Note: When you download jQuery, the file name may contain a version number, e.g., jquery-x.y.z.js. Make sure to either rename this file to jquery.js or update the src attribute of the element to match the file name.

Seeing an outdated version? Make sure you're not using the "automatic version" links, like /jqueryui/1/..., but instead use URLs referring to exact versions. Due to concerns over caching and lack of compatibility between even minor versions, we have deprecated and stopped updating the automatic version aliases some time ago, so they will forever refer to an old version (in order to not break existing sites that still use them).

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How to solve: You need to look at your project files, structure basepage, components, and/or project client library configurations to find a reference of the "cq.jquery" name. If your codebase does not have such values in your project, then you should take a look at the resourceSuperType cq:component scripts and/or client libraries being referenced within the different resources within CRX/DE. Understand what, where, and who is actually including the "cq.jquery" client library would be the first step of removing this unwanted set of libraries.

Once you have found the underlying cause, your next step is to overwrite the resource's script file that includes "cq.jquery", by overlaying (if it is a script file) or to simply edit the client library that is referencing the "cq.jquery" client library name.

Could you please validate if any of your project client-lib has dependency property pointing to AEM jquery clientlibs like cq.jquery or cq.jquery.ui which might call these clientlibs in publish?

Now that I'm comfortable getting, reading from, and manipulating DOM items and doing Ajax, the one area I've run into trouble with is DOM traversal. So for example, finding something in the DOM but actually wanting the previous or next item. jQuery makes this trivial with things like .prev() or .next(). There is a good resource for this and it's one of those "you don't need jQuery" sites. The site? Nicely named, right? It has specific examples of .prev() and .next() and other DOM traversal items I rarely need, but I'm glad to know I can lookup when I need it.

I'm doing it the same way, with the calls to require juqyer and jquery ui, but for some reason in 3.4, even though the jquery ui script is included in the source, it's not working. I'm wonderinf if it's being overriden by something somewhere else.

I don't know much about Hubspot. I'm trying to modify a form for a customer. I need to use jQuery but when I try something as simple as a $document.ready() log to console I get "Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined" in Chrome DevTools Console. I've tried the instructions shown here - -pages/include-jquery-across-your-hubspot-pages - but I'm not finding the same options described in that article.

Datepicker provides support for localizing its content to cater for different languages and date formats. Each localization is contained within its own file with the language code appended to the name, e.g., jquery.ui.datepicker-fr.js for French. The desired localization file should be included after the main datepicker code. Each localization file adds its options to the set of available localizations and automatically applies them as defaults for all instances. Localization files can be found at -ui/tree/master/ui/i18n.

In all the examples presented here with jquery we need less code to get it, the code is simpler and cleaner with less possibilities of having errors with missing parentheses.

The problems of the variables do not exist if you define them within the scope that you are working.

With the update to WordPress 5.5, a migration tool known as jquery-migrate was no longer enabled by default. This may lead to lacking functionality or unexpected behavior in some themes or plugins that run older code.

@MATHIAS BYNENS: Thanks for putting it on GitHub. Just one more thing: According to the jQuery plugin guidelines the name of the (plugin) file should be "jquery.simplestslideshow.js" (or "jquery.slideshow.js", but I prefer the first).

Jonathan, I wrote a tiny plugin that does just this to help someone in the #jquery IRC channel earlier this year. What I did was very similar, except that it did allow stopping and restarting, as well as a "one-off" fade without any kind of loop.

The Official Form Plugin is available here: jquery.form.js or fromthe plugin's Github repository. Minified version: jquery.form.min.js There are many other useful Form Plugins available from the jQuery Plugins page. Support Support for the Form Plugin is available through the jQuery Google Group.This is a very active group to which many jQuery developers and users subscribe. Contributors Development of the Form Plugin was a community effort with many people contributing ideas and code. The following people have made contributions of one kind or another: 0852c4b9a8

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