The conquest of Asia by Alexander the Great exposed the Greeks to ideas from Syria, Babylon, Persia and central Asia.[42] Around 280 BCE, Berossus, a priest of Bel from Babylon, moved to the Greek island of Kos, teaching astrology and Babylonian culture.[43] By the 1st century BCE, there were two varieties of astrology, one using horoscopes to describe the past, present and future; the other, theurgic, emphasising the soul's ascent to the stars.[44] Greek influence played a crucial role in the transmission of astrological theory to Rome.[45]

Renaissance scholars commonly practised astrology. Gerolamo Cardano cast the horoscope of king Edward VI of England, while John Dee was the personal astrologer to queen Elizabeth I of England. Catherine de Medici paid Michael Nostradamus in 1566 to verify the prediction of the death of her husband, king Henry II of France made by her astrologer Lucus Gauricus. Major astronomers who practised as court astrologers included Tycho Brahe in the royal court of Denmark, Johannes Kepler to the Habsburgs, Galileo Galilei to the Medici, and Giordano Bruno who was burnt at the stake for heresy in Rome in 1600.[74] The distinction between astrology and astronomy was not entirely clear. Advances in astronomy were often motivated by the desire to improve the accuracy of astrology.[75] Kepler, for example, was driven by a belief in harmonies between Earthly and celestial affairs, yet he disparaged the activities of most astrologers as "evil-smelling dung".[76]

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Western astrology is a form of divination based on the construction of a horoscope for an exact moment, such as a person's birth.[91] It uses the tropical zodiac, which is aligned to the equinoctial points.[92]

The horoscope visually expresses the set of relationships for the time and place of the chosen event. These relationships are between the seven 'planets', signifying tendencies such as war and love; the twelve signs of the zodiac; and the twelve houses. Each planet is in a particular sign and a particular house at the chosen time, when observed from the chosen place, creating two kinds of relationship.[95] A third kind is the aspect of each planet to every other planet, where for example two planets 120 apart (in 'trine') are in a harmonious relationship, but two planets 90 apart ('square') are in a conflicted relationship.[96][97] Together these relationships and their interpretations are said to form "...the language of the heavens speaking to learned men."[95]

All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.[117]

There was a boom in interest in astrology in the late 1960s. The sociologist Marcello Truzzi described three levels of involvement of "Astrology-believers" to account for its revived popularity in the face of scientific discrediting. He found that most astrology-believers did not claim it was a scientific explanation with predictive power. Instead, those superficially involved, knowing "next to nothing" about astrology's 'mechanics', read newspaper astrology columns, and could benefit from "tension-management of anxieties" and "a cognitive belief-system that transcends science."[162] Those at the second level usually had their horoscopes cast and sought advice and predictions. They were much younger than those at the first level, and could benefit from knowledge of the language of astrology and the resulting ability to belong to a coherent and exclusive group. Those at the third level were highly involved and usually cast horoscopes for themselves. Astrology provided this small minority of astrology-believers with a "meaningful view of their universe and [gave] them an understanding of their place in it."[b] This third group took astrology seriously, possibly as an overarching religious worldview (a sacred canopy, in Peter L. Berger's phrase), whereas the other two groups took it playfully and irreverently.[162]

Within this framework, astrology possessed a number of different functions. First, its most high profile use was for political purposes (known in modern terms as mundane astrology); second, it was used to analyze and predict individual destinies (known in modern terms as natal astrology); third, it could be employed to identify the katarche, the beginning or inceptional moment at which to launch a new enterprise (known in modern terms as electional astrology); from the examination of the katarche, a fourth application of astrology developed: the use of the horoscope to answer precise questions (known in modern terms as horary astrology); fifth, it could be used to retrospectively analyze events; sixth, it was used as an aid to magic, the use of spells, and incantations in order to manipulate the future; seventh, it could engage with the gods and goddesses and assist the ascent of the soul through the planetary spheres to contact the divine, a process known from the mid-2nd century ce as theurgy.

Welcome to the year 2023, and congratulations on surviving another trip around the sun. This year brings a plethora of retrogrades and a scattering of potentially life-disrupting eclipses. And, of course, all the planetary transit that uniquely affects your star sign. While there are many crucial dates to be aware of, try to enjoy the act of reading your own horoscope. After all, the whole point is to have fun, and no matter how scary any retrograde or eclipse sounds, you can rest assured that you've survived such cosmic occurrences before and will undoubtedly thrive past them once more. You get stronger each year, so 2023 is just an opportunity to continue manifesting your dreams into reality.

You're a rock star, Aquarius. The new year teaches that you can encourage others to be their best selves through positive reinforcement. You have a reputation for neglecting your personal life while you're busy saving the world. One of your lessons this year is that change often begins at a personal level. This is especially true while your ruling planet, rebellious Uranus, goes retrograde. Thankfully, the stars indicate that you succeed in nurturing your relationships this year and, as a result, see growth in your social circle, love life, and career. Read your full 2023 horoscope here.

When it comes to love, 2023 asks you to go ahead and have the tough conversations, Pisces. As the last sign of the zodiac, you're often called the wisest star sign. So, you should know by now that define-the-relationship talks only become more stressful the longer you procrastinate. Regarding your friendships, don't get so caught up in the business of your love life this year that you neglect them. This year also encourages you to accept professional praise (as some may come your way) and admit that you enjoy fame and recognition, even if you are the final and wisest sign of the zodiac. Read your full 2023 horoscope here.

When 2023 begins, your ruling planet, Mars, will be retrograde. Lean into this as an excuse to rest up early in the new year. Things get busy quickly. Soon, Mars injects passion into stagnant relationships, while Venus helps keep the romance flowing. The new year sees you becoming sincere and assertive regarding your needs in love and other areas of your life. Your friends will provide a crucial foundation that helps you in love and steadies you in your career. And, speaking of your professional life, several days indicate abundance is coming your way. Just prepare to release a bad habit (or bad relationship) when Pluto goes retrograde. Read your full 2023 horoscope here.

When your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde, not only should you avoid making significant changes to your appearance, but your love and professional life could be affected, too. However, the main lesson Venus wants to convey in 2023 is the importance of celebrating yourself, Taurus, so this year's birthday may be extra special. Regarding love, try to be as honest and authentic as possible. Not only does this avoid miscommunication and make the several Mercury retrogrades that go down this year more leisurely, but it also keeps you in control. If you're not the one ending unfulfilling relationships, the lunar eclipse in your sign most definitely will. Read your full 2023 horoscope here.

When the year begins, your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde, Gemini. From there, 2023 brings three more Mercury retrogrades. Rather than worry about these times, which bring back exes and trigger miscommunication, learn how to navigate them stress-free. Regarding matters of love, this year reminds you that intimacy and hot sex can coexist even in casual set-ups, and the importance of human connection. In particular, 2023 sees you establishing a support system through friendships. But to maintain them you want to read how to navigate the chaotic eclipse that falls in Aries and your 11th House of Friendship. Plus, there's reason to celebrate your career early in the new year. Read your full 2023 horoscope here.

Because you're ruled by the moon, you must pay extra attention to the lunar eclipses this year, Cancer. In particular, there's also a full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio on Friday, May 5, in your 5th House of Pleasure, which could bring major shakeups to your sex and love life. But don't worry, the stars want what's best for you and not just in romance. The new year sees you not only expanding your social circle but discovering that your new friends love your old friends. And while no astrologer can promise money in this economy, read on to learn what dates are the most promising for your career. (Hint: Leo season is important.) Read your full 2023 horoscope here. ff782bc1db

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