Hello! I'm a huge fan of MOBAs (the genre that includes League of Legends, DOTA 2, and Smite to name some of the most popular) and I especially love Heroes of the Storm. One of my favorite parts of Heroes of the Storm is that it's a crossover of some of my favorite games. Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and Overwatch.

Well it recently occurred to me that a MOBA would be a great opportunity to get some of our favorite Cosmere characters interacting together. My favorite part of Heroes of the Storm would be my favorite part of a Cosmere themed moba: the crossover!

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I'd like to share these concepts with you all, and I'd love feedback on them. Additionally, I'd love to see what ideas you could come up with too! Whether its a different take on a character, or a character I haven't covered yet, I want to see your ideas.

I'm going to begin by posting the concepts I've already finished, and post about 1 a day. I'll also share some of the design principles i've been following in case you'd like to play along and make a character design of your own.

Point and click: these abilities are by definition impossible to miss. So you can be sure you'll hit your target if you use it. Therefore if an ability is point and click be sure that it puts the player at risk in other ways. Examples in Heroes of the Storm include: Uther has to be in melee range to use his stun which leaves him vulnerable. Anduin's point and click heal has to channel first and can be interrupted by stuns.

Skillshots: these abilities have more risk built into using them because now you can miss. If you miss you have to wait to use it again. You can increase or decrease the risk depending on the speed of the skillshot. Heroes of the Storm's Ana's healing dart is almost instant, but her sleeping dart is slower and has a longer cool down. Guess which ability is the playmaker?

Passive skills: auras that grant bonuses or things that passively improve your character in one way or another have no risk and therefore should have little reward. Heroes of the Storm's Lucio's healing is very minute until he uses his "amp it up" ability. The most interesting passive skills are the ones that tie into gameplay in some way, encouraging you to active things to improve them or get full use of them. More HOTS examples include Cassia getting armor while she's moving or Butcher getting fresh meat when he kills.

R(1) - Stormblessed. Activate stormlight and attract all enemy ranged attacks to hit you instead of your allies within a radius. Additionally all allies within that radius have 25 spell armor for the duration. Lasts 5 seconds.

Q - Mayalaran Toss: Adolin throws his shardblade in a line, damaging all buildings and enemies in front of him. Adolin cannot use his other basic abilities if this is on cooldown (10 second cooldown), loses benefits from Expert Duelist and auto attack damage is decreased by 20%.

W - Flame Stance: channel for 0.25 seconds, then stab forward, damaging all enemies in an area and slowing them by 20% for three seconds, enemies at the edge of the stab are stunned for 0.5 seconds and adolin jumps to them.

E - Stone Stance: the next enemy hit by a basic attack is then struck by a flurry of swings, damaging and suppressing (a channeled stun) them for 2 seconds. If adolin is struck by a melee auto attack from a hero, he turns on the other champion for the duration instead.

That totally works! I'm used to heroes of the storm so I build characters as if they were in that game but if you are more used to traditional mobas write your character design as of they were gonna be on that!

Consume Evil: while Destroy Evil is active, flames of Divided they fall becomes black and drain mana from the target Szeth, the total amount of mana drained is hard-capped to two third of Divided they fall's cost (after cost reduction, not the base cost)

Destroy Evil cost mana per second to maintain active, Szeth no longer has mana Nightblood will quickly drain his hit point instead. While Destroy Evil is active Szeth gain reduced incoming healing, shield and mana.

E - "Dragon!". Send out Magellan the Macaw to randomly attack the enemy team for 30 seconds. Magellan can't be targeted. Every time he attacks an enemy hero, they're feared for 2 seconds.

E - The Lord of Terror. Send out Magellan the Macaw to randomly attack the enemy team for 30 seconds. Magellan can't be targeted. Every time he attacks an enemy hero, they're feared for 2 seconds.

Nope, Hero is just the term used for player character. League of Legends calls them Champions, Heroes of the Storm calls them Heroes. Since i'm more familiar with the latter its my go to nomenclature. So even a villain character is called a "Hero".

D is reserved for your trait, All heroes have their own unique Trait (also known as a passive) that has a heavy impact on how that hero plays. Usually the Trait is a permanent effect that is always active, and is simply a descriptor for the unique mechanic the hero can utilize. Many heroes have an active Trait used by pressing the D hotkey, and work as an extra ability at no cost. Others have a passive Trait but can press the Trait's hotkey to disable a channeled ability, or through a Talent can activate the Trait for an effect.

R 1:House War. Kelsier causes player attacks to strike other players for 5 seconds and prevents healing/support abilities from working for 10 seconds. (P: Causes opposing team to target each other (so they have to use aimed attacks) and prevents healing/support for 5 seconds.)

R 2: Martyr. Kelsier brutally attacks a single player, killing him/her and causing moderate AOE damage to all others. All enemy team members permanently double attack, speed and dexterity. This cannot be removed by player abilities. All NPCs within the area become enemies. This attack automatically activates Con Artist to transform Kelsier into the Shadow and removes him from combat for three minutes. (P: causes major damage to one enemy player and mild AOE damage to others. Grants team members a permanent increase to attack, but it can be removed by enemy players. NPCs in range become allies until Kelsier returns as Shadow four minutes later.)

Q: Manifest Object. Kelsier manifests objects around enemy players causing them to slow for 5 seconds and to suffer mild to moderate immediate damage, with periodic damage over the next ten seconds. (P: slow is for 3 seconds and periodic damage only occurs for certain objects and lasts 5.)

W: Sow Confusion. Kelsier creates shadows and mist obscuring the battlefield for 15 seconds. This also causes players to view one another as enemies. (P: lasts 10 seconds. Enemy players cannot identify teammates for 5.)

R1: Survive. Kelsier heals his crew by 15% every second for fifteen seconds. During this time all crew abilities are doubled and they cannot be stunned or slowed. All status effects are healed. (P: milder increases; heals for 10%)

Also note that the R1/R2 thing comes from the fact that in Heroes of the Storm heroes chose which ultimate they'll use this game so currently you're giving players the option to get stuck in the Shadow form, it might be better to postpone the ultimate choice until they reach the >redacted< form

When allied Dalinar and allied champions slaying creeps near him give them a stack of True Glory, slaying any enemy champion or scoring an assist give three stacks. For every three stacks the champion attract a gloryspren, each gloryspren increases their attack speed and ability haste. Each champion can attract up to three glorysprens. Stacks of True Glory decreases over a few seconds when outside of combat or too far from Dalinar

After a short channel time Dalinar opens a Perpendicularity for a few dozen seconds, regenerating the hit points and mana of allied champions in range (himself included) as well as significantly reducing the recall's channelling time and giving them nine stacks of True Glory. While Merge Realms is active Dalinar cannot move, attack or use ability except his recall 152ee80cbc

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