There are many other places online where you can get access to ready-made CAD blocks suitable for a wide range of design fields. Here are just a handful of CAD block library resources on the internet: 

The Teigha library from opendesignaliance has C++, C#, and Java interface. Teigha is the alternative of RealDWG and it is widely used by many CAD software vendors. It is stable and has the power to read/edit/write dwgs without problem. We have more than 3 years of experience with it and I can say it is excellent and a lot cheaper. When we were at the point to choose between RealDWG and Teigha we chose Teigha and I am glad we did it.

Free Download Autocad Library

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For my company, we have a lot of dwgs that we reuse for a bunch of projects e.g. paint booths and large industrial equipment views. We have a cloud system for the files but I have to download the file and open it up to copy it into another drawing. So it's hard to navigate through so many dwgs. I was thinking to organize the files in a blocks library but I would create multiple dwgs with different categories and have the blocks renamed as the previous drawing names. I was just wondering if this would be the best practice when creating the blocks. Any suggestions would be great as well. Thank you for your time and help!

Sorry I also had an inquiry I guess regarding updating blocks libraries if I have to. Let's say that more and more drawings come in and I was to update the blocks library constantly. The process would be open up the dwg of the blocks library, then add the blocks into the dwg, save the file and repeat the process when the next set of drawings show up for it to stay up to date. Thank you for your feedback!

I have added a hatch to my library that I no longer want, and deleted the file. The hatch still shows up in my library and all I want to do is remove it. Which apparently isn't an option. I can add hatches all I want, but I do not see any options for removing hatches.

If you screwed up your paths and can't get it figured out you can always reset autocad back to defaults to start fresh. If you have lots of custom settings it can be a pain to do this but if you don't have much custom stuff it's probably an easy fix to start over.

I have this same issue. While the error does tell us why its wrong, "The file has been moved, edited, or deleted" I dont know how to fix that issue. The library tab should be a dialoge box that lets me install and edit library locations. It would appear that part of the installation is broken, but I havent had a change to reinstall since we have an FX/CAD version and that requires a few more hoops to jump through.

Is there a solution for this topic? In previous versions it's easy to get to my block library from the dialog box at the top of the block palette but I get the error message above when I click on the new "libraries" tab.

@mikmaines Not having any issues here in AutoCAD/LT2024 or AutoCAD/LTLT2023 with our company files and libraries on our servers. Which previous versions worked fine for you? And what version are you using now? You may need to fix the error that prevents you from accessing your block library: a program resent or reinstall (assuming you have all the updates for AutoCAD/LT2023 and older installed too).

@mikmainesNot having any issues here in AutoCAD/LT2024 or AutoCAD/LTLT2023 with our company files and libraries on our servers. Which previous versions worked fine for you? And what version are you using now? You may need to fix the error that prevents you from accessing your block library: a program resent or reinstall (assuming you have all the updates for AutoCAD/LT2023 and older installed too).

I feel like this thread keeps getting into the weeds. I cannot choose a block library, I can only look at blocks in the current file. I need to be able to browse to a block library, so that I can distribute an updating block library to my entire team across 10 machines. The block library panel is, to the best of my knowledge, broken. I do not know how else I would link to a common file that contains the blocks I need. When I click the gear icon, the broken link pops up, and there is no way to close it. The blocks library tab is also the broken link.

I appreciate you sticking around on this subject, but that is just objectively not a solution. Nothing here has solved the issue of the blocks library being completely inaccessible. I dont know how this was marked as solved, but it is not solved.

I use the product drawing library on the AB's website to find the panel footprints and then add the attributes needed for AutoCAD electrical. There is also a library of drawings available in the Drives and Motion Accelerator Toolkit ( _NA/support/product-selection-configuration/

I think the issue here is although with 2023 we have the latest updates, there are still no schematic objects for common things like safety relays and such so there are a lot of products we use that are not in the library. Seems AB has gotten lazy and not kept up with library development and we feel like we are just stuck in a continuous loop of having to custom create everything.

We have a VBA macro that's been very successfully used on all machines in the office on a daily basis for several years now. Suddenly yesterday on just one machine the macro will not run any more. It starts and then stops with an error message saying the library is not registered. Entering Debug Mode it stops at the line where the File Stream Object is set. The FSO is only used for writing data to an ASCII file. When checking the references in the project I can see that Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll) is already included.

VBA reported that the library was not registered. Entering debug mode highlighted the line where the FileSystemObject was instanced. I stopped the macro and went to Tools > References and got the DLL name of the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll). I then went to the Windows CMD and entered "regsvr "C:\Windows\system32\scrrun.dll"". It then reported that the DLL had been successfully registered. Now the computer is back in business and earning money . What exactly caused the problem is unclear, but what the hell, it's working now. is a community of architects, designers, manufacturers, students and a useful CAD library of high-quality and unique DWG blocks. In our database, you can download AutoCAD drawings of furniture, cars, people, architectural elements, symbols for free and use them in the CAD designs of your projects!

Bit of work around but if you move the blocks library folder location you have added to another location. Then open the pallet in cad it will tell you it no longer exists and give you the option to remove it.

I found series of hatch patterns that I tried to install all at once. I had never installed hatches before, but I now realize it probably would have gone better if I had done them one at a time. I selected all the hatch patterns I wanted to install and after about 10 minutes of pinwheeling I force quit the program. I re-opened and I can still hatch, but the problem is that all I can do is the standard hatch. After I hatch something, if I select the dropdown menu to try to pick a different pick a different pattern it never is able to open the library, it just pinwheels. I let it go for 45 minutes at one point thinking that perhaps I put too much stuff in for it to generate previews of and eventually it would work, but it didn't. I still had to force quit. So at this point I would be happy to just get back to where I was before. I could restore the original files that contain the default information included with the software, but I do not know where those are.

For a couple days now insert won't load my library in an other drawing. It will just stay on this message. Insert does load different drawings, but it won't work if I move all blocks to a different drawing.

Autoloader is a great tool to load large amounts of design and other data into Vault. Data inside the Vault is structured in normal (project) data and library data. The latter is used as reference and should not be modified. This article describes how to use Autoloader for AutoCAD DWGS so you can put data that you do not want to be modified into library folders. Typically data in the library is brought into other drawings as XREF.

Thanks. I went to kohler's website looking for a sink block but did not find what i needed. I was looking for something simple & i didn't want to spend too much time looking through dozens of websites because my boss wants stuff done quickly. I do not have a residential library of my own so i was looking for some resources. I wasn't necessarily looking for any specific manufacturer. Im looking for 2d blocks but its ok if its dynamic. You can email them to me at

I have one macro written in VBA that is available in AutoCAD Application. My issue is that I have written macro on my laptop and works really fine. But when I share it on other PC's which are running the same AutoCAD with the same settings I will get this error "compile error: can't find project or library".

My guess is that the 2 computers have different versions of AutoCAD: both are AutoCAD 2012, but one is 32-bit and the other is 64 bit. Iin this case even the type library file is the same, they have different class Id in windows registry, and they are not exchangeable in terms of being used in VBA.

I think the template file has blocks, since next to the autocad_block_name that I have defined in the attributemanager, the autocad_block_number is added automatically added in output template dwg file (see image below) and for example 27 (as in the image below) for all the autocad lines that define water. However when I use this template file for converting shared cells to autocad blocks, the output look as follows, only autocad points and no autocad blocks. I am wondering what I might have done wrong, I have only done a simple translation between a DGN V8 reader and RealDWG file with the inclusion of a template file. I also unchecked Expand Named Cells in Bentley MicroStation Design Parameters (Reader parameters). Can someone help me in the right direction? 0852c4b9a8

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