We would like to have images on our mobile website that are different from the desktop version. Is that possible and does someone know how to do this? For example, our "principles" image does not suit well the mobile version, therefore we would like to add a different one.

Hello, I'm trying to do this on (password: Newpassword) but am confused about where I put the second image. On this page there are going to be 10 images total, each linking to a different page. Ideally on mobile, I want each image to be replaced with a vertically oriented version that will be full bleed on mobile and fill the screen as it does on desktop. Does that make sense, and is that possible here? Would I just add the second vertical image I want beneath each image? How will it know to switch the right ones? Also I need to keep in mind that this whole section is coded so that the images can be full bleed on desktop.

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Hi Brandon - for some reason when I add this to my CSS it says there is a syntax error. This is what I have for my vertical rule: .vertical-rule {display:block;width:2px;background: #749992;height: 900px;}

 and it looks great on the desktop but trying to remove it from my mobile. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Hi I'm looking to do the same, I want to hide the background on mobile only for 1 page. I have the block ID on chrome, and I did test out other Id's with this code and it works fine, just for some reason not my background?

i was able to hide the image but it left the space where the image was rather than closing it up. i have a page of bios + photos and on mobile it goes on for days. i want to hide the images on mobile but i'm left with giant white spaces where the image was, it's almost worst than having the image. is there a fix for that?

Most browsers do download images that are not visible when using the display:none attribute on the image or parent container. So heavy use of this on lots of media hidden from mobile and the impact on page load size should be considered. Here is an excellent article that discusses it.

By default, WordPress will have different image sizes when you upload them in the Media Library! In other words, the images will automatically resize in the mobile view as long as it is set to max-width 100%. As long you are using the image element, it will automatically resize on the mobile. If you are also referring to mobile image optimization, I suggest that you use the lazyload image plugins.

If you are using the Image element you can set the max-width to 100% only for the mobile, by adding the following code into the Element CSS of Image element.

However it is still 80% on mobile as well. Unless I change the first two max-width to 100%, I am unable to show it as 100% on mobile. Is there a way to tweak this code to show 80% width on desktop and 100% on mobile, please?

When an image is sized correctly in the desktop view, it never looks correct in the mobile view and vice versa. I've tried everything and read all threads concerning this...Is there a fix in place? I've also resized the layout. Small looks best for the mobile view and Large looks best for the desktop view, but I can't change one without changing the other. Please provide helpful information. I am seriously considering moving my website to a host that's more user-friendly.

The Editor is super simple and may name different options with slightly different names. Stories on Square is really a Blog post. Options are available by clicking down or up arrows, clicking sections, adding Pages, Sections, Galleries etc. Images need to be 1:1. Resizing images is best.

Hello, you did not address anything I stated. The issue is: When I have sized an image correctly in the desktop view, it never looks correct in the mobile view and vice versa. How do you ensure the uploaded image (my header for example) is completely visible in both views? I have attached screenshots of two examples. One in which the desktop view shows correctly, but the mobile view is not and the other in which the mobile view shows correctly, but the desktop view is not. Please review and let me know if you have a solution.

HI, not sure what you are wanting. The current website loads correctly on desktop and mobile. Can you please share more information? Do you need to "Set Image Subject" meaning once it is loaded, it needs to be adjusted either up, down or side to side to display correctly? You can do that within the Editor, click the 3 dots, click Set Image Subject.

Has this issue been resolved? Its now 2022 and I have read every post going back to 2020 and still have not found how to fix this issue. OBDELIGHTS explained it perfectly so I don't understand what isn't understood and why this has not been fixed. How do I get my website main banner to resize from desktop to mobile. I want both desktop and mobile viewers to see the same banner without it being cut off in one or the other. Geeeeezzzzzzee, WTH, this shouldn't be so difficult.

I am having the same issue. Looks good on desktop view but horrible on mobile view. There should be an option where i can have different layouts for mobile and desktop but whatever u change it to on desktop transfers to mobile....PLEASE HELPPPP!!!!!!

When it comes to the website view being the same as the desktop view, all website images adjust to the size of the screen of the mobile device, iPad, laptop, or home computer the site is being viewed on. However, on an iPhone (not sure about other devices) you are capable of viewing the websites on Desktop view, see below:

I agree with OBDelights. It's annoying to spend a lot of time getting the desktop version just right and then when you check the mobile version it looks horrible. I understand that the mobile version is adaptive and changes based on phone screen size. But the editing features need to be completely separate. For the desktop version it may look better to have the text displayed over the image. But on the mobile version it might look better for the text to be below the main image. But you can't do that. If you change the layout on one it changes on both. This is a serious oversight.

I'm making my website on both Square and Wix at the same time. I'm liking Wix more and more. Because with Wix you can do this. There are completely different settings for desktop and mobile. Maybe the Square developers need to get with Wix on how to do this?

I seem to have experienced a UI change, and as of today, I seem unable expand images in subreddit view. I have to open up the whole post (on mobile). Is there any way around this? it's really annoying

Usually, Pixlr saves images in the "Pixlr" folder in the root directory of my phone storage; instead, it saves images in a weird location beyond the "data" folder, which is not picked up by phone's Gallery app, and I'd have to use another app and take several steps to retrieve the images.

From the menu of the camera unit, select [Ctrl w/ Smartphone] to operate your camera by using the smartphone as a remote control. On the screen of your smartphone or tablet you can preview images before shooting, change settings, operate the shutter, view captured images, and more.

When you set [Ctrl w/Smartphone] to [On] in the menu of the camera unit and shoot still images using either the camera or the smartphone, each image you shoot is automatically transferred to the smartphone. In this case, the maximum image size is 2 MP (2 megapixels).

For a list of compatible cameras, refer to .

You can send location information from your smartphone to your camera, and have it recorded on the images you shoot. You can also send day and date or region settings from your smartphone so they can be corrected automatically.

I want the image on the right side (the vertical one) to be shown on mobile and the image on the left (the landscape one) to be shown on desktop. Both images look similar as I have made one for mobile and one for desktop.

I have the same issue. Thank you for your useful tips. I have tried your method and I was able to add the option to select mobile and desktop images separately successfully. However, the images and cut off on both devices and it is important for us that the selected image fits in the screen as we prefer to add promotional content directly in the image design. Do you have any resolutions for that?Desktop BannerMobile Banner

Great work! Well done!

Now i'm trying to find the solution for not displaying the banner at all:

If I add image on the left only, then banner would show up for the desktop mode only.

If I add image on the right only , then the banner would show up for the mobile mode only.

Worked pretty well @LitCommerce 

I noticed that, the email signup banner section, and every section with banner, that doesn't have two banners option, does not show the banner on mobile.

Looks like this code is affecting every mobile banner of every section...

hello Sir. today I realize that my mobile banner in dawn theme is making some issues. The mobile banner is creating extra space which is making the website very unprofessional and annoying to use. any help will be really appreciated

However I now ran into a problem when I set up a slideshow, the images show on the desktop version, but don't appear on the mobile one. I imagine that as you can't set up two images per slide, it simply don't work. 0852c4b9a8

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