Having tried to understand this in my dealings with Axis 2 v1.4.1, I ended up skimming through the source code. As documented in the WSDL2Java page and usage text, the -E options are passed to the databinding modules - in the case of -Eosv, the "osv" sub-option passed to is the ADB module. Digging down into the code generation for ADB, I found that the osv (OFF_STRICT_VALIDATION) option is only used to when determining the minOccurs. From org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler in Axis 2 v1.4.1:

[INFO] Unable to sendViaPost to url[ ] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Connection has been shutdown: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

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For each protocol (HTTP and/or HTTPS), an AxisServletListener instance must be declared in axis2.xml. If only a single protocol is used, no further configuration is required. For example, if only HTTP is used, the following declaration must be present in axis2.xml:

If both HTTP and HTTPS are used, then things become a bit more complicated. The reason is that in order to expose WSDLs with correct endpoint URIs, AxisServlet must know the ports used by HTTP and HTTPS. Unfortunately the servlet API doesn't allow a Web application to discover all configured protocols. It only provides information about the protocol, host name and port for the current request. If only a single AxisServletListener is configured, then this information is enough to let AxisServlet auto-detect the port number. If both HTTP and HTTPS are used (or if WSDLs are retrieved through transports other than AxisServlet), then AxisServlet has no way of knowing the port numbers until it has processed at least one request for each protocol. To make WSDL generation predictable in this scenario, it is necessary to explicitly configure the port numbers in axis2.xml, such as in the following example:

You get this because the certificate you used to secure the axis2 service is not trusted. You need to import that public certificate or the CA cert that signed it to a key store and set the following two system properties - in your client code

Another thing that I feel I should mention is that, this web service will work if I change the axis version in CF Admin>Web Services to version 1. But This isn't an option because when I do this on production more web services break. This leads me to believe that its some other configuration within the axis2.xml.

I am newly to JBOSS and AXIS2. As I working on i2b2 platform, on of the steps of i2b2 installation is using axis2 in jboss deployment. The steps are not clear in the guide: 2.4.4 Apache Axis2 - Developers Getting Started With i2b2 - i2b2 Wiki.

The Axis2 administrator 'admin' has a password that is set to the default value of 'axis2'. As a result, anyone with access to the Axis2 port can trivially gain full access to the machine via arbitrary remote code execution.

This tutorial need a Axis2 runtime. You can download the latest axis2 binary distribution from here. 

 Note : Currently Axis2 version 1.2 is the supported version for the Web Services Scenarios

I have created JAX-WS webservice client and exported to a jar file.

I have included that jar file in another JAX-WS webservice and consumed the above webservice through the proxy. Axis2 jars file were getting created in TOMCAT server temp folder on every execution of axis2 client code. It is causing the low dik space problem.

Is there any way we can avoid the creation of axis2 jar file for every request to the webservice?

 need your help about Irb2400 M98A axis2 and axis3 torque and actual position.There is no problem on axis position and robot can move down on axis2 and 3.But when i try to move up axis2 or 3 i take this alarm.

An error is received when importing any document from repository in Translation Management ToolError: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Unable to find servers in CMS servers could be down or disabled by the adminisrator (FWN 01014) 0852c4b9a8

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