This bundle includes "Static Aircraft for Asobo Airports" and 350+ more airports with static aircraft. Customers of "Static Aircraft for Asobo Airports" can upgrade for FREE via the Contrail desktop app! Enjoy arriving at an airport and...

I would propably conider buying this addon here if it had other regions covered. My Airliner flights are usually in Asia and Russia and Eastern Europe.

I have little use for static airliners on airports in Europe and America. But that is just me.

Free Download Fsx Addon Aircraft

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ok i looked at all that but i also found that the planes i put in aren't even listed under the aircraft manufacturer tab in the area of the plane selection.

Ā And i don't have sp2 or any special stuff, just those planes im trying to get to show up.

To rest your mind (to a certain degree) SP2 does not affect the aircraft.cfg files, so you're still free to edit those to your hearts content.

I don't have to tell you that you should always back up the original just in case?

So now in FSX we have no less than 3 categories to choose from when selecting an aircraft: Aircraft manufacturer - Publisher - Aircraft type... it's an overkill if you ask me and just complicates matters.

But let's take a step at a time. Go back to the default B737_800, open the aircraft.cfg with Notepad... don't edit anything in this aircraft.cfg file... we just open it to look at and to compare and see what the others supposed to look like.

Now your POSKY (project open sky) aircraft more often than not have the following line inside the aircraft.cfg: ui_manufacturer=Project Opensky 777 -- if that's the case, the aircraft will not show up as Boeing in the Aircraft manufacturers Tab but as 'Project Opensky' instead.

when you download anything from from Steam or sites that are supported by FSX like Iris Simulations always keep your patches up to date. If you have FSX Vanilla you need to download Service Pack 1 to make it FSX Acceleration. if Deluxe is installed you need to install Service Pack 2 to make it Gold. Then install Iris and the aircraft will appear.

A common mistake Project Open Sky does is they code their aircraft to legacy software it may work on FS 1 through 9 it won't work in FSX. There are five boxes in the CFG code that need to be checked before you upload this file to FSX. First is Manufacturer there are 15 aircraft companies and Project Opensky is not one of them. the correct code is ui_manufacturer=. Second is Aircraft Type what type of aircraft do you have? is it a boatplane, is it a commercial jet, is it a regional, is it a helicopter, is it a transport plane, is it a turboprop, ect the line is ui_typerole=. The third line is the UL Box put Project Open Sky on this line under ui_createdby=. Fourth is ATC callsign you can edit this in FSX. and the Fifth line is Name with can be edited to what it is.

I bought an a320 pack from aerosoft for fsx steam and i have installed it and everything.But it shows up but you can see the aircraft at all, it just loads you in as nothing. pls help as i am a beginner with this and i am not that experienced with all the files.

Something odd happened after I installed some add-on aircraft. First I installed the USS Nimitz to the list of aircraft and when I went back to use the ship was not there in the list of aircraft. Now I installed the P-3 Orion and it does not show up on th...

Good day to all. Need help trying to get the textures for addon aircrafts to work. Heres the thing. the addon thumbnail shows up for selection. but after selection the aircraft is completely plain and white. even the tires are white. i honestly believe t...

On a couple of Addon Aircraft I have tried to install, I don't see the entire aircraft displayed, only parts of the aircraft (say te pilots, interior and engines or propeller.The rest of te aircraft is missing in the game display.All the required ...

I have about 4 or 5 different aircraft zip files downloaded seperately to my desktop but i just cannot figure out how to get them from their unzipped location folder to be able to play them on flight sim 2004? I can get it to where when i go to aircraft ...

Signing-up for PRO gives you super fast, unrestricted speed to the thousands of MSFS, FSX, P3D & X-Plane downloads which include aircraft, scenery, and more - click here to view the library for free or...

I'm trying to "hangar" most of my third party downloaded aircraft into an internal SSD that is only currently used for Orbx, and other add-on scenery. The add-on a/c I want to move are located on a variety of drives. Some are in the P3D root drive and others are scattered across my computer.

As mentioned earlier you must indeed set the Full path to your airplane Addon, e.g.:

E:\FS-Addon\Airplanes\BAC 1-11 Family\SimObjects\Airplanes

So, the above path is an example for the AddOn.xml in the P3D Addons folder while the

path definition that was provided in the first post in the topic is a relative path, which I use for the physical

location folder xml file, and I use the xml file with full paths in the designated P3D Addons folder (paths for Effects, Sounds etc.)

Now if you are in Windows explorer and you have opted 'Display full path in the title bar' (Views option),

then you can simply copy the address of the root path of your AddOn folder, which I do to prevent typos.Ā 

As you see in my BAC 1-11 Family path definition the separation character is a backslash character.

Important to know that if you don't put your addon into the 'official' Prepar3D vX Add-ons folderĀ 

you will have to use 2 different xml files. The xml file in Prepar3D vX Add-ons folder, in which you've

to create a folder for your addon where you put your add-on.xml which will contain the full paths.

The other add-on.xml file in your aircraft addon folder will have to contain relative paths.


I've experienced that if you have a lot of AddOns including airplanes startup of Prepar3D takes a longer

time to load for me then when install my addon airplanes directly in P3D's SimObjects\Airplanes folder,

Which I find strange as Lockheed Martin recommends the AddOns install.

Anyone an idea on the longer loading time?

There are the Orbx paths broken down into 5 separate paths (Libraries, Cities, Airports, Regions, Global) with the remainder mainly based around aircraft (Carenado for example as I have a lot of Carenado's planes) although I do have separate for Utilities and AI.

e.g. a developer in FSX days would install all effects in to the sim/Effects folder where the effects are available to all of their sceneries with no further effort required from themselves and they may not include said fx files in their next scenery which isn't a problem if installed to the sim but will show as a problem if installed to an xml path, likewise if files are updated by later releases where they are overwritten in the sim but not in individual addon xml installs i.e. versioning issues where add-on A & B both use a particular file, but B is never updated.

1. Created D:\ Addon Aircraft with the sub-dir.'s : Simobjects/airplanes; gauges;effects;sounds;fonts. Installed(auto-installers) two Carenado aircraft the C206 and the C340, both recent P3Dv4.1 ready versions in Addon Aircraft/simobjects/airplanes.

Weezoo, Please refer to the Xplane Manual found in the instructions folder. Chapter 4, Section XIII Expanding Xplane. However, usually just remove the unwanted a/c from the aircraft folder. Most extra aircraft have no impact on Xplane performance and can be left in place.

Has there ever been a discussion about user-created aircraft that could be downloaded off the internet and installed into Infinite Flight via iTunes? With so many aircraft in the world, and so many of which people want, it seems like such a wonderful idea to have a user/developer community taking some of that load off the Infinite Flight team. I guess the only issue here might be the lack of virtual cockpits, quality of aircraft, etc. in short, what I am suggesting is something like what we have for desktop simulators: that is, an endless supply of aircraft and liveries that are created by the user community.

yes and I think that is one of the aims of the Devs is to keep it realistic (ie no Flying school bus or fake rocket planes) and to keep the standard of aircarft as high as possible. If there was a lot of user made aircraft how can FDS garentee the high quality? Anything which is not good will bring down the reputation of FDS and IF.

Recently I have noticed something rather odd in my fsx which no reinstall of either boxed or steam edition can fix. What happens is when I load into an addon propeller aircraft with engines off everything is fine and the frame rate is what it should be, but when i switch to cockpit view, and back to external, the fps drops dramatically which makes it completely unusable. If I load in with the engines already running then the fps is already terrible. I have found it can be temporarily fixed by minimizing the window in external view (in cockpit it has no effect) but as soon as I go to cockpit and come back it happens again.

In the video you can clearly see it starting with a relatively stable fps in external, but what is also clear is that something happens in the cockpit view of all these addons which causes it to freeze and when changed to external view again, be transferred over.

I have also had a strange problem with the Aerosoft Twin Otter which is most likely linked with all of this too, if I load in with engines on, its as if the simulator is locked to 1fps in external view as it never passes 1.0 fps, however in the cockpit it is unlimited making external views useless, this is almost the reverse effect of the main problem I see in other addons. 0852c4b9a8

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