Flux describes any effect that appears to pass or travel (whether it actually moves or not) through a surface or substance. Flux is a concept in applied mathematics and vector calculus which has many applications to physics. For transport phenomena, flux is a vector quantity, describing the magnitude and direction of the flow of a substance or property. In vector calculus flux is a scalar quantity, defined as the surface integral of the perpendicular component of a vector field over a surface.[1]

The concept of heat flux was a key contribution of Joseph Fourier, in the analysis of heat transfer phenomena.[3] His seminal treatise Thorie analytique de la chaleur (The Analytical Theory of Heat),[4] defines fluxion as a central quantity and proceeds to derive the now well-known expressions of flux in terms of temperature differences across a slab, and then more generally in terms of temperature gradients or differentials of temperature, across other geometries. One could argue, based on the work of James Clerk Maxwell,[5] that the transport definition precedes the definition of flux used in electromagnetism. The specific quote from Maxwell is:

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In the case of fluxes, we have to take the integral, over a surface, of the flux through every element of the surface. The result of this operation is called the surface integral of the flux. It represents the quantity which passes through the surface.

According to the transport definition, flux may be a single vector, or it may be a vector field / function of position. In the latter case flux can readily be integrated over a surface. By contrast, according to the electromagnetism definition, flux is the integral over a surface; it makes no sense to integrate a second-definition flux for one would be integrating over a surface twice. Thus, Maxwell's quote only makes sense if "flux" is being used according to the transport definition (and furthermore is a vector field rather than single vector). This is ironic because Maxwell was one of the major developers of what we now call "electric flux" and "magnetic flux" according to the electromagnetism definition. Their names in accordance with the quote (and transport definition) would be "surface integral of electric flux" and "surface integral of magnetic flux", in which case "electric flux" would instead be defined as "electric field" and "magnetic flux" defined as "magnetic field". This implies that Maxwell conceived of these fields as flows/fluxes of some sort.

Here are 3 definitions in increasing order of complexity. Each is a special case of the following. In all cases the frequent symbol j, (or J) is used for flux, q for the physical quantity that flows, t for time, and A for area. These identifiers will be written in bold when and only when they are vectors.

These fluxes are vectors at each point in space, and have a definite magnitude and direction. Also, one can take the divergence of any of these fluxes to determine the accumulation rate of the quantity in a control volume around a given point in space. For incompressible flow, the divergence of the volume flux is zero.

Often a vector field is drawn by curves (field lines) following the "flow"; the magnitude of the vector field is then the line density, and the flux through a surface is the number of lines. Lines originate from areas of positive divergence (sources) and end at areas of negative divergence (sinks).

See also the image at right: the number of red arrows passing through a unit area is the flux density, the curve encircling the red arrows denotes the boundary of the surface, and the orientation of the arrows with respect to the surface denotes the sign of the inner product of the vector field with the surface normals.

The divergence theorem states that the net outflux through a closed surface, in other words the net outflux from a 3D region, is found by adding the local net outflow from each point in the region (which is expressed by the divergence).

If the surface is not closed, it has an oriented curve as boundary. Stokes' theorem states that the flux of the curl of a vector field is the line integral of the vector field over this boundary. This path integral is also called circulation, especially in fluid dynamics. Thus the curl is the circulation density.

An electric "charge," such as a single proton in space, has a magnitude defined in coulombs. Such a charge has an electric field surrounding it. In pictorial form, the electric field from a positive point charge can be visualized as a dot radiating electric field lines (sometimes also called "lines of force"). Conceptually, electric flux can be thought of as "the number of field lines" passing through a given area. Mathematically, electric flux is the integral of the normal component of the electric field over a given area. Hence, units of electric flux are, in the MKS system, newtons per coulomb times meters squared, or N m2/C. (Electric flux density is the electric flux per unit area, and is a measure of strength of the normal component of the electric field averaged over the area of integration. Its units are N/C, the same as the electric field in MKS units.)

If one considers the flux of the electric field vector, E, for a tube near a point charge in the field of the charge but not containing it with sides formed by lines tangent to the field, the flux for the sides is zero and there is an equal and opposite flux at both ends of the tube. This is a consequence of Gauss's Law applied to an inverse square field. The flux for any cross-sectional surface of the tube will be the same. The total flux for any surface surrounding a charge q is q/tag_hash_1240.[15]

In free space the electric displacement is given by the constitutive relation D = tag_hash_1250 E, so for any bounding surface the D-field flux equals the charge QA within it. Here the expression "flux of" indicates a mathematical operation and, as can be seen, the result is not necessarily a "flow", since nothing actually flows along electric field lines.

with the same notation above. The quantity arises in Faraday's law of induction, where the magnetic flux is time-dependent either because the boundary is time-dependent or magnetic field is time-dependent. In integral form:

The time-rate of change of the magnetic flux through a loop of wire is minus the electromotive force created in that wire. The direction is such that if current is allowed to pass through the wire, the electromotive force will cause a current which "opposes" the change in magnetic field by itself producing a magnetic field opposite to the change. This is the basis for inductors and many electric generators.

The flux of the Poynting vector through a surface is the electromagnetic power, or energy per unit time, passing through that surface. This is commonly used in analysis of electromagnetic radiation, but has application to other electromagnetic systems as well.

InfluxDB Clustered is currently in limited availability and is onlyavailable to a limited group of InfluxData customers. If interested in beingpart of the limited access group, pleasecontact the InfluxData Sales team.

Flux is going into maintenance mode and will not be supported in InfluxDB 3.0.This was a decision based on the broad demand for SQL and the continued growthand adoption of InfluxQL. We are continuing to support Flux for users in 1.xand 2.x so you can continue using it with no changes to your code.If you are interested in transitioning to InfluxDB 3.0 and want tofuture-proof your code, we suggest using InfluxQL.

The initial collaboration between Flux and Argo (argo-flux) was a partnership between Argo, Intuit, and WeaveWorks. The project became known as the GitOps-Engine, a project now living in the Argo project org and being driven by Intuit, Red Hat, and GitLab.

The intention of the collaboration effort was originally for the GitOps Engine to be integrated into both Argo and Flux v2. Later, the Flux team decided to move forward without the GitOps Engine and built the GitOps Toolkit, which is the collection of controllers that flux feels better suits their vision of GitOps within Kubernetes.

The flux switch platform will change the temperature of your lights similar to the way flux works on your computer, using circadian rhythm. They will be bright during the day, and gradually fade to a red/orange at night. The flux switch restores its last state after startup.

In physics, flux is a measure of the number of electric or magnetic field lines passing through a surface in a given amount time. Field lines provide a mechanism for visualizing the magnitude and direction of the field being measured. They are imaginary lines that follow different patterns, depending on the type of field -- electric or magnetic -- and how the field is generated.

Field lines, also called lines of force, help to visualize how flux is measured and its relationship to the electric or magnetic field. The lines' arrows show the field's direction. Their density indicates the field's strength. The greater the density, the stronger the field.

Flux is directly proportional to the number of field lines passing through a given area. The more field lines that go through an area, the greater the flux. Figure 1 shows two identical surfaces with the same area, but the number of lines passing through the surfaces is different. More lines pass through the surface on the right because the field is stronger. As a result, the surface on the right has the greatest rate of flux.

If you increase the field's strength, you increase the flux, assuming all other variables remain constant. In other words, doubling the strength doubles the flux; tripling the strength triples the flux.

You can also increase the flux by increasing the surface area. The larger the area, the greater the number of field lines that can pass through the surface, resulting in a higher rate of flux. For example, Figure 2 shows two surfaces. The one on the right is much larger than the one on the left, but the field strength is the same in both cases. As a result, the surface on the right has a higher rate of flux. 2351a5e196

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