Results:  All EBER+ NPC specimens showed TLR3 expression intracellularly. The expression of TNF could be observed in the cell membranes and secreted extracellularly, while IL6 was secreted to the extracellular area. The expression of TNF was two times higher than IL6. Most specimens showed low M2 score (56.52%) and high Treg (52.17%). A positive correlation was found between TLR3 and IL6 (12.9%). TNF was positively correlated with the M2 distribution of 13.7% and Treg distribution of 12.9%, while the rest were explained by other factors.

Hogarty, K. Y., Hines, C. V., Kromrey, J. D., Ferron, J. M., & Mumford, K. R. (2005). The quality of factor solutions in exploratory factor analysis: The influence of sample size, communality, and overdetermination. Educational and psychological measurement, 65(2), 202-226 DOI:

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