This article provides information on the build version delivered with the latest Bitdefender product update. It also shows you how to manually update the Bitdefender security solution installed on your Windows computer.

Bitdefender needs to be updated daily, and it frequently updates its signatures multiple times within a day. However, when it comes to product updates that involve changing the version number, they occur less frequently, typically once every 4 weeks. These updates are important for improving product performance, adding new features, and enhancing security.

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 Where can I see what version of Bitdefender I have installed? Maybe I'm just blind but would make sense to have it clearly visible directly somewhere on the Dashboard? It just says Bitdefender Antivirus Plus in the title bar. Looking via the Control Panel, it reports which doesn't say much if that is the 2019 or 2020 version of the software.

You can find your engine/build version by right-clicking on the Bitdefender icon in the System Tray and pressing on About. The build is displayed below the Product information.

The System Tray is the set of icons in the lower right of the desktop, next to the clock. Not all icons are visible by default, to see all of them press on the icon that looks like an arrow pointing up (or a triangle).

 And may I suggest the version is included/seen also on the main dashboard and/or in the title bar. Certainly the build won't need to be there but would be helpful being able to determine if you're on 2019 or 2020 with a quick glance.

 We used to put that in the name bar in previous generations where the upgrade needed to be done manually, but nowadays everything takes place automatically so we considered it a kind of pointless addition.

 Regarding your second question. If you reinstall Bitdefender from Control Panel, the following settings will be saved: Firewall settings and rules, Exceptions in Antivirus, Advance Threat Defense, Safe Files.

I was just watching youtube when my microsoft alert told me that i needed to enable an antivirus out of nowhere. I looked and bitdefender was shut off. I clicked the icon on my desktop and got "file location cannot be found"

The warning from Windows is normal, as part of BD is updating while the other components are still protecting us during this short duration. The question asked by Nunzio77 and Alexandru's reply, should help clear it up.

Also, if you want to know more of what's going on, from the main Dashboard, in Settings/Update you could set your updates to 2-3 hours if you wanted to, then turn the silent update to off, and you'll get a notification of all updates and build/product updates when they arrive, but that can be a little annoying.

It appears to have happened almost exactly like how Alexandru explained except it didnt happen when I booted up windows, it happened randomly when I was using it. Thank you for the extra clarification that I am still, in fact, protected during this time.

I have noticed that bitdefender does updates hourly (what i have it set to) for malware/virus signatures and I am happy to just let those go but is there a way i can get an update just for new builds so that way I can be alerted to when that will happen?

Also, when I restarted and system scanned, i got the "this is the first time you are system scanning so this might take a while" message. Is that because of the new build update (since it seems like in did some variation of an uninstall/reinstall real quickly)?

The initial System scan can take a while, so you get that notification. They even created an article with some tips to speed it up. Once the first system scan is completed the subsequent scan will be faster and shorter, as BD cache's files that have not been modified. After a build update, the System scan will still be shorter than the first, as a new build won't reset that.

Yea I understand that is why I got the notification but it wasnt my first system scan (i run one daily when i first start the computer). Thats why i was confused when it said it was my first one. It completed at about the same speed/duration of all my other scans, just found it weird that I got that pop up again and was just wondering if that was only because of the build update.

Fair enough. I usually just run 1 a day to be extra safe and my PC has nothing installed on it except bitdefender, chrome and firefox so it usually completes in under 10 minutes. I will have to test this next time I get a build update to see if its every time or not so i can help someone in the future if they have this same question!

i have the latest ipad pro running the latest ios ipad software version 17.2 Bitdefender keeps reporting the ipad ios is out of date and should be on ios 17.2.1 This version doesnt exist for ipad and version 17.2 is the latest. version 17.2.1 is the current version for iphone. anyone else experience this or have a fix for bitdefender?

@Alexandru_BD, @Mike_BD can provide you with the necessary information or you can contact the bitdefender support by visiting and scroll down to the bottom of the webpage where you can get in touch with support representative either by email, chat or over a call.

In the past, Bitdefender had indeed yearly releases and the product was advertised with its annual versions. Since 2021, the annual version of the products in the portfolio was removed, however, this doesn't mean that the product version stays the same. Continuous updates are being frequently released and our users will always benefit from the latest version of Bitdefender, as soon as the updates arrive on their machines. For the same reason, the beta testing project was stopped, but it can resume if major changes in the product lineup are implemented.

Regular updates I would get and totally understand (as the Netgear Armor team would need to take Bitdefender's build and make the necessary adjustments to have it go to the Netgear Armor portal vs. Bitdefender Central). However, speaking with Bitdefender support yesterday the latest NA build ( is "pretty old". Again, there's an entire major number difference, which is typically the annual release with other systems (i.e. the current BD build is 26.xx.xx.xx).

I have the same concerns as @TheGrumpyGent - at some point it becomes a security risk. Given the amount of money paid for the subscription, I'd expect updates to be on par with the core product. Hopefully someone at Netgear realises? I'm starting to think this product is going to be the one for me and I am already looking at alternatives to change to before my subscription expires.

I migrated from BitDefender Box 2 licenses to Netgear Armor (RAX20 Router), I also bought Netgear VPN Pro licenses ... and I saw that in both cases the software versions, both Windows and Android, are older versions, 25 instead of 26, the VPN is 24 ....

When estimating Netgear support, are the software versions used updated ??? Why aren't the same versions, the latest ones available on BitDefender ?? That they both brag about working together ...

I just ran into this problem myself. The current version of Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac is The version available through Netgear Armor is The current version of Bitdefender VPN is The version available through Netgear Armor is It's hard to figure why the Netgear versions are so far behind the current Bitdefender versions. It makes me think that Bitdefender Armor isn't worth it.

I don't think Bitdefender offers parental controls directly. Parental controls come from a service called Circle but I don't know if that's provided through Netgear Armor or Bitdefender. I've been exchanging messages with Bitdefender for the past week and I'm fed up with the problems. Managing the Bitdefender products provided through Netgear Armor is a nightmare. I just turned off auto-renew for my subscriptions because I'm going back to getting them directly from Bitdefender. I am completely fed up with this bizarre arrangement between Netgear Armor and Bitdefender. It's just not worth the frustration.

I've been using Bitdefender products for several years and I've been satisfied with them and always got good support from them in the past. The problems I'm having now are specifically related to the way Bitdefender products are distributed and supported through Netgear Armor. The problem I'm running into now with Bitdefender appears to be related to the agreement between Bitdefender and Netgear. That has absolutely nothing to do with me as a customer, so I have no patience for that excuse. I am fed up with Netgear Armor at this point and want to go back to dealing just with Bitdefender. The arrangement between Netgear and Bitdefender is a screw job for the customers. If I had known that I would be getting outdated, poorly supported versions of Bitdefender products through Netgear I never would have signed up for this.

Bitdefender offers parental controls. I had a free trial during 30 days. I think it's lacking some very useful features you can find on other antiviruses. I'm not talking about Bitdefender through Armor. But I've seen on the Orbi app that there's an option to get parental controls, so this feature doesn't come with Armor. That's too bad.

The parental control with Orbi is called Circle and you have to install a separate app for it. The basic service is free but if you want more options you have to buy a premium subscription, just as with the Bitdefender VPN. I agree, though, that it's better to get anti-virus/security software directly from the source rather than through Bitdefender Armor. I am completely unhappy with the way things have turned out with the Bitdefender software provided through Netgear Armor.

I am facing an issue with Bitdefender on Monterey, seems when I upgrade from Big Sur it works fine. But when I remove Bitdefender and push it via Jamf the Network Extension throws an error and seems that the Config Profile is changed or not working as expected.

If I open Bitdefender it shows that Network Extension needs to be allowed and Installed, this is already allowed and works on the previous version, when I click "Install now" nothing happens because the Security & Privacy Payload is empty and there is nothing to install or allow. 152ee80cbc

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