i am trying to access flash files with the help of activex container.i have selected movie property of shockwave flash to load the flash file.but when filw path is provided to this property it is having extension".fla"

There is a new security setting in Firefox 55 that supersedes everything else. Only SWF files retrieved on http:// or https:// addresses are played (not file://, ftp://, etc.). If you want to revert to the previous behavior:

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BTW, FF developers, I think you got it totally wrong. The opposite resctriction should be set: It's the remote (http:) SWF's that should be restrricted (as possibly dangerous), not the local ones!(Except, of course if you think there can be a virus that affects the local (strored in the PC) SWF files !!

This is about security.Local files have different security permissions and can access all data on you computer.There are also possible security issues with other protocols (ftp) apart from the file:// protocol used to open a local file.This made the devs decide to only allow the HTTP and HTTPS protocol to make it easier to test possible scenarios.

What kind of local files are you talking about? What has FTP to do at all with it? A am talking about simply running a local SWF file from FF browser: e.g. D:\Flash\xxx.swf (or file:///D:/Flash/xxx.swf).

Hint: I had to change 'plugins.http_https_only' to false only in order that FF opens a .SWF file. Otherwise FF didn't have a problem to open local HTML, image, and all sort of other types of local files. Forget anything else and concentrate on SWF.

The default is not to run flash on ANY protocol other than HTTP or HTTPS. That means neither FILE nor FTP nor others. You don't care about other protocols because you are not using them intentionally, but there probably was some concern about allowing them that brought about this change. Unfortunately, this preference is all or nothing.

OK, still my question was not unswered -- if and why is a SFW file dangerous -- but I did further research of my own and I found that indeed it is a threat. Re: -threat-news/10500-flash-security-risk, etc.

Now that I answered to my first question , I bring up my second question, which remains unswered: Why is it allowed to open remote (http(s):) SWF files? If a local SWF file can be a threat, why not a remote one? I read that Steve Jobs said that Flash files should/would never run on iOS or Mac OS. He doesn't differentiate between local and remote files. This is plausible. It's an either-all-or-nothing case.

So, I now answer my 2nd question too: Both local and remote SWF files can be a threat, and consequently FF should provide an option to allow or not the opening of Flash and Showckwave files. I believe this solves the case.

Firefox v57 also blocks javascript and flash used to display a moon module from www.moonconnection.com in my local file. Javascript to display a date works. Iframe gadgets work. I tried adding the url in the script to any setting that offered to white-list websites without success. Changing plugins.http_https_only to false has no effect. Only accessing it online works.

OK,, setting either 'plugins.http_https_only' or 'plugins.flashBlock.enabled' work, but still FF is a pain in this matter: it asks you to 1) Activate Adobe flash player and then 2) Allow and remember / Allow Now! Even if local .SWF files can then play, all this is a totally unjustifiable and annoying procedure.

That method turns off security protection from flash on web pages, which I don't want. But finding work-arounds for javascript in local pages that accesses web resources is harder. I understand that exposes me to security issues but I'm sure the site is safe. What I need is an "white list" to provide some control. In the end the moon gadget creator kindly offered a method that loads his images, which is a burden on his server - an unnecessary work-around IMHO.

When I try to open .swf files from my local file browser, instead of opening and playing these files, Firefox asks me if I would like to save them or open them. If I hit open, firefox opens a new tab, with an additional instance of the file (still unplayed), and again asks the same question, if I would like to open or save.

Beware, fellow confused fellows! Frustrated in seeing the "open or save" dialog box for the umpteenth time, I checked the "Do this automatically for files like this from now on" box . Oh boy. The tab repeatedly opened, without additional prompting, no less than 55 times before I closed the browser window.

I don't have any internet at home, but use the free Wi-Fi at work. In the past I have been updating my Helix by downloading the necessary software (and separate flash file) onto the laptop and then bringing that home to do the update.

No Problem I had downloaded the 2.91 Flash file before I did this, as I have learned.. Started the updated update tool program and flashed the 2.91 and it worked like perfect! So new updated tool still works! (Edit: before I did the 2.90 updated tool for 2.91, I also uninstalled everything 2.9 and installed the 2.91 HX Edit program and choose the update tool for the offline Flash update)

I deleted some flash files by mistake, and after using recuva i was able to recover some of them (not all of them btw), but it was partial recover, so if i try to open them it says "An error ocurred opening file:", so is there any way to fix these files? or even better, is there any program which can recover my deleted flash projects succesfully? i tried disk drill, yodot photo recovery, diskgetor data recovery but apparently none of them works... help please? i really need those projects guys

There are professional data recovery services that you could theoretically send the disk to, but if you've been writing a bunch of stuff to the disk since you accidentally deleted the files that you cared about, there's no guarantee that you haven't overwritten those missing portions with new data. This is a forum about Flash Player, not data recovery, so we're not really the best authorities on that front.

Note: In data deletion case it is always recommended to not to use the drive as the further usage of drive overwrite the blank space of deleted files and make deleted files recovery impossible. No data recovery software can recover files from the overwritten hard drive.

I seem to be having issues using the Flash programmer to burn my elf and sof file into flash so it can boot from this location. I have a couple of questions. I have read and followed the documentation on how to do this, but with no success.

I have additional information. When I use the above command and this is similar to the command used in the Flash Programmer, it generates a .flash file of size 32 bytes. If I change the command to the following, "elf3flash --input=ICETest.elf --output=ICETest.flash --base=0x0 --end=0x4000000", it generates a 157k ,flash file. I'm confused.

Looking at this further, maybe I don't understand the --base and --end address. When I convert the sof file to flash, what flash address to i use? It is defined in the settings.bsp file as 0x4000000 and in the linker section in the bsp editor. Do i use that same address when I convert my elf to flash? That seems to be a problem. If I use 0x0, I get something in my elf to flash file. Does anyone have a good example?

I had some problems with playing Shockwave Flash (.swf) files which were saved on my hard disc. They did not wanted to run on Firefox and Google Chrome, both browsers have Adobe Flash Player plugins installed. Firefox has Shockwave Flash installed.

After modifying File Association settings like shown in attachment (adding *.swfl), Firefox started to play local .swf files perfectly. So, can you make such setting as default setting, because some people prefer to play flash games saved on local disc, not visit every time site with ads.

Now, the bad thing is, that Google Chrome even after modifying File Association settings does not playing local .swf files. It offers to save file and that`s all. Is it possible to force Google Chrome to play these files too?

I searched answer to this problem here.

Q4OS Team, there is a major problem with the Flash Player Plugin produced by Adobe in Firefox and Google Chrome. Its these ads like on facebook that utilize flash and auto start, they take my system in to a black hole.

Bobby, have you tried Flashblock, No Flash or FlashDisable from Firefox add-ons? To remove ads use uBlock Origin or AdBlock Plus also from Firefox add-ons.

uBlock Origin is the best add-on for removing ads. You can even manually remove ads, inserted in flash video.

@bobby I don't know if this will help, but in firefox I use an add-on called ghostery which blocks many (but not all) adverts by (I think) disabling cookies for tracking sites, it is customizable in as much as you can decide which ones to block and allow. It might help with the flash adverts it did for me. As for Chrome, I don't use it so cannot offer anyhing for that one...

The best options by our meaning -

Chrome: Install uBlock extension

Firefox: Figure out flashplugin add-on in it's preferences to not auto-run, but on click. This is the default setting in Q4OS after Firefox installation. 0852c4b9a8

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