The attack was not the result of a vulnerability in Microsoft products or services. To date, there is no evidence that the threat actor had any access to customer environments, production systems, source code, or AI systems. We will notify customers if any action is required.

We are continuing our investigation and will take additional actions based on the outcomes of this investigation and will continue working with law enforcement and appropriate regulators. We are deeply committed to sharing more information and our learnings, so that the community can benefit from both our experience and observations about the threat actor. We will provide additional details as appropriate.

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By using the Retire or Wipe actions, you can remove devices from Intune that are no longer needed, being repurposed, or missing. Users can also issue a remote command from the Intune Company Portal to devices that are enrolled in Intune.

The Wipe device action restores a device to its factory default settings. The user data is kept if you choose the Retain enrollment state and user account checkbox. Otherwise, all data, apps, and settings are removed.

By design, Zebra has defined the Wipe action on any Android Zebra device to only remove corporate data from devices, and not perform a factory reset.To perform factory reset on a Zebra Android device, you can use either of these methods:

The Wipe device, and continue to wipe even if device loses power option makes sure that the wipe action can't be circumvented by turning off the device. This option keeps trying to reset the device until successful. In some configurations, this action may leave the device unable to reboot.

The Retire action removes managed app data (where applicable), settings, and email profiles that were assigned by using Intune. The device is removed from Intune management. Removal happens the next time the device checks in and receives the remote Retire action. The device still shows up in Intune until the device checks in. If you want to remove stale devices immediately, use the Delete action instead.

Windows devices that are not registered in the Windows Autopilot Service, upon being deleted or retired from Intune are removed from Microsoft Entra ID. Before performing these commands consider backing up the Bitlocker Recovery Key and/or a local administrator user account credentials. On the other hand, although Autopilot registered devices leave Microsoft Entra ID, their computer object is retained alongside their properties (e.g. Windows LAPS, Bitlocker Recovery Key, Entra ID groups memberships).

If you want to remove devices from the Intune admin center, you can delete them from the specific device pane. Intune issues a Retire or Wipe action depending on the OS/Enrollment type. Not all enrollment types support the Retire action.

You might need to delete devices from Microsoft Entra ID due to communication issues or missing devices. You can use the Delete action to remove device records from the Azure portal for devices that you know are unreachable and unlikely to communicate with Azure again. The Delete action doesn't remove a device from management.

I'm writing a Windows Service in C#. I want to take the same action for when the service is stopped by the Service control panel as when the system is shutdown. I want to take the same action for either case.

At the initial trial, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that Microsoft's actions constituted unlawful monopolization under Section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890,[2] but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit partially overturned that judgment.[1] The two parties later reached a settlement in which Microsoft agreed to modify some of its business practices.[3]

[Microsoft] is widely recognized as the most influential company in the microcomputer-software industry. Claiming more than a million installed MS-DOS machines, founder and chairman Bill Gates has decided to certify Microsoft's jump on the rest of the industry by dominating applications, operating systems, peripherals and, most recently, book publishing. Some insiders say Microsoft is attempting to be the IBM of the software industry.

The government alleged that Microsoft had abused monopoly power on Intel-based personal computers in its handling of operating system and web browser integration. The central issue was whether Microsoft was allowed to bundle its IE web browser software with its Windows operating system. Bundling the two products was allegedly a key factor in Microsoft's victory in the browser wars of the late 1990s, as every Windows user had a copy of IE. It was further alleged that this restricted the market for competing web browsers (such as Netscape Navigator or Opera), since it typically took extra time to buy and install the competing browsers. Underlying these disputes were questions of whether Microsoft had manipulated its application programming interfaces to favor IE over third-party browsers. The government also questioned Microsoft's conduct in enforcing restrictive licensing agreements with original equipment manufacturers who were required to include that arrangement.[7]

The case was initially tried before Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson at the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The suit began on May 18, 1998, with the Department of Justice joined by the Attorneys General of twenty U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The case organized by the Department of Justice was focused less on interoperability, and more on predatory strategies and market barriers to entry; the DOJ built upon the allegation that Microsoft forced computer makers to include its Internet browser as a part of the installation of Windows software.[7]

Judge Jackson issued his findings of fact on November 5, 1999, holding that Microsoft's dominance of the x86-based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly, and that Microsoft had taken actions to crush threats to that monopoly, including applications from Apple, Java, Netscape, Lotus Software, RealNetworks, Linux, and others.[19] On April 3, 2000, Jackson issued his conclusions of law, holding that Microsoft had engaged in monopolization, attempted monopolization, and tying in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.[2]

After Microsoft filed its appeal, the U.S. government and the states in the suit requested a process that would skip the intermediate Circuit Court and send the case directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. Such an action is permitted by a section of the United States Code[23] that gives the Supreme Court jurisdiction to hear direct appeals from the District Court level in certain antitrust cases initiated by the federal government, if "the district judge who adjudicated the case enters an order stating that immediate consideration of the appeal by the Supreme Court is of general public importance in the administration of justice."[24] The states also filed a petition for certiorari before judgment at the Supreme Court, requesting the same direct appeal process without going through the Circuit Court.[23][25] The Supreme Court rejected these requests and sent the appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court.[23]

Lawsuits brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, 18 states, and the District of Columbia in two separate actions were resolved through a Consent Decree that took effect in 2001 and a Final Judgment entered in 2002. These proceedings imposed various constraints on our Windows operating system businesses. These constraints include limits on certain contracting practices, mandated disclosure of certain software program interfaces and protocols, and rights for computer manufacturers to limit the visibility of certain Windows features in new PCs. We believe we are in full compliance with these rules. However, if we fail to comply with them, additional restrictions could be imposed on us that would adversely affect our business.[33]

If you've ever encountered the "OLE action Excel" error message in Microsoft Excel, you know how frustrating it can be. This error message appears when Excel waits for another application to complete an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) action. Fortunately, there are ways to troubleshoot and fix this error.

In this article, we'll provide step-by-step instructions for solving the "OLE action Excel" error message in Microsoft Excel. We'll explain what causes the error, how to identify which application is causing the issue and provide solutions to help you fix the problem.

By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to troubleshoot and fix the "OLE action Excel" error in Microsoft Excel. So, let's get started and get your Excel spreadsheet back up and running smoothly.

An OLE action is a feature developed by Microsoft that allows different applications to work together. OLE stands for "Object Linking and Embedding." It lets you use part of a document from one program in another.

If you use Microsoft Excel, you may have seen the error message "Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action." This can happen when Excel waits for another program to finish a task before it can complete its own.

The OLE error message in Excel means that Excel is waiting for something to finish or needs the user's permission to complete an action. This error can happen because of different reasons, but one common cause is when another Microsoft program, like Outlook, is sending a security prompt that needs the user's response.

This error can sometimes appear because of a conflict with add-ins, a disabled DDE protocol within Excel, or when too many programs are running on the computer. To fix this issue, users can disable add-ins, enable the DDE protocol, or run Excel in safe mode. 0852c4b9a8

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