The AJAX Control Toolkit contains more than 30 free controls that you can use in your ASP.NET applications. In this tutorial, you learn how to download the AJAX Control Toolkit and add the toolkit controls to your Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer Express toolbox.

After you unblock the file, you can unzip the file: Right-click the file and select the Extract All menu option. Now, we are ready to add the toolkit to the Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer toolbox.

Free Download For Ajax Toolkit

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The easiest way to use the AJAX Control Toolkit is to add the toolkit to your Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer toolbox (see Figure 3). That way, you can simply drag a toolkit control onto a page when you want to use it.

I downloaded and installed the Ajax Toolkit Microsoft provides into my copy of Visual Studio. I'm trying to follow online examples of using the controls and I ran into the following discrepancy. I have installed the toolkit and it's accessible through the toolbox. I have added a reference to this particular project

but all of the examples that I've seen show syntax like however, when I try to use that syntax I get a warning `unrecognized tag prefix or device filter 'ajaxToolkit'.

proof the ToolKit is installed

What is different here? Intellisense doesn't pick up on the ajaxToolkit tag and even after adding a using statement for everything in the AjaxToolkit namespace I still get the warning message of the unrecognized tag.

With the v15.1 release, we have addressed some major issues for the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Restructuring and cleaning up the toolkit was just the starting point to fixing many of the bugs. We have even more plans for the toolkit so stay tuned!

Is there a way to access the following string "/soap/ajax/33.0/connection.js" in {!requireScript("/soap/ajax/33.0/connection.js")} by using custom labels in custom buttons? So that whenever there is a change in ajax version, it can be updated in custom labels & it will eventually update in all custom buttons. Please advise.

It appears that the version of the AJAX toolkit you are using is incorrect. I had this issue and after downloading and installing the correct version for my target sharepoint installation, and it worked. Hope this helps.

Read this blog post by DevExpress on the AJAX Control Toolkit for more details on the release, how to upgrade, and report issues. You can file bug reports, make feature suggestions and review the source code online at: and get the latest version of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit (DevExpress Edition) from their website:

To use both Telerik UI and AJAX Toolkit control bundles simultaneously within the same project, you have to use the ToolkitScriptManager. Upon using the toolkit manager, you can come across an error when using an UpdatePanel. This error is due to the ToolkitScriptManager having a bug with script combining. The bug is now fixed within a day after the release:

One fundamental limitation of Ajax technology is that requests are restricted to the current domain. You cannot, for example, request content from from your own website using xhr.get. There is a reliable method of retrieving JSON from another domain called JSONP. JSONP's workflow is as follows: 0852c4b9a8

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