This is such a unique idea! I love that you laid out the samples followed by music inspired by the samples in a list; that made it much easier for me to know what I was looking at scrolling the playlist. It is so interesting to see how singers and musicians have borrowed from their peers, yet they always manage to add their own personality to their music, even if the tunes are similar.

 Thanks so much for sharing this! ?

PS To answer your question, the Elektron Transfer app formats files in the correct way to run on the Digitakt as it transfers them over (16 bit 48KHz, and it accepts .wav, .aif, .mp3, and even .zip files, so no worries about getting samples specially formatted for it.

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This is a techno construction kit containing 128 analog, FM and digital samples including a wide selection of hard-hitting techno drums and synth sounds (kick, snares, claps, percussion, hats, cymbals, synth basses and synth leads). The samples are formatted in both mono (16-bit, 48kHz) and stereo (24-bit, 48kHz).

Thank you Rusty. I was able to connect the two and listen to samples that were saved on the octratrack via the computer. I will attemp to import my sounds as you described tomorrow. Also, I could be interested in your software.

Ideally, I would like to analyze each batch separately, without having to analyze all the samples together at the same time, because it would take too much computational resources and time (I have hundreds of samples in a batch).

I would recommend that you retain the same set of parameters across all your batches. This is what we did with the American Gut Project, which was sequenced in something like 100 runs. The parameters were not always optimal (we might lose 50% of the reads on a given run) but you would be surprised at how much information you get out of shallow samples. (Like 5000-10,000 sequences/sample are more than sufficient.)

I think the step that becomes potentially challenging is how you build your phylogenetic tree. I feel like you may need to merge the representative sequences. (Hopefully at some point, you saturate the representative sequence space). I think there are also algorithms that let you calculate your distance metrics pairwise instead of on all the samples.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended PostsIIianIIPosted June 6, 2017IIianIIResident  36Share Posted June 6, 2017 Just a simple and easy question about the amount of samples for 512x512 image size. I have been struggling getting the right quality textures, if I can know the right amount of samples that way I would only do minimal work on PS afterwards. Thanks in advance!

Some may tell you its OK to have samples on internal system drive for late model computers but I still see Apple recommends external drives. I have mine on externals including Logic libraries, NI libraries and y own projects.

Where it gets a bit more complicated is with media files used by the Logic project: audio files, samples, video files etc. Those are sometimes loaded to RAM (for example most samplers load their samples to RAM, while some load only a portion of the samples into RAM, and for example if you Flex an audio file that file is loaded to RAM, Apple Loops also are loaded to RAM, etc...), or sometimes they are streaming from disk in real time. In the latter case, where they are stored matters.

There isn't a single best answer to your question though, as it depends on the drives you have on your system, and what, if anything, is creating a bottleneck on your system. For example if your projects are running fine on your internal ultra-fast SSD drive and you decide to optimize your setup and save your projects (along with the streaming audio files) on a slower external drive, you may just go against your initial goal and end up with a slower set up that will create more issues for you. So my rule of thumb is: if it ain't broken, don't fix it. I know a LOT of professionals who do everything on the internal drive of their laptop, and if that's enough for your needs, there certainly isn't anything wrong with it.

As David has very well described, and as I'm also finding out myself using some heavy weight NI stuff, its about how your system is dealing with each scenario: RAM, disk activity, samples etc That said, I'd recommend using Logics own Monitor to see how your cores are doing and disk activity. Perhaps you could report back if you notice anything.

Find the folder with your samples in the MediaBay. Enable the checkmark on the left side of the folder. The folder would become scanned and then you can browse the files by using MediaBay. You can use all the Search options, including logic search.

Ever since I started to produce music I worked with FL Studio. I just bought Cubase a few weeks ago bc I felt I needed something with more possibilities, as well as something I can work with video. Now, what I always liked in FL Studio is that it was very easy and quick to load in samples and edit them (with ADSR, layering methods). From what I know now in cubase is that you first have to search them via Mediabay and load them in an audiotrack. I find this process quite time-consuming and Im looking for a better way to find and load in samples (in FL Studio I had a map that had all the samples in it and I knew where each sample was and what I needede).

Also I wanted to use Grooveagent as a midicontroller primararily for things like drums, but it seemed that I have to purchase that sidely from Cubase to get the best out of it. I do miss something that works like a simple sampler with an adsr-envelope and pitching fucntions that I can use as a midicontroller in the pianoroll.

Audio plugins and soundware (samples, presets, etc.) and plugin hosts for all operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android). They are sorted by date added (newest first). - Page 1 of 1017

I thought I was the only one that use Phalanx like that. I used to set up an instance of Phalanx Single for each drum track before I bought Groove Agent 4. I loved the way Phalanx had the awesome built in browser and everything you would need to do any processing within the plugin including a sequencer/arp. Now I use Groove agent 4 which is the best drum plugin ever created for this task. The built in sequencer is phenomenal and I do everything from within the one plugin set up with multipal outputs. Xfer Records Nerve is also super cool but does not have a browser. I was actually never a fan of the FL channel sampler/step sequencer thingy.

I tried a lot of stuff and Groove Agent and Phalanx seemed to be the best (feature and usability wise). For most tasks i prefer Phalanx, because GA has some small annoyances for my workflow. I only have the SE version without browser, though.

This 'unofficial' Forum is dedicated to the Clavia Nord Keyboards, including the Nord Stage, Nord Electro and Nord Piano. Discuss any issues around Nord's keyboards, share your favorite patches, samples, and music. We are not affiliated with Clavia!

I have mpileup'ped two bam files from two samples, then I filtered the results with and called the genotypes with bcftools call. Now I have a VCF file containing what I want, but I managed to analyze differences only between the two samples and the reference (which is an assembly coming from a line that is different from both samples).

I have the variants between my two samples and the assembly, but what if I want to detect the differences between the two samples? I did it with awk / sed / cut and other command line tools but is there maybe a better and more straight-forward way to do that? Perhaps using bcftools? Up to know, I didn't find it.

If you are looking for a good way of separating the variants into those that are shared between both samples and those that are unique to each sample, I would recommend using vcfeval from RTG Tools to do the comparison, as that will correctly deal with representation differences between the two samples (this may not be such an issue if both samples were called jointly or you are only concerned with simple SNPs). For example:

If both of your samples are in a single VCF, just use the same VCF for both -b and -c. The --squash-ploidy option will ignore differences in zygosity in the genotypes and match based on shared alleles. In the output directory you will have variants unique to sample1 in sample-differences/fn.vcf.gz and those unique to sample2 in sample-differences/fp.vcf.gz, and you can get a summary of the composition of those variants using rtg vcfstats.

In a final render would you choose 1080p with denoise and 1000spp or would you choose 2160p with 300spp +denoise?

If i was going to downscale the final image back to 1080p.

Is more spatial resolution better, that more samples?

The example is not really for audio. If you set the timer trigger event to 48 kHz and convert 1 ADC channel at each event, setup a larger buffer of say 20ms duration which are 9600 samples. Activate both, HAL_ADC_ConvHalfCpltCallback and HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback. This gives you 10ms time for (CPU) processing the half of the buffer just completed while the circular DMA writes new data to the other half. You may adjust the buffer size to your needs, e.g. doing a 4096 point FFT etc. 0852c4b9a8

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