I Dream of Jeannie is an American fantasy sitcom television series, created by Sidney Sheldon that starred Barbara Eden as a sultry, 2,000-year-old genie and Larry Hagman, as an astronaut with whom she falls in love and eventually marries. Produced by Screen Gems, the show originally aired for 139 episodes over five seasons, from September 18, 1965, to May 26, 1970, on NBC.

At first Roger does not know about both Jeannie's existence and magic for the first 16 episodes, although they meet in episode 12. When Roger finds out she is a genie, he steals her bottle, temporarily becoming her master. Roger is often shown as girl-crazy or scheming to make a quick buck. He occasionally has hopes of claiming Jeannie so he can use her to have a lavish lifestyle or gain beautiful girlfriends, but overall he is respectful that Tony is Jeannie's master. Both Tony and Roger are promoted to the rank of major late in the first season. In later seasons, Roger's role is retconned to portray him knowing about Jeannie from the beginning (i.e., to him having been with Tony on the space flight that touched down, and thus having seen Jeannie introduce herself to Tony).

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During the first season, in black and white, the smoke effect was usually a screen overlay of billowing smoke, sometimes combined with animation. Early color episodes used a purely animated smoke effect. Sometime later, a live smoke pack, lifted out of the bottle on a wire, was used.

Jeannie's color-episodes bottle was painted mainly in pinks and purples, while the bottle for the Blue Djinn was a first-season design with a heavy green wash, and Jeannie's sister's bottle was simply a plain, unpainted Jim Beam bottle.

In the penultimate episode, "Hurricane Jeannie", Nelson dreams that Dr. Bellows discovers Jeannie's secret, and that Jeannie's bottle is broken when dropped. A broken bottle is shown on camera. This was intended to be the series' final episode and is often shown that way in syndication.

On several occasions, multipart story arcs were created to serve as backgrounds for national contests. During the second season, in a story that is the focus of a two-part episode and a peripheral plot of two further episodes (the "Guess Jeannie's Birthday" contest began with the opening two-part episode on November 14, 1966, concluding with the name of the winner revealed after the end of the fourth episode, "My Master, the Great Caruso", on December 5), it was established that Jeannie did not know her birthday, and her family members could not agree when it was, either. Tony and Roger use NASA's powerful new computer and horoscopic guidance based on Jeannie's traits to calculate it. The year is quickly established as 64 BC, but only Roger is privy to the exact date and he decides to make a game out of revealing it. This date became the basis of the contest. Jeannie finally forces it out of him at the end of the fourth episode: April 1.

I Dream of Jeannie is an American fantasy sitcom starring Barbara Eden as a 2,000-year-old genie and Larry Hagman as an astronaut who becomes her master, with whom she falls in love and whom she eventually marries. Produced by Screen Gems, the series originally aired from September 1965 to May 1970 on NBC. The series ran for five seasons and produced 139 episodes. The first season consisted of 30 episodes filmed in black and white; all later seasons were filmed in color.

Roger needs an appendectomy. After Tony tells Jeannie of his childhood dream to be a surgeon, she blinks him into a surgeon's getup in Roger's operating room, but before long Dr. Bellows begins to suspect that Tony is posing as the doctor. Jeannie plants herself in the hospital as a nurse, and as Dr. Bellows brings a skeptical Gen. Peterson to the operating room to expose Tony, she helps him escape the unmasking.

The story follows a US astronaut, Major Anthony Nelson (played by Larry Hagman), who finds a mysterious bottle containing a genie (Barbara Eden) on a beach after his aircraft lands far from where it's meant to. She rescues him from that far away island and he becomes her master. The show follows how what should be making his life easier--she grants wishes, after all!--actually ends up filling his life with hijinks and adventure. The show ended in 1970, but here are the top 5 episodes worth revisiting (and 10 worth avoiding).

Many of the highest (and two of the lowest) rated episodes of I Dream of Jeannie are all in the second season of the show. Apparently the thirty-one episodes were largely great, with a couple of rough flops.

Even though season two has the top five most highly-rated episodes (and several more beyond that), it also somehow has the single worst-rated episode in I Dream of Jeannie history. No other episode in the show dips below a 6.1/10, so this one is a wild outlier.

For the 139 episodes of I Dream of Jeannie that aired, it is estimated that about 12 of the bottles were used. Some were used as stunt bottles to make the smoke effect that accompanied Jeannie's exit from the bottle into Major Nelson's home (or other places she opted to pop into). The smoke was made in the bottles using heat and chemicals and sometimes the bottle would break.

Gene Nelson directed the pilot and the first 13 episodes of I Dream of Jeannie, but it is said that repeated differences between him and Hagman prompted his decision to leave the the show. The original 14-inch bottle purchased by Gene Nelson remained in his possession for more than 30 years. He took it with him when he left the show and kept it until his death in 1996. His children have had it in storage since then.

After witnessing the success of Bewitched, network executives at NBC dreamed up I Dream of Jeannie. They wanted to duplicate Bewitched rise to popularity and double their earnings on shows about beautiful, magical women.

I Dream of Jeannie was supposed to take place in Florida, however, the show was clearly filmed in California. If you watch closely, you can even see the Hollywood Hills in the background of some of the episodes.

When those three shows were on the air, viewers had so many sitcoms to choose from. On top of that, viewers now have more options than ever before since they can go to streaming services like Netflix to find sitcoms to watch. Back during the '60s and early-'70s when new episodes of I Dream of Jeannie aired, however, viewers had three networks to choose from and maybe one or two local channels. As a result, even though I Dream of Jeannie never was one of the highest-rated shows on television, episodes got 20 million viewers at the series' peak.

From 1965 until 1970, 139 episodes of I Dream of Jeannie aired as the medium of television went through a titanic change. Originally aired in black and white, later episodes of I Dream of Jeannie were broadcast in color, and the early ones eventually were colorized.

A staff writer for the famed TV studio Screen Gems, Henerson also wrote episodes of The Partridge Family, The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries, Combat!, National Velvet, Love on a Rooftop, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice and The Second Hundred Years.

Hold on a second, the scene with the wind blowing with Junior and Livia waiting in line could be part of the dream. I think some of the episode Isabella was a dream and some of it was real (the shooting obviously).

In therapy, Dr. Melfi tells Tony that his dream of Isabella indicates that his subconscious is alerting him to problems with Livia, and suggests that she may have been involved in the decision to take his life. Tony lashes out and leaves, threatening Melfi and telling her he is finished with therapy. Frightened, Melfi locks the door after Tony storms out.

 Since the Screen Gems sets of tag_hash_115_________ and tag_hash_116__________________ were next to each other at the studio, many of the props and actual sets were shared between the two shows. In fact, even the Special Effects wizard, Dick Albain, worked on both shows for awhile. Here is a list of recycled sightings that crossover between the two shows. 

 Our namesake, tag_hash_117_______________, is the magazine that the witches (Endora, Serena, and Aunt Hagatha, but never Samantha) read in episodes 2, 3, 82, 129, 229, 247, and 253 of tag_hash_118_________. However, that same cover appeared with the title tag_hash_119______________ in the 1968 episode of tag_hash_120__________________, "My Double-Crossing Master." 

78-Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie (Part 2)

Still locked in the safe, Jeannie is sold to a junk dealer who plans to crush the safe in a scrap-compressing machine. 79-Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie (Part 3)

Knowing that Jeannie is still locked inside the safe, her wicked sister tries once again to nab Tony for herself. Guest star: Ted Cassidy, who played the character Lurch on "The Addams Family." 80-Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie (Part 4)

Tony panics when he learns that Jeannie becomes the property of the one who frees her from the safe. [Note: The above four episodes have been shown together by Nick at Nite as "Jeannie: The Movie."] 81-Please Don't Feed the Astronauts

Jeannie helps Tony and Roger pass a wilderness survival test complete with giant chickens and harem girls. Paul Lynde and Ted Cassidy guest-star. 82-My Master the Ghost Breaker

Tony inherits a castle in England, only to discover that it is haunted by thieves who want to get rid of him. 83-Divorce, Genie Style

Mrs. Bellows thinks Tony is a rotten husband and tries to arrange a divorce for Jeannie. 84-My Double-Crossing Master

Tony poses as a dashing Britisher named Geoffrey to prove that Jeannie is faithful to him. 85-Have You Ever Had a Genie Hate You?

Jeannie's wicked sister tricks her into hating Tony and falling in love with Roger. 86-Operation, First Couple on the Moon

Jeannie's sister offers to keep Tony from getting to the moon with a pretty woman scientist. 87-Haven't I Seen Me Someplace Before?

When Jeannie gives Roger one birthday wish, Roger mistakenly wishes that he could be Tony. 88-U.F.Oh Jeannie

A family of hillbillies mistake Tony and Roger for Martians. Kathleen Freeman and J. Pat O'Malley (who himself played an alien in a Twilight Zone ep) guest-star. 89-Jeannie and the Wild Pipchicks (A MUST-SEE EPISODE)

Candy sent by Jeannie's mother brings out hidden desires in anyone who eats it. Reta Shaw guest-stars. This episode is extremely zany. 90-Tomorrow Is Not Another Day

Jeannie accidentally blinks up a copy of the next day's newspaper-delighting Roger, who plans a get-rich-quick scheme. 91-Abdullah

Jeannie's baby nephew lands Tony in a maternity ward. 92-The Used Car Salesman

When a crooked car salesman swindles Jeannie, she vows to get revenge. 93-Djinn, Djinn Go Home

Jeannie's uniform-hating dog shows up and attacks everyone in sight. This is the first episode to feature this vicious dog. 94-The Strongest Man in the World

Tony enters the armed forces boxing tournament unaware that his boxing abilities came from Jeannie. 95-Indispensable Jeannie

While Jeannie is away, she causes the house to fulfill all of Tony's wishes, only Tony doesn't know it. 96-Jeannie and the Top Secret

On his way to Washington with a top secret film, Tony is constantly bothered by a jealous Jeannie. 97-How to Marry an Astronaut

Jeannie's sister almost tricks Tony into marrying her. 98-Dr. Bellows Goes Sane

Dr. Bellows' wild report on Tony prompts General Peterson to hire another psychiatrist to analyze Dr. Bellows. Joe Flynn (Capt. Binghamton on "McHale's Navy") guest-stars. 99-Jeannie the Guru (A MUST-SEE EPISODE)

A general's hippie daughter uses Jeannie's secret to blackmail Tony into letting her boyfriend hide out in his house. This episode marks the first appearance by the new general on the show, General Schaeffer (Vinton Hayworth). It is also perhaps the quintessential counterculture episode in TV Land, besides being a hilarious countercultural satire. 100-The Case of My Vanishing Master (Part 1)

Jeannie is unaware that Dr. Bellows has planted a double in Tony's house while he is away on a secret mission. 101- (Part 2)

Tony's double proves to be an enemy agent and learns Jeannie's secret, but gets no further than blackmailers do on Bewitched. 102-Ride 'Em Astronaut

When Jeannie becomes Queen of the Rodeo, Tony accidentally enters a bucking bronco contest. 103-Invisible House For Sale

Wishing that Tony would spend more time with her, Jeannie puts his house up for sale. 104-Jeannie, the Governor's Wife

Jeannie and Roger insist that Tony run for governor of Florida (does Jeb Bush know about this?). 105-Is There a Doctor in the House?

When Jeannie's mother pays a visit, she immediately falls in love with Dr. Bellows. Barbara Eden plays Jeannie's mother. 106-The Biggest Star in Hollywood

Jeannie appears on the "Laugh-In" show, making her an instant celebrity. Guest stars from "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" include Judy Carne, Arte Johnson, Gary Owens and its producer George Schlatter play themselves. A MUST-SEE EPISODE for its TV Land intertextuality and its madcap sense of farce. 107-The Porcelain Puppy

Jeannie's recipe for turning things into porcelain backfires when she accidentally turns her dog Djinn Djinn into a porcelain statue. 108-Jeannie for the Defense

In a small town, Tony is arrested for hit-and-run driving. In the middle of this episode is a segment of pure, absurdist comedy involving Major Nelson in a jail cell. The scene makes this a MUST-SEE EPISODE. 109-Nobody Loves a Fat Astronaut

Jeannie's sister fouls up Tony's chances of flying to the moon by increasing his weight to 300 pounds. 110-Around the World in 80 Blinks (A MUST-SEE EPISODE)

On a moon mission, Jeannie blinks Tony home fearing for his safety. Richard Mulligan of "SOAP" guest-stars. Excellent physical comedy at work here. 111-Jeannie-Go-Round

While Tony is out on a date, Jeannie's sister tries to steal him. 112-Jeannie and the Secret Weapon

Jeannie's working toy model of a spacecraft almost gets Tony court-martialled when an enterprising manufacturer tries to market the toy. 113-The Blackmail-Order Bride

A reporter tries blackmail to get an in-depth interview with Major Nelson. 114-Jeannie at the Piano

After Jeannie blinks a piano into existence, Tony winds up playing it like a master musician. 115-Djinn Djinn, the Pied Piper

Djinn Djinn, Jeannie's dog, reappears. This time he causes havoc with General Schaeffer's dog Jupiter. 116-Guess Who's Going to Be a Bride? (Part 1)

Tony refuses Jeannie's wish to be his bride, causing her to leave him forever. This marriage proposal is certainly a significant TV Land event after a build-up of four years. It qualifies this two-parter as a MUST-SEE. Jackie Coogan guest-stars. 117- (Part 2)

Tony risks everything to find Jeannie, and asks for her hand in marriage. 118-Jeannie's Beauty Cream (A MUST-SEE EPISODE)

Jeannie's face cream turns Mrs. Bellows into a beautiful teenager. This episode repeatedly throws logic and rational human behavior out the window in favor of hysteria and manic comedy. 119-Jeannie and the Bachelor Party

A bachelor party for Tony surprises everyone, including Tony. 120-The Blood of Jeannie

Jeannie's blood test for marriage causes problems when it turns out she has green corpuscles. 121-See You In C-U-B-A

Jeannie accidentally blinks Tony's plane to Cuba where he is taken prisoner. Farrah Fawcett and Pedro Gonzales guest-star. 122-The Mad Home Wrecker

An interior decorator turns Tony's house into a disaster. 123-Uncles a Go-Go

Before Jeannie may marry, her uncles must give final approval. 124-The Wedding

On the day of their wedding, Jeannie reveals that she cannot be photographed. 125-My Sister the Homewrecker

Jeannie's sister masquerades as Tony's wife until Jeannie figures out her disguise. Farrah Fawcett and Barbara Eden's real actor-husband Michael Ansara guest-star. 126-Jeannie the Matchmaker

Jeannie tries to find Roger a perfect mate at the same time that Roger is supposed to escort a general's niece. This episode features a hilarious dancing scene as one of its highlights. 127-Never Put a Genie on a Budget

Tony puts Jeannie on a tight budget after she misuses his credit cards. Another hippie episode, featuring a pair of groovy boarders called The Learys. 128-Please Don't Give My Jeannie No More Wine

Jeannie's special wine causes the Bellowses to disappear. 129-One of Our Hotels Is Growing

When there is no room at a hotel, Jeannie blinks on an extra floor. 130-The Solid Gold Jeannie

In isolation after a moon trip, Jeannie blinks in on Tony and is mistaken for a creature from outer space by a fellow astronaut. 131-Mrs. Djinn Djinn

When Roger spreads the news that Jeannie is expecting, he doesn't know that Mrs. Djinn Djinn is the only one about to become a mother. 132-Jeannie and the Curious Kid

Dr. Bellows' nephew sees Jeannie come out of the bottle and tells his uncle of the strange happenings. There was a similar Bewitched episode 133-Jeannie the Recording Secretary

Jeannie tries to get Tony the Best Husband Award at the same time that he is expected on an important moon mission. Larry Hagman once again showcases his talent for physical comedy in a scene where he behaves like a mechanical human being. 134-Help, Help a Shark

Tony tries to outwit a pool hustler, naturally using Jeannie's help until she gets knocked unconscious. 135-Eternally Yours, Jeannie

Tony has an unexpected reunion with his high school sweetheart and her jealous husband, an ex-football player. 136-An Astronaut in Sheep's Clothing

Using a live goat for wool, Jeannie tries to make Tony a hand-knit sweater for their anniversary. 137-Hurricane Jeannie (A MUST SEE-EPISODE)

Tony dreams that Dr. Bellows discovers Jeannie's real identity. Although this is not numerically the final episode of this series, it definitely has strong concluding qualities. Bewitched had a similar episode in which Darren decides to tell the world about Sam and then dreams about the possible consequences.138-One Jeannie Beats Four of a Kind

To capture a card shark, Tony and Roger play poker, with disastrous results. Herbert Rudley guest-stars. 139-My Master the Chili King

Tony's conniving cousin Arvel makes him the unauthorized chili king of Cocoa Beach. Final episode of the series. There was also a tv-movie about 20 years later starring Barbara Eden and Wayne Rogers instead of the right actor. Go figure. Barbara Eden says Larry Hagman wasn't available at the time and they later worked together when she joined the cast of "Dallas" tv-series for the final season or two.

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