Lately (since past few months) my Chrome has been freezing, taking down whole operating system with it, leaving resetting the computer the only choice. Recently I discovered that the issue was with facebook tabs, and when I close those tabs (if it's not too late!), I can save Chrome and Windows from a complete crash.

Choosing the right lookback window is important when analyzing and drawing insights from Facebook platform conversion data. Based on the view and click windows selected, data will change and impact performance trends, which can also impact campaign optimizations and performance insights as a whole.

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In general, the longer the lookback window, the higher the conversion data will be since users have more time to convert. As a good rule of thumb, click-through windows should be longer, because clicking on an ad shows stronger ad engagement and intent than someone who viewed an ad but did not take immediate action.

Something to consider when choosing your lookback window is the length of the typical consumer journey. If the product/service is a highly considered purchase, such as a luxury couch, a longer lookback window makes sense as users tend to spend more time researching before completing the transaction. For a shorter decision-making process, such as signing up for a free consultation, shorter windows typically make more sense. A good place to start is to examine current data trends using each lookback window available, which is readily available in the platform. Begin by selecting the lookback windows of interest, which will then split out conversion data between click- and view-through activity. As illustrated below, conversion data, such as purchases, can often be more heavily credited towards an impression than a click.

Also, I recommend that you post your question on the windows 11 forum, because there you will be received by the windows 11 team that will explain in detail how to fix this or any other type of problem.

If one of your attribution windows on the Branch dashboard is different than the corresponding window on the Facebook dashboard, the data between the two will not align. You can mitigate this by changing one of more of your attribution windows on the Branch dashboard, or changing your Facebook dashboard for the given ad account.

Alternatively or in addition, you could update any of your four Branch attribution windows. To do so go to the Link Settings section of the Branch dashboard, and scroll down to the 'Attribution Windows' section and expand it. Alter any of the four windows listed in the chart above to match the corresponding Facebook window, and then save at the bottom of the page.

How IT savvy are your users? Could you configure using something like OpenDNS and blacklist facebook? Obvioulsy if they are knowledgeable enough they could change the settings (assuming they have access privaledges to allow it)

If they aren't administrators, you could maybe add a fake facebook entry to the hosts file. When they browse it will use that instead of the real address. I don't think normal users can save any changes to the hosts file so wouldn't be able to remove it.

I don't know how you can do this remotely or by GP (maybe a script or some thing?) but you could set a entry in the hosts file ( c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc (i think)) and set the IP address lookup to the local host this will block traffic to the domain (if you set eg as ever, savy users would probably be able to get round it but it would be tricky to find if you don't know what to look for.

I see this as another example of trying to fix an HR problem with a technical resolution. The problem is not that employees can or cannot access facebook. The problem is that employees are using the company's internet connection and clock time, to do personal/non-work related activities. Same goes for chatting about your weekend adventures to your mother on your personal cell phone while at work. Or taking 8 smoke breaks a day for a total of 2 hours of "not actually doing anything". A prudent manager should be able to effectively evaluate an employee's production to decipher if they are using time correctly or not, and adjust their workload accordingly. So don't worry so much about placing the correct technical solution in place to prevent them from goofing off. Instead, focus more on the real issue of employees that are not doing what they are supposed to while on the job. Observation, productivity goal-setting, periodic evaluation, and proper discipline will serve the company better at fixing this problem, then simply putting multiple roadblocks in their way. ff782bc1db

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