Can anyone tell me what the compatibility of drivers on 64bit vista are like on the Dell Inspiron 1525. Mine is just a year old now and I want to upgrade to 64bit vista. I wondered if there's known issues with drivers that I should be aware of before upgrading?

I have the Dell Inspiron 1420 Running Windows 7 64 bit. Windows 7 will have ALL the drivers nessisary to work PERFECTLY fine. Dell 1420 965 chipset i8ch memory controler. Plus Dell uses the SAME components for ALL their machines. so i search for and use another model with simular parts to use their 64 bit Drivers. if you do install a 64 bit system try with windows 7 64 which will have the best chance to install everything without needing to find the drivers

Free Download Drivers Dell Inspiron 1525 Windows Xp

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I just purchased a Dell Inspiron 1525 with Vista Home Premium preinstalled. I wanted to know if there is a way to install a fully working Arch Linux system on it. I tried with 2007.08 CD only to fail at getting the wireless card to work. Dell Inspiron 1525 comes with a Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini Card. I tried installing both the latest vista and xp drivers for this card via ndiswrapper. I thought all was well since I got the message that said that the driver is installed and the device was present. However, when I checked iwconfig, the normal 'wlan0' was not in the list, just 'lo'. Can someone help me with this?

My dell inspiron laptop was turning on but the screen was black. I could see the mouse but not the actual screen. I really don't know what to do. I've looked on youtube, searched the web and found nothing that made sense. Also my dell laptop is new, I just got it 4 days ago and it's already acting up. I also haven't dropped it at all, nor gone on any bad sites so I really don't know what is going on. If anyone had/has the same problem and you have some solutions I would be really happy if you shared them.

Hello, first some specs:


 Dell Inspiron 1525

 Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz


 Vista Home Premium 32-bit

 Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset Family


 Alright, now onto the interesting stuff!


 So, I bought this laptop, and the display driver version that comes from Dell is - from Jan 2008. Well, that couldn't do, as Intel has been very good with updating this chipset, giving it vast performance enhancements and better support for games. So, I went to Intel's site to get the latest driver - at the time, it was So I installed it - it gave the whole "this isn't supported, get the driver from the manufacturer" routine, but after uninstalling the old driver and trying again, it worked like a charm. Without any surprises, my games had a HUGE performance boost (despite the fact that the Vista experience rating dropped from 3.4 to 3.1....pff), so I was a happy man.


 Now things get ugly.


 So, today I decided it's been a while so I should check if there have been more recent drivers - turns out Intel pushed out 2 newer versions, first in August, and the more recent a couple weeks ago. Having read the changelog, I found some nice support features, especially for OpenGL 2.0, so I was happy about getting some new drivers. So I download and install the more recent one with the .exe first. I immediately knew something was wrong - the colors on screen looked like they were melting and were supersaturated, like someone had just spent an hour eating skittles then threw up on the screen. Naturally, it was hard to see or do much in this condition, but I managed to go through some display options, thinking maybe some tweaking was necessary.


 I tried everything.

 Resolutions, color complexity, messing around with contrast, saturation, etc, you name it. Just for kicks, I took a screenshot and sent it to one of my friends, and he said it looked fine, nothing was wrong. Clearly, this driver was screwed up pretty badly... Well, I installed again, and everything returned to normal - no problems. Now I thought, well, if the most recent version is messed up, I'll try the other one - Installed it, same exact thing happened.


 I've been going back and forth, trying all methods of install (.zip extraction, executable, update through device manager, etc) and same results. I've nearly spent all day going through Intel's site and just seeing what I can find on Google, but to no avail (Intel's support hasn't been any help, either).


 I come here to you now, exhausted, asking for any suggestions anyone may have to fix the problem - it could very well be that the last two drivers are bad, but I seriously doubt it - I've seen other threads where people are using it just fine.


 I've ruled basically everything I can think of - including all "dumb" stuff like corrupt files, right version for OS, etc. Will these two simply not work on my machine? I hope the trend doesn't continue with new releases... maybe I can just skip these two and wait for next month's?



 Dell came with

 I installed from Intel, works amazing

 Tried and, colors completely screwed up on screen


 Thanks in advance, guys. I appreciate anything you can think up on this. 0852c4b9a8

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