tones.

Again, going by specific numbers in this instance, I believe, could lead to problems ... there may be times when you may desire or actually need to adjust skin tones ... even though a pleasing WB has been achieved ... the relationship of R, G and B can be used to get you there.

It would be nice to be able to set separate tones on the ring chime pro for each individual door bell. Even basic door bell chimes have 2 tones (ding ding and ding) for front and rear doors. Right now the only way to distinguish the different bells I have is by changing the notification sound in my phone.

4.3. Sergei Charkov plays the khomys lute and his daughter Yulia the yykh fiddle to accompany the song Khaijylar (Epic Performers) using khai vocal tone. Chaa Tas War Stones, Uibat Steppe, Khakassia, 2005.

I have upgraded my phone to IOS 17, and the ability to set custom text tones is gone! I had many on my old OS and they all disappeared and aren't showing. Has anybody been experiencing this? Will it be fixed soon? 

Yup, it appears to be gone at present. Some of my previously purchased tones are still available but I tried to purchase one this morning and it didn't show up. All my previously purchased tones are available to use as ringtones. They cannot, however, be selected for anything else. No one here would know Apple's plans for the future. It's unclear if this is an intentional change or a byproduct of something else. I'm leaning toward the latter but, we'll see.

So many great text tones I had on my phone. No longer have access to them but my contacts that had the custom tones are still there and trigger the tone. Just cannot select / change/ add new tones. Apple is silent. Why?

I got the iphone 15 yesterday, October 30th 2023. All my text tones i had purchased, of which there was a lot, are now just gone. The ring tones came across no problem. This needs to be fixed asap! Or refund all the money i spent on custom text tones from your store. Not. Happy.

The most important first step: Single coil vs Humbucker. It may be obvious to some but the first step to match a guitar tone is to know what pickups were used on the original recording. So a good place to spend your money is on one or two guitars that have the 2 main pickup types. A Strat and a less paul special are a great place to start with basically 80% of the tones you'll need. For a cheaper route you can get a Yamaha pacifica (~200 bucks) because it has 2 single coils and 1 humbucker.

Generally bright tones are done with single coils while Humbuckers generally give a very warm clean sound with no distortion like for a jazzy sound or heavy metal stuff with tons of amp distortion. So bright sound life for pop, light rock and country use single coils, Humbuckers for everything else!

In my experience you may need to bring the gain down (or sometimes way down) for the amp not to sound too over the top distorted in the midrange and high end with most amps. In rare occasions, especially when I'm going for a clean fender-like sound I have gotten good results with playing with the dry/wet knob, but for almost all tones I keep it fully wet.

here you can se my paint skilz. Here's what a mic pointed on, off axis and far looks like. Generally, the more on axis the mic is the brighter the tone, darker tones are off axis and far gives more ambience.

A very guitar-istic way of getting good tones is to get a nice pedalboard, so a collection of good pedals to play a variety of styles. A good staring point is a tuner, then a pith sifter or a whammy pedal, compresor, then a overdrive of some kind, then modulation pedals like flanger or chorus, delay, reverb.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During EMDR, patients make eye movements (EMs) while recalling traumatic memories, but recently therapists have replaced EMs by alternating beep tones. There are no outcome studies on the effects of tones. In an earlier analogue study, tones were inferior to EMs in the reduction of vividness of aversive memories. In a first EMDR session, 12 PTSD patients recalled trauma memories in three conditions: recall only, recall + tones, and recall + EMs. Three competing hypotheses were tested: 1) EMs are as effective as tones and better than recall only, 2) EMs are better than tones and tones are as effective as recall only, and 3) EMs are better than tones and tones are better than recall only. The order of conditions was balanced, each condition was delivered twice, and decline in memory vividness and emotionality served as outcome measures. The data strongly support hypothesis 2 and 3 over 1: EMs outperformed tones while it remained unclear if tones add to recall only. The findings add to earlier considerations and earlier analogue findings suggesting that EMs are superior to tones and that replacing the former by the latter was premature.

This is very helpful! One thing I notice with your example pictures is that almost all of them have metal, wicker or painted furniture/cabinets mixed in with the different wood tones. It seems that adding some different materials and textures can help balance out the wood.

Solution: Both "System" volume AND "Play sound for keypad taps" must be ON for the DTMF tones to be sounded. If either System volume or Play sound for keypad taps is off, DTMF tones will not be created.

AndrewL is also correct, the "Play sound for keypad taps" within the phone app must be toggled on or the DTMF tones will not be generated. From within the Phone app > Tap the 3 dots in the top right > Settings > Call Alerts and Ringtone > Play Sound For Keypad Taps > On

I had the same very frustrating and troublesome problem and it took me a while to find that I had to turn the System volume on to solve this issue. For me, the phone app setting of Play sound for keypad taps was already set to on, and as that is a more obscure setting, the System volume being off is probably the most likely cause of no DTMF tones, as it was for me.

I did not think that turning off the System volume would have such a crazy side effect of no DTMF tones. And this issue can certainly blindside, especially as DTMF tones are not used by modern cell phones to dial a number, unlike land-line phones when dialing a number, so making a successful cell call can falsely imply that DTMF tones should be working.

Most languages use pitch as intonation to convey prosody and pragmatics, but this does not make them tonal languages.[3] In tonal languages, each syllable has an inherent pitch contour, and thus minimal pairs (or larger minimal sets) exist between syllables with the same segmental features (consonants and vowels) but different tones. Vietnamese and Chinese have heavily studied tone systems, as well as amongst their various dialects.

In a number of East Asian languages, tonal differences are closely intertwined with phonation differences. In Vietnamese, for example, the ng and sc tones are both high-rising but the former is distinguished by having glottalization in the middle. Similarly, the nng and huyn tones are both low-falling, but the nng tone is shorter and pronounced with creaky voice at the end, while the huyn tone is longer and often has breathy voice. In some languages, such as Burmese, pitch and phonation are so closely intertwined that the two are combined in a single phonological system, where neither can be considered without the other. The distinctions of such systems are termed registers. The tone register here should not be confused with register tone described in the next section.

Kuang identified two types of phonation: pitch-dependent and pitch-independent.[6] Contrast of tones has long been thought of as differences in pitch height. However, several studies pointed out that tone is actually multidimensional. Contour, duration, and phonation may all contribute to the differentiation of tones. Investigations from the 2010s using perceptual experiments seem to suggest phonation counts as a perceptual cue.[6][7][8]

Both lexical or grammatical tone and prosodic intonation are cued by changes in pitch, as well as sometimes by changes in phonation. Lexical tone coexists with intonation, with the lexical changes of pitch like waves superimposed on larger swells. For example, Luksaneeyanawin (1993) describes three intonational patterns in Thai: falling (with semantics of "finality, closedness, and definiteness"), rising ("non-finality, openness and non-definiteness") and "convoluted" (contrariness, conflict and emphasis). The phonetic realization of these intonational patterns superimposed on the five lexical tones of Thai (in citation form) are as follows:[10] 0852c4b9a8

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