The only reason why one would use the tilde as version requirement is if you have to deal with "zero" versions that get compatible updates. The tilde does not differ between ~0.1 and ~1.1, in both cases it will allow updates up to the next major version number (below 1.0 or 2.0 respectively). The caret operator will disallow minor updates in this range: ^0.1 does not allow updates to 0.2, because in semantic versioning a zero-dot-something version may introduce incompatible changes when going to zero-dot-something+1.

Getting the EXACT same error message.

I successfully installed it once, for user A and running it worked out of the box! Bravo.

Then I realized that it was a hassle trying to run it when logged in with user B (which I must be), so I uninstalled it.

Re-installing it works but launching it now, I get the same error as you do. And same model version warning.

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DynamoDBMapper transactional write operations do not support @DynamoDBVersionAttribute annotation and condition expressions on the same object. If an object within a transactional write is annotated with @DynamoDBVersionAttribute and also has a condition expression, then an SdkClientException will be thrown.

So, I had not added, removed or editted any of the graded parts of the question (Embedded Answers (Cloze) question type) but edited a link within my Quiz . However my students were not able to see the edited/new version of the Quiz' question containing the new/edited link. They continued to see the old version of the Quiz! Only those students were able to see the edited/new version who have started their Quiz attempt after I had made the change.

I have installed a previous version like, and then with the module click upgrade, i have updated to version 8.3.1 and shop is working correctly in frontend and backend. Maybe there is a bug in the installation proccess

I have the same error, but when I try to locate the Files in the install directory I saw there are 3 directories in {root}/var/cache starting with dev (dev, de~, de_) the missing files are in de_ directory but installer is looking for in dev directory.

Disclaimer: The information provided on and affiliated web properties (including the DevExpress Support Center) is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Developer Express Inc disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Please refer to the Website Terms of Use for more information in this regard.

Hi krono, thanks for the reply. iIhave now read the release notes and that makes sense. thanks for the feedback. No problems with it at all - I was just surprised. Works like a charm and much simpler (less brain space needed),

Kind Regards

The ransomware group LockBit resurfaced in June with LockBit 2.0, with reports indicating an increased number of targeted companies and the incorporation of double extortion features influenced by ransomware families such as Ryuk and Egregor.

I am a PhD student of Geophysics and work with large amounts of image data (hundreds of GB, tens of thousands of files). I know svn and git fairly well and come to value a project history, combined with the ability to easily work together and have protection against disk corruption. I find git also extremely helpful for having consistent backups but I know that git cannot handle large amounts of binary data efficiently.

To be clear, I am primarily interested in how other researchers deal with this situation, not just this specific dataset. It seems to me that almost everyone should have this problem, yet I don't know anyone who has solved it. Should I just keep a backup of the original data and forget all this version control stuff? Is that what everyone else is doing?

I have dealt with similar problems with very large synthetic biology datasets, where we have many, many GB of flow cytometry data spread across many, many thousands of files, and need to maintain them consistently between collaborating groups at (multiple) different institutions.

This gives me enough information to know if a data file has changed and an idea of what has changed (e.g., rows added/deleted, new/renamed columns), without stressing the VCS.

There is also another way to do this With the Publishing Feature enabled in SharePoint Server you can use the Content and Structure tool to move the docs with versioning intact. For more on this process please click here.

Bruno, and API management tool, is an excellent example of local development with git-based VCS. Something similar would increase our day-to-day usage of dbdiagram. It is an excellent, well-designed tool.

Version Tagging is a new feature Sigma has developed to enforce stronger version control of workbooks. With Version Tagging, you will be able to safely develop workbooks, (especially embedded workbooks,) without worrying about making changes that could affect content already in use. You can safely quality assure and deploy changes without interrupting your Sigma workbook customers.

You can also share just the tagged version of your workbook to other users and teams. You can also share tagged versions with your embedded teams. No more worrying about breaking your embeds or redirecting embed links!

With this latest update, the userChrome.css file is either partially or totally ignored. Thus, tab bar is back at the top. When I use Firefox extensively like I do, I develop a muscle memory for where things are. In my opinion, and like many, many other people who agree with me, having the tab bar at the top is completely illogical. I'm sure at this point that Mozilla has received enough negative feedback about having the tab bar at the top that they are aware that this is a problem for a lot of people. One would think that they actually might want to consider making the tab bar location optional in order to keep end users. For example, in my case this is such a huge issue that I'm now looking around for another browser. I simply don't have the time to continually squander on overcoming major paradigm shifts.

I disagree with the moderator. Users are advancing ideas that used to be options and are providing feedback to changes made with this release. This should be an "Actionable Item". It was an action taken to remove a user option that exited in the tool bar customization menu.

Yep, totally with you on this. Just because the moderator thinks that the suggestion isn't "actionable", doesn't mean that any of the many programmers working on Firefox agree. IMO, the moderator is out of control when he or others of them block ideas that they simply don't like. This is exactly the kind of thing will result in a fork which will do to Mozilla what Mozilla did to Netscape years ago.

Firefox 113 deleted a group of proprietary CSS properties whose names start with -moz-box, including -moz-box-ordinal-number, which was often used in CSS rules as a hack to change the vertical sequence of elements. There are now standard CSS properties you need to use instead.

Well, for me it worked with 113.0, but not with 113.0.1. I suspect it matters which version of the userChrome workarounds you were using. I know that I replaced mine with a version put out in April of 2022, and it started working again and is as I type running 113.0.1.

So, jscher2000, who is FF trying to standardize with? Microsoft Edge, Mac whatever OS? A simple replacement of the menu option to put the Tabs in a more logical (kinda computer-like, huh?) position instead of way up at the top is all we are asking for!

The UI original was written in a derivative of XML called XUL (eXtensible User interface Language) with proprietary style properties. The UI is being converted to standard HTML and CSS. This is taking a long time. if it had been done in one fell swoop when Firefox 57 was released, that would have been ideal, but considering it has take another more than 5 years, I think that was impossible.

Fabulous! Once upon a time it was a simple checkbox choice within Firefox. We've now been complaining about it's removal for years chasing ways to get it back. Why won't the team simply add the option back to the brogram and avoid this issue for so many?

You are correct, since version 28 we have had to work around this missing feature. And with every few releases, the HACK/WORK AROUND gets broken... all we want is a feature that has been removed for years... and everyone has been asking for this feature back, all the while copying code from some website to fix the missing feature.

As a longtime open-source author myself, I know that if it breaks, I get to keep both parts. I am not owed a darn thing. But it is not a good lock to repeatedly break the same thing without eventually providing a fix. After at least 5 years of this, one would think that a preference could be initiated.

For the past five years, the UI has been gradually shedding proprietary CSS properties and moving toward standard CSS. If this had all been completed in one step, it certainly would have been easier for userChrome.css users, but that's not how it went and they're not done with the changes yet. Fortunately, the CSS wizards who maintain the large repositories are keeping on top of these changes as they are discovered in pre-release versions. r/FirefoxCSS is a great resource:

Browswer Tabs are metaphorically like physical protrusions up from each folder/divider in a drawer of folders or letter indents cut into the pages of a dictionary. Admitedly, these metaphors are rapidly being consigned to history. But the concept is clear, when a tab is selected, everthing inside/behind/underneath that tab pertains to that tab. Other things, like the metaphorical handle on the drawer, the cabinet, the lock, remain constant regardless of which tab is selected, and are therefore outside/infront/above the tab or tab selection.

It is my argument that the FF113 position of the Tab bar is inconsistent and not compatible with the common notion of what a tab signifies.

The current FF113 tab order is: 0852c4b9a8

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