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As painful as it would be for everyone involved, I would probably just stop the Barbie play altogther. Easier said than done, I know. I'm just not comfortable with the sensual nature of that kind of play. And, I too was a girl playing with barbies once.

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Dd has a few that were given to her. After a bit, dh and I decided to put them up (she is 8) where she doesn't know they are. We have found if they are out of site, they are out of mind. We do allow her to play barbies occasionally with a friend (2-3 times a year maybe), but we may stop that soon. It is so hard to allow something and then take it away, than to not allow it to begin with. Boy, have I felt that pain. Ouch. It is hard to backtrack. Being a parent is so hard sometimes.

My dd hasn't played much with her barbie's since she got into webkinz, but she went through that phase. I never made a big deal out of it, but did use it as a conversation starter. My kids have seen granma and poppa kiss, aunts and uncles etc. SO when I saw them or heard them making Ken and Barbie kiss I would make a comment about how Barbie must think Ken is a very special person to love because she wouldn't kiss just anyone, etc I don't worry about them playing out boy/girl relationship stuff as long as it is not a storyline of ken and barbie "making out" or "doing it" kwim. I am all for them learning about healthy relationships and those incl kissing, but I also want them to learn what is and is not appropriate. Kissing your husband is a good thing, kissing Ken and G I Joe is not. Just a thought on how to make it a discussion point rather than a hot button issue.

As for your ds stripping the barbie nekkid and sleeping with it, they do that. My almost 5 year old ds currently has a "baby" (a doll)he plays with alot, he refuses to keep clothes on it though he will diaper it if I pull out the toy cloth diapers, he sleeps with it, carries it around, puts it in the doll pram etc. I use it as a time to play with him and instill those seeds of a father's love for his child, rather than focus on the baby being nekkid. You can do the same with your son and barbie, if you don't like her nekkid, play with him leading his play to clothing choices for her, perhaps part of the bedtime routine could be 5 minutes of getting barbie ready for bed in "jammies", combing the hair etc. I don't know what other stressors are going on in your life, and don't mean to discount your feelings about Barbie, but maybe what I said could help you.

I played with barbies as a kid, we had a lot of them. Including Ken and my brothers GI Joe dolls. We smooched them, put them to bed together, put the baby barbies up the mommy barbies dresses to give birth and had marriage ceremonies. My brothers did NOT like that we would take their GI Joes and Bionic Man to marry Barbie. LOL

I really struggled with the whole Barbie thing and had initially vowed to not let my dd have them. A good friend of mine suggested that like her I only allow princess Barbies (they are more modestly dressed for one thing.) My friend told me that Ken is the husband. So appropriate kissing play would be w/in the confines of a marriage. I totally played with Barbies when I was a kid and I had them kissing. Since I am teaching my dd that we kiss our husband (this to help her stop chasing a particular boy in an effort to kiss him) and I hope to teach my dc to wait to date until they are ready to find a mate. So Barbie can be an area that we help our dds role play in the way that encourages our values we wish to pass on to them. This is just an idea. Thankfully, my dd doesn't play much with the prince doll she has. Barbie is usually just going around singing at our house!! ;)

Are they acting out simply kissing or graphic "marital relations" (to keep the terminology board-safe)? The first I would consider no big deal ("things girls do"), the second would be a problem for me. Honestly, I think pitching all their dolls for this reason would make it a much bigger deal and focus way more attention on this than is warranted by the described behavior. In my opinion, it would likely add some sort of forbidden "allure" to that sort of play and make them focus on it much more than is healthy because it got such a rise out of Mom.

Anyways, as long as DD had them just kissing, I would be fine. She sees men and women kiss. If I started to see her do it a lot, I would just let her know that you should only kiss your husband. Now, if she was making the Barbies do "other" things, I would put a stop to it and consider putting the Barbies away for a while.

I think they are just role playing with the information they have. They watch you, they copy you. They are too young to put together in their minds what you think is happening. And you teach as you go. I tried the no Barbie road, but the girls just got the gifts or won them at parties. Girl barbies smooched girl barbies at our house so I bought a Ken. Then aunties bought them Barbies with babies and Nana bought a Barbie dog and cat that pees and poops. I didn't have the heart to take away theses gifts of "love" and to be honest, I have observed no damage. We've actually gotten a lot of laughs. And I eventually made the poops get lost as I saw them lying around.

That's too funny. My friend and I would make casts out of toilet paper and white glue and pretend they broke an arm or a leg (this after she had fractured her arm at school). We were fascinated with healing broken bones. I should add too we played barbies and other dolls until we were 12 and never made them do inappropriate things, which is likely why I let my dd play with them without concern.

Oh yes, that horrid French kissing lesson! Unfortunately for me and my ds, the neighbor girl demonstrated this to my ds when he was 7 (she was almost 7). He came in the house and was very upset! The bright side is he was so grossed out by it I don't think he will ever really kiss a girl until he is 20 something! :tongue_smilie:

One of the most impactful cut scenes would have shown Stereotypical Barbie and Stereotypical Ken kissing at some point in the movie. The production team cut this scene before it was ever filmed, a fact that Margot Robbie brought up in a joint interview with Ryan Gosling with People Magazine. Based on their commentary, Gerwig seemingly cut the scene due to the logistics of how a Barbie and a Ken would even kiss.

personally, i think that there's barbies and kens which get together. there's ones that never do. and there's multiple girls out there for some reason making two barbies kiss... and i think that would affect them accordingly (and all those girls are almost certainly gay now).

in the movie, ryan gosling's ken clearly had feelings for barbie, and the way that they were played with, barbie showed ZERO signs of ever reciprocating those feelings. and seeming NEVER will. so, canonically, this set of barbie and ken live accordingly to those established feelings (though, as my friend brought up, ryan gosling's ken and simu liu's ken DEFINITELY had some tension going on during that war scene. and every scene they shared, quite honestly).

it made me feel so content and so lovely knowing it wasn't ending with a stereotypical barbie and ken get-together that would've been expected. instead, barbie stayed incredibly independent and still lived this insane and amazing lifestyle, being surrounded by friends.

I think fan theories can be great, and I don't know if the movie was redefining how barbie was, but I was curious and looking at the lore around barbie's toy line, and found an article that listed some things. I'll quote the ones I thought were more around this:

"Barbie and Ken met in 1961. Barbie Media 

From Mattel's lore, he is named after founders Ruth and Elliot Handler's son, Ken, and met Barbie on the set of their first television commercial together, where it was love at first sight."

I guess it was an ambiguoius statement but people say more along the lines of that barbie is an ally, but some people took it to be barbie is or can be any kind of queer, since it's inclusive. I dunno xD. 0852c4b9a8

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