Added buttons to create alarms for when the active vessel will reach the next maneuver node or SOI change, as well as made a bunch of back end changes that should hopefully make improving the currently really bad UI much easier

When this happened, was the maneuver node you were warping to anywhere near the alarm you had set? Also, if you can remember, were you warping a few hours to a day, or was it more like weeks or longer? I'll do my best to figure out what's going on and have that fixed for the next release.

Free Download Latest Alarm Clock

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It would be very helpful if you could have an alarm start early by some user stated offset. When you set the alarm for a maneuver node sometimes the ship needs time to orient to the maneuver. When the alarm goes off and the game pauses on the exact time the burn is late when the ship has to orient to the burn before executing.

I'm sure you already have a lot on your plate working on this but showing the alarms with how much time is left till them rather than the universal game time would be super useful! Also being able to have recurring timers, like one that goes off every 7 days for launches etc.

@GoatBOT I am nearly certain I have found and fixed the issue. Basically what was happening is, the alarm clock always tries to give a time that's one day (or some other offset that you set in the settings menu) before the "best" timing it can see in the near future. However, for a decent bit of year 27 (and plenty of other timings with other planets), the best window is IMMEDIATELY. What happens then is, the alarm would end up being set a day in the past, which can't happen, so it would just seem like nothing happened. Definitely an oversight on my part when I added in the offset settings.

I just uploaded a fix to the issue, so if you're using CKAN you should see that update soon. What happens now is, the transfer calculator looks whatever amount your offset is into the future; so, if you keep it as the default 1 day, it will only start considering times one day into the future. If that's the best time it can find, then it will create an alarm just a few seconds away, so that you get feedback telling you that now is a good window to launch.

The easiest, fastest, and most convenient way to set an alarm on any computer is to use a free online alarm clock. All you need to use this alarm clock is an internet connection. You don't need to download an app.

You can use the default alarm clock app on mobile phones or download a free one from the App Store or Google Play Store. On iPhone, tap alarm at the bottom of the Clock app to set an alarm. Set a time, day, and frequency for the alarm.

The online alarm clock is a digital alarm clock you can use for free via your internet browser on any computer or mobile device. You can use the alarm to wake up in the morning and to help with daily routines like studying, exercising, cooking, or completing practice exams.

The online alarm clock simply runs via an internet connection. It's completely free, and you don't need to download any apps or software to use the internet alarm clock. Once you've set your alarm for your chosen time, the webpage will sound an alarm at the volume your computer is set. Make sure your volume is turned up to hear the alarm.

Once set, a live countdown will appear on-screen. You can end the alarm early by clicking Stop. Once the countdown hits zero, the alarm will sound. You can snooze the alarm for 10 minutes by clicking the Snooze button.

Finally, you can also view alarms you've previously set under Alarm Clock Data. Click Export to CSV to download the data or Clear Data to reset or forget the information. To set multiple alarms, open another tab and repeat the steps.

No, the online alarm clock only has a limited selection of pre-selected sounds. You can pick from several types of loud alarms, like a buzzer, bell, or white noise. Unfortunately, YouTube Music or Spotify links cannot be used for alarms.

Yes, this online alarm clock is loud and can be heard even if your computer's volume is low. The site uses your computer's volume to sound the alarm, so you can increase or decrease its volume using your computer's sound volume functions.

No, the computer alarm clock does not work if you close the browser tab. However, the tab doesn't need to be active for the set alarm to sound. You can switch tabs or use another desktop application, and the alarm will still function.

No, an alarm on the computer will not work if your device is in sleep mode. However, if your display is turned off, so the screen is dark, the online alarm clock will still play on most devices. If you are unsure whether your operating system will play the alarm with the display turned off, leave it on as a precaution or carry out a quick test of the alarm before using it overnight to wake up.

since the last update a few days ago, there is no longer any way to know which alarm is playing because the alarm name is not displayed. instead, there is a "show name" button that does not show the alarm name. hoping this horrible update is fixed soon. using alarms and seeing the names of each is the most important reason I use this phone. there is no apparent solution to this problem presently.

I want to add alarm clock to run Sound on my Xiaomi Gateway hub (Like below picture)

Today i read a lot of infomations. But i think it for a older HassOS (cant use with that, or am i dont know how to fix code (spacing and dash too hard)

When an alarm is activated, a button appears below the alarm clock allowing you to silence the alarm. When you tap the button it will toggle the state of input_boolean.wakeactivated_1 (thereby preventing additional notifications) and the button will disappear from the UI.

Hi, I have already integrated most of the stuff, unfortunately I still have a problem left. I previously used home asisstant and there I had a trigger set which was the alarm clock on my phone. How do you replicate this in SmartThings? I would like the corresponding automation to trigger when the alarm clock on the phone goes off. Do you have any ideas on how to do this?

You could use Tasker to react to the alarm events on the phone and then either use the SharpTools Tasker plugins to control a SmartThings device or the Tasker HTTP action to call a Rule Engine rule.

This post draws inspiration from a user on the SmartThings community who wanted to know how they could trigger an action in their smart home 10 minutes before the next alarm clock on their Android phone. They had found a Reddit post where a user had...

I've made this little alarm clock with a little help from my brother. I tried it last night, with out the nonBlockingRawInput and that worked fine, but with the nonBlockingRawInput it didn't work. Today I've tried it but neither of them work! I will post the code with the nonBlockingRawInput and the "non" file. If you want the code without nonBlockingRawInput, just ask.

I've been looking at your code for a while now. As far as I can understand you want to be able to run an alarm while also being able to type "stop" in the shell to end the program, to this end you can make the alarm a thread. The thread will check if its time to say "ALARM!" and open the mp3. If the user hasn't typed stop in the shell, the thread will sleep and check again later.

Apple really needs to bring back the clock icon on the home screen that tells you the alarm is set. My husband and I were both late for work this morning because I thought I set the alarm but guess I didn't and there's no way to know without opening the clock. My iPhone 6 would have told me from the home screen that my alarm wasn't set. Thanks, Apple. Love going backward in convenience.

I know they did away with all of it! That is my complaint. I like it on my home screen (as did many customers, according to these forums). I don't want to swipe. It's an added step I didn't have to take with "outdated" models. Of course, I could be one of the unlucky thousands who have phantom alarms going off at all hours so I guess I should count my blessings.

Same issue,the alarm on Pandora has been working fine till yesterday. Alarm never went off in the morning even though it was set and on the Pandora screen. Tried several times throughout the day to re-set the alarm to go off, but no success. Tried deleting and reinstalling the app and still having an issue

Glad it's not just me having issues with the alarm feauture. I've used pandora for years to wake up, but it started acting weird yesterday or the day before yesterday. Hopefully the pandora team can get this fixed?

My alarm suddenly stopped working on the morning of May 27, 2022. I have never had issues with Pandora before. But in the last week, I also started having problems with the Offline mode when away from wifi.

Today I tried restarting the iPhone, uninstall/reinstall Pandora, this did not fix. Then upgraded to the latest version of iOS, uninstall/reinstall Pandora, then restarting iPhone. No luck. The screen shows that the alarm is on and set for a specific time, but the alarm never goes off. The screen continues to show the alarm is set after the the alarm time passes.

Same issue here. Alarm was working fine until recently. Now the alarm time passes, but it's just sitting there at the 'sleep screen.' Can't recall exactly, but it seems to have stopped after upgrading to iOS 15.5. Noticed some folks are experiencing this at 15.4.1. Don't recall what version I was at before. 0852c4b9a8

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