Now if you are like me, you want to sing a song everyone knows. You know like Sweet Home Alabama or Sweet Caroline. However these Karaoke standards are strangely absent in China. So what English songs do they know? Well you are in luck because I have a small list of songs that are guaranteed to be known by your mainland Chinese friends.

There seems to be theme of super sappy love songs combined with simple English so the average English student won't have a problem singing it. What can we say, sappy romance sells! So if you are starting a band and trying to break into the China scene you better have simple lyrics that verge on cheesy. Good luck.

Free Download Mp3 China Songs

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Hi, I found that some of the songs from mainland China are not very complete.Ā  andĀ  are both mainland Chinese singers, but Apple Music in mainland China only includes a small number of songs, while Apple Music in Hong Kong and even in the US includes all of them. And the latest album is also included, while the mainland area is not all.

If it is only the latest album has not been updated, but for example, 's "", "", "Ren" and other albums have been released for a long time, of course, there are also in Hong Kong, but the mainland area later new songs are updated, but not updated before.

Finally, I sincerely hope that the songs of Chinese mainland singers can be completed, I think Hong Kong and the mainland belong to China, there should not exist mainland songs in the Hong Kong area, but the mainland Apple Music does not have the situation.

Notably, many of the songs were written by underground hip-hop groups, suggesting that Beijing has turned its eye on subcultures that it previously deemed too small or marginal to warrant much interest.

The statement said that the listed songs trumpeted obscenity, violence and crime, or harmed social morality. Although few were outright political, many touched on topics that the ruling Communist Party considers taboo (mainly sex).

Are current American hits/singers also popular in China or Hong Kong, Taiwan? In other words, are the songs in the Billboard charts also well-known and loved by the young audience in China/Hong Kong, etc?

At the moment, it seems to me that in the US/UK, uptempo songs are more popular than ballads, if you look at the charts. So I was wondering if artists like Daft Punk, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus...are liked here.

I'm from china, I 'm sure about this. Current American singers are very popular in China as other countries around the world. There a lot of music radios introduce the latest songs from the Billboard charts or other popular charts 24 hours of live, some of them even broad by speaking English directly. Singers, such as Bruno mars, Katy Perry,etc, are also as famous as they are in U.S.Night clubs also play same club music as U.S. There is little difference between china and west on pop music today.

Applying a novel approach based on online query volume data, this study provides the first large-scale portrait of revolutionary nostalgia among the Chinese, undertaking an empirical analysis of how the aggregate level of nostalgia is shaped. For each Chinese province, we use the normalized frequency of searches for red songs on Baidu, the most widely used online search engine in China, to quantify the local level of nostalgia. We find that the evolving trends of nostalgia among the provinces are similar but stratified. The results from the dynamic panel data analysis using the Generalized Method of Moments indicate that revolutionary nostalgia is significantly affected by a set of socio-economic determinants, including GDP per capita, income inequality, social development, legal development and the degree of globalization.

I listen to both English and Chinese songs and since last week I released that LOTS and LOTS of songs with chinese characters suddenly got replaced by English, either in PinYin or direct translation. Now most of the songs title are NOT RECOGNISABLE.

Clearly they don't. They even use Mandarin pinyin for Cantonese songs. LOL I've just found that on my playlist I have a song "Well-intentioned" and also "When curtain falls". Can you guess which songs are they?Ā  andĀ  lol. Very nice. I have to play the songs to check what they are.

The Sh JngĀ  or Book of Songs (or Book of Odes) is made up of short poems. Although we must assume they were sung, we do not know the tunes that went with any of these songs. Indeed we know very little about China's earliest music in general, except for the instruments used to play it. We do know that music was popular, that some music was used in rituals, and that Confucius and others placed great value upon it.

The first of these categories, Songs of the States, has attracted most interest from modern readers because of their informality and because of the glimpse they are believed to give us into Chinese life three thousand years ago. It is hard to estimate how popular most of these songs were or for how long, but they are usually assumed to have been widely known folk songs of the early Zhu period, in other words between about 1100 and 600 BC.

The Book of Songs was among the many works destroyed by the First Emperor. After his death it was reconstructed from memory, but apparently a memory more of the songs as heard than as written, so that different new transcriptions were not always written in identical characters, but with homonym glyphs.

Provided here are a mere four of the folksongs to give a sense of the kind of material and style involved. As elsewhere on this web site, the Chinese is presented in traditional and simplified characters, respectively blue and red. The English translations are my own in order to make them available without copyright considerations, and they may be freely reprinted for educational purposes. To each translation I have added a few notes seeking to explain, if not really justify, my interpretive choices. No effort has been made to render them singable.

Norodom Sihanouk, former King of the Kingdom of Cambodia, was an old friend of the Chinese people. For many years, he was committed to advancing the friendship between the two countries. He paid several official and goodwill visits to China and spent his last years in Beijing. Sihanouk wrote songs extolling China-Cambodia friendship, such as "Nostalgia of China," "Long Live People's China! Long Live Chairman Mao Zedong!" and "Oh China, My Dear Second Homeland!", and left many touching stories about the profound friendship between the two countries.

In his talks with Premier Zhou, Sihanouk made clear his reluctance to live in exile and determination to fight the US and save his country from Lon Nol, whom he called a traitor for seeking support from the US and betraying Cambodia. China gave Sihanouk tremendous support and help as he established the National United Front of Kampuchea and the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea in Beijing. China also facilitated the convening of a four-party summit in Guangzhou for the top leaders of the three countries in Indochina, namely, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

A Chinese orchestra typically consists of a variety of traditional Chinese instruments, including string instruments such as the erhu and guzheng, wind instruments like the dizi and suona, and percussion instruments like the gong and drum. These instruments are combined to create a unique and distinct sound that is associated with traditional Chinese music. The orchestra may also include a conductor and a vocalist who performs traditional Chinese songs and operas. The ensemble typically plays both traditional Chinese music and contemporary pieces that are based on traditional Chinese music. 0852c4b9a8

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