When I attempt to download a YouTube video to an mp3 file, the download seems to be going fine, I get the "Done" message. However the file only contain 10 to 40 seconds of music, more often around 20 seconds.

I downloaded the latest version of vdownloader. When I try to download a simple youtube video (which I always can in the past), "video info is being fetched, Please wait, and it never resolves. I tried removing vdownloader and attempt to reinstall, but when It starts back up again, it wants to continue the download and the wait begins again (taking about 45% of memory, etc). Suggestions?

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What if, instead of downloading a video from YouTube with VDownloader, I want to download only the audio? Luckily, the developers of this utility have taken the trouble to add a function thanks to which you can extract the audio from your favorite content, for example, music clips, in MP3 format. This is essential for not needing other complementary software and making the files weigh less.

Ever been completely engrossed in a music video or a TED Talk on YouTube, when suddenly the video sputters to a halt? Downloading your videos in their entirety before watching them can make for a much better viewing experience. VDownloader is a $39 utility (free feature-limited demo) that tries to make it easier for you to download videos from multiple websites for later viewing. Unfortunately, it does not always succeed.

This will protect you from most viruses, spyware, and malware that could enter through these files. Then install a good free firewall on your computer as well as an ad blocker such as AdBlock Plus for extra safety protection when browsing online music stores or downloading torrents.

It is common for people to download music in MP(a) format, but there are other formats that you can find. Be sure to check file extensions of the files before downloading them because they may appear differently than how they should be displayed on your computer.

Another type of music file format that should never be downloaded is .exe extensions. This type of file contains executable code which makes them very dangerous for users who download them without knowing what they really are doing on their computer system.

There are a lot of things that you should know about the music file formats before downloading any song from your favorite artists. It is important to check for different extensions and make sure that they match with their official source because this will keep you away from malware and viruses on your system.

I use this for collecting music, it may work for you. At the top of the page click the "Youtube to Mp3" link & enter the URL of the video you want just the sound from. Not 100% sure this will do what you want, would like to know if it does. Good luck.

As you know, I got this video from youtube. One day I was listening to a song I made, you know trying to figure out what I can do to make it better and such. Anyways, I went to Godtube.com while still listening to my song, I went hey "this video looks cool", so I clicked and the song started were it starts in this video. I was like, "dang! this goes pretty well". Anyways, i downloaded the video using vDownloader and used Logic Express to put the video and song together. NOTE: The full length of my song is actually 5:33 min. long with an intro and everything. I kept the video in its original format because I have absolutely no idea how to edit a video AT ALL. I actually composed this song using Garage Band because I got Logic Express after a week I made the song. (yes, it takes me a while to make a song. Mostly because I very picky and harsh to myself when it comes to my music and I'm hardly satisfied with what I make, but other people seem to like my music so whatever). I AM CHRISTIAN & I PLAY FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. All and all, I hope you guys like it and please feel free to criticize my music. Have a blessed day, afternoon, or night =P GOD BLESS!!! P.S. I thank does readers who actually took the time to read all this. It took me 10min to type this. I know, I'm a slow typer!! Love ya'll in Jesus. I'm not white, I'm spanish in case anybody was wondering.(more) 0852c4b9a8

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