Here's what you can do: Launch the game, log in, and once you're at the main menu, terminate EAC. Now you can enjoy the game without EAC running in the background. You can also terminate EAC during the login process. EAC is primarily used to rebuild the game executable and maybe perform some basic validation of game and core system files. Once that's done, you can pretty much do as you please, including injecting code without any anti-cheat system monitoring your game memory or the binaries being injected into the game.

Apparently, people are able to bypass the anti-cheat by simply not updating their game and still joining multiplayer lobbies with cheating mods and such tools that allow them to have unfair advantages. Someone in the PvZ thread in the FPS channel on the EA discord also brought up something about using a Steam launch option so I am guessing there is also that as a way to bypass. Hope these can be roughed out and patched so we can enjoy the game cheater free finally.

Free Download Anti-cheat Bypass

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I start the game, EA anti-cheat splash image comes, the bar on the bottom is all gray, I wait a solid 3 minutes (which is way longer than it should be), then it jumps to the end to about 95%, closes, opens the game, the "starting video" starts I skip it, wait 5 seconds while it is trying to connect, crash, back to EA app.

And that's exacly what it did! Now the anticheat doesn't work, how can I solve this? I'm using Windows 11, and I have used it before with valorant's anticheat working, the difference is that I bypasse dWindows 11 requirements with Rufus and not with Atlas so there should be a way to fix it right?

Most games, including this one, will not let you play online if it detects that EAC is disabled. In order to play online you need to remove the bypass and restore the folder back to how it was when you installed the game.

The Hive has always stated that their anticheat is being worked on everyday. They do not disclose this information (for fair reason). Also, hacked clients also evolve as the anti-cheat does so it will never be truly possible to eliminate 100% of hackers.

It is a compilation of multiple projects about different techniques used to bypass Anti-Cheats (AC) protections on the game. Those projects can be compiled together or by separate, and all the code I wrote is the results of some talks I presented at Recon and BlackHat. I started programing some basic bypasses and then it ended up growing until it became a compilation of multiple user-mode and kernel techniques.

The main idea is to use this project as a template or code base to test any Anti-Cheat implementation on the market and learn along the way. This can be used by game developers or security enthusiasts to get into this topic and learn how the different techniques, implemented on these projects, can be developed and used to bypass the most used Anti-Cheats on the market.

By now most of you know that I enjoy some random gaming every now and then - although I often prefer building game servers instead. However, there's always something that annoyed me: anti-cheat software. I even stopped playing some games because of that, as they often have highly invasive anti-cheat tools - I'm looking at you, Valorant.

The biggest question is: how can you bypass it? And I don't mean this by disabling it (because it often can be done), but by simply ignoring its existence altogether. You see, anti-cheat software is essentially that: a piece of software. The software, however, runs on hardware, and, if you can't trust the hardware, you can't trust the software. So instead of trying to bypass it using software tools, let's do that with some custom/fancy/hacked hardware instead!

Anyway, the Brazilian spin of Ragnarok had some quirks and unfortunately was missing some quality of life features. One of them was a way of leaving your merchant shop open while offline - something that was already present in many other "alternative" (non-official) servers. I wanted to avoid that, and I realized that I could just send keystrokes to the game using classic Win32 API. Back then the game was "protected" by a tool called GameGuard, and it clearly didn't care about such "hacks". It has been since then, however, migrated to a much more modern tool called EasyAntiCheat. Mind you, this is the same anti-cheat software used in many popular (and way more recent) games, such as Apex, Fortnite, and many others.

So, after some research and testing, I realized that this anti-cheat tool is blocking all sorts of things, including keyboard and mouse macros (by software), as well as automation tools such as AutoHotKey. Fun fact, it blocks a VM from running the background, even if the game is running in the host - go figure. So it seems that software is highly monitored/controlled, which is something that was not done back in the GameGuard days. Welp.

The best part of this project was that the anti-cheat software did not detect it! From its perspective, the user has just a simple mouse and is clicking all day long, nothing major. We might discuss later how do detect (and avoid) this, but right now all you need to know is that from the game, and even the OS's perspective, this is no different than any other mouse. The OS can't differentiate this from any other standard USB mouse you have lying around. This is very important.

Every time our code sends those 5 bytes over UDP to the RPi, it'll write it down to the gadget device as a report. This means that whatever position and button status we sent over the network will be interpreted in the host. The awesome part about this is that this is just like any other mouse, as the OS just sees USB data and interprets it. This also means that the game (and its anti-cheat software) won't be able to differ it from any other standard mouse, which is exactly what we need.

From the perspective of the game host, there's nothing weird on it, besides a Python script and some periodic game screenshots. This is nothing that would normally trigger an anti-cheat software, so this is fine to run at the host - at least it was back when I tested!

There's a problem though: we can detect this. We have to main pieces in this design: one is running at a RPi, but the other one is running at the game host. It's not uncommon for anti-cheat software to be very strict about what is running with the game, and a Python script with OpenCV libraries taking screenshots of the game in a periodic (and predictable!) manner is something that we can easily detect. Besides possible performance reasons, running the bot in the same machine you're running the game makes it very traceable and detectable. Let's discuss that.

There are multiple ways of detecting what I just presented. I'd like to point out some ideas how to detect and block this bot, as well as ways of bypassing such ideas. This is not an extensive list as there are always other solutions, but here we go!

We can easily analyze the input data (ie. keystroke, click and movement timings, noise, etc). From that, we can detect if someone is clicking or typing too fast, or even moving too straight. This, however, can be easily bypassed by introducing random factors in the inputs. For example, when moving a mouse, we can "accelerate" and "slow down" the movement, as well as introduce errors in movement.

Honestly, my opinion about anti-cheat software is that, if you must have one, have it as non-intrusive as you can. Sure, you can have the classic memory and network ones, but try also to detect some hardware anomalies (such as mouse and keyboards too fast). And, on top of that, add game supervision - actual human supervision: if there's a chance the user is cheating, get someone to watch the gameplay and confirm that for you. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? :)

Does anyone know what il2cpp_gc_set_external_wbarrier_tracker is and how to bypass it? Every time I hook my function, the application crashes (I'm sure it's because of this anticheat func, not because I'm not using MinHook incorrectly). I have no idea how to bypass it, as all it seems to be is a loop with some unclear checks. Can anyone give advice or at least speculate on what this is? This is how it looks in the decompiler and asm(see screenshots). (My application is x86)

I know nothing about coding but I've been trying to find ways to bypass it without success. From what I can see its Codestage Anticheat which from what I've read in various posts online is quite a basic Anticheat and fairly easy to bypass.

In the evolving landscape of digital security, two prominent challenges emerge that pose significant threats to the integrity of online systems and user data: anti-cheat bypass and EDR bypass. These concepts revolve around circumventing protective measures designed to ensure fair play in the realm of online gaming and to safeguard computer systems against malicious software, respectively. This post will delve into the goals of anti-cheat bypass and EDR bypass, exploring the motivations behind these activities and their implications, and will draw a distinction between legitimate security research and illicit activities. 

Anti-cheat bypass refers to the process of evading or overcoming security mechanisms implemented in online games to detect and prevent cheating. The primary goal of individuals attempting to bypass anti-cheat systems is to gain an unfair advantage over other players, disrupting the balance and integrity of the gaming experience. Cheating in online games can take various forms, including aimbots, wallhacks, speed hacks, and other modifications that provide an unfair advantage.

The motivations behind individuals engaging in anti-cheat bypass activities are multifaceted. Some seek the thrill of outsmarting security systems, driven by the challenge of breaking through digital barriers. Others may be motivated by a desire for recognition within hacking communities or to monetize their exploits by selling cheat tools and services. In some cases, players may resort to cheating as a form of rebellion against perceived unfairness in the gaming environment. 0852c4b9a8

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