I just got my phone and, after setting it up, tried to restore it from a backup. It kind of worked, but most of the music was still missing. Since I didn't want to go through the thousands of songs I have and redownload them one by one, I decided to sync my phone on iTunes. After syncing, Music shows one album, but every track is duplicated under the same album. Two track ones, two track twos, etc. I checked to see if one was a cloud file and the other was actually on the phone, but every one I tried, both songs were on the iPhone and I didn't have to download anything. I tried restarting both the computer and iPhone and resyncing, that didn't work. I checked the duplicate songs on iTunes option in iTunes and yes, those are duplicated, but there are thousands more that don't show up on iTunes as duplicates but was put onto the phone as a duplicate. If it comes down to it, I'll remove all of the music and just resync and hope it doesn't duplicate again. But if it happens in the future, it would be nice to have a solution. Thanks for any help you can give me!

You would think, but no such luck. I do the same thing, backing up to the PC. I just have more info on my phone than the cloud would allow me to back up, so I just do it on the computer. I think I found a way around it though. I unchecked the "sync all music" box and synced my phone. Then I went to Settings-General-iPhone Storage. I hit the Music section and there's an All Music section and a thing for each artist. Next to the "Music" label above the all songs part is an edit button. I hit that and deleted all songs. They still showed up on the phone, but as downloadable songs rather than actually being in the phone. I synced my phone again after I deleted all of the songs and it put the songs in the right places with no duplicates. None that I've found anyway. I have over 10k songs, so I didn't check one by one. It put the songs in their rightful place instead of downloading them or putting in a duplicate where one is there and the other is a download. Give that a try and see if it works. I don't think you have to uncheck the sync music box since you don't have to sync it before you delete everything. Unless you have songs on there that you purchased but aren't on iTunes yet. Otherwise, just go into your settings, delete all your songs then resync your phone to iTunes. Its not ideal, but by that point, I was desperate and figured I'd give it a shot. Lo and behold, it worked. Hopefully it works for you!

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Glad it worked for you! I do both. A lot of ripped songs, a lot bought on iTunes. It doesn't seem to matter whether its in a folder or from the iTunes store, it duplicated. I have no idea why, but at least there's a solution out there now. It would've been a massive headache going through song by song to get rid of them and then risk having them duplicated again when you sync..... Oof. Not sure why it hasn't been fixed yet on Apple's end. First time for me, but I've seen it happen for a while. Anyway, I'm rambling. Luckily its not too complex of a solution, just time consuming depending on how much music you have.

Mine does this a lot. A trick I do is change all the songs that won't sync in some subtle way. I add a comment to them all. Then sync, delete the comment, and resync again. That works for me every time.

I am having the same issue here, and am tired of having to look through a library of 28,000 songs EVERY SINGLE TIME time to see if iTunes decided to not sync random songs (and I ALWAYS find some). While these workarounds do work, I do not have time to do scour my device every time I sync my music. Very disappointed that Apple has not found a way to fix this syncing glitch, despite multiple updates, none of which seem to address this issue.

I'll say it more clearly, random songs from different CD's are not syncing. For example, a couple of songs from a single CD won't sync, where as the whole CD is on itunes. The burned CD will have all tracks 1-11 & they all play on itunes, but on the iphone it's just a few out of the 11 that actually get transferred, I've tried so so many things to fix this! And, out of almost 4000 songs, It's only a couple hundred that don't transfer, & it's extremely random, not limited to one specific artist, but it's same tracks that don't transfer.

If you're not seeing one of the errors listed in the resource above, have you noticed if the songs that are not syncing to your iPhone are in a different format than the other songs? This may be able to help determine if there's an incompatible issue with the songs you're trying to sync.

Whenever I sync my iPhone to my MacBook Pro, it copies the same 823 songs again. This adds several minutes to the sync procedure. It appears that many or most of the songs copied every time are a lower bitrate than average.

Try to identify a few of the songs that are repeatedly syncing, and check to see if they are in .mp3 format, and if so follow the advice on cleaning multiple tags. I.e. select those files then use File > Convert > Convert ID3 Tags... > None a few times to remove all existing tags and then File > Convert > Convert ID3 Tags... > v2.3 to build fresh tags with the information still held in the database. This will remove any embedded artwork. After trying these steps with one or two tracks try syncing twice to see if the resync count changes. Obviously the tracks you've modified will need to update on the next sync, but they might not sync again on the following one. Repeat with more tracks if this appears to be a useful strategy.

See Duplicate songs in iTunes/Music - Apple Community to double-check. If you have exact duplicates those may get assigned the same hidden folder/filename on the device, so as tracks are synced one replaces the other. Unlikely from what you say, but I was just racking my brain for known causes of repeat syncing and that one came back to me.

Thanks for the idea, it is intriguing. I created a smart playlist for all songs with data in the Work field. There are 382 of them. The songs being re-synced every time is 823. So that may be part of the problem. I tried to clear the Work field, but I don't know how. And I suspect it won't solve the problem, but it might give me another clue.

Since I last posted, I was able to turn on Use Work & Movement for all the songs, then clear the Work field, then selecting all songs modified today, turn off the Use Work & Movement. Then I did a sync. This time, it only re-synched 822 songs. I'm not sure if I learned anything at all.

Thanks for the idea. I tried it on 128 songs. Question: When you said convert ID3 Tags to None, you said "a few times." How many times is necessary? I only did it two times on the 128 files before rebuilding the tags as you instructed.

I have proof that some of those 128 were (are) re-synching over and over. But still no change. Still re-synching 822 songs every time. Any other ideas? (I waited several days and several syncs to make sure it wasn't helping.)

I appreciate your help. I wish I knew the algorithm that decides which songs to sync and which not, as that might help me narrow it down. I know SSDs have limited life, shortened by writing, and I would rather my phone SSD not be compromised by all this writing of songs unnecessarily.

I can't say exhaustively because I don't know how to identify all 822 songs. However, the ones I have been able to check (by watching the names fly by during sync) are NOT duplicated. By that, I mean they are not repeated in the iTunes (Music) data, AND are not duplicated files on disk.

Hey! I think this is a significant clue! I found a bunch of duplicates (thanks for that article), a few of which I can imagine accidentally duplicating myself. Many are related to iCloud (automatically?) uploading, matching, whatever. I have eliminated a few duplicates and am re-syncing again... In the first sync, the number of songs dropped to 816. Update to follow.

Hello, for some reason when I activate local files on my iphone, it adds some duplicate songs to my library. Currently there are 2,203 tracks on my iphone, but on the spotify app on the computer, there are 1,937, which is the correct number. 0852c4b9a8

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