The AJAX Control Toolkit contains more than 30 free controls that you can use in your ASP.NET applications. In this tutorial, you learn how to download the AJAX Control Toolkit and add the toolkit controls to your Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer Express toolbox.

After you unblock the file, you can unzip the file: Right-click the file and select the Extract All menu option. Now, we are ready to add the toolkit to the Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer toolbox.

Free Download Ajax Toolkit For

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The easiest way to use the AJAX Control Toolkit is to add the toolkit to your Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer toolbox (see Figure 3). That way, you can simply drag a toolkit control onto a page when you want to use it.

With the v15.1 release, we have addressed some major issues for the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Restructuring and cleaning up the toolkit was just the starting point to fixing many of the bugs. We have even more plans for the toolkit so stay tuned!

So, even if you have no intention of ever writing any controls of your own,

the toolkit is worth downloading just to get access to the over thirty controls

that you can start using immediately.

Before we get started, you will most likely want to play around with the sample website that is included with the toolkit. It offers a perfect way to get an idea of what the different controls included in the toolkit do and how they work. If you want to see the code behind the samples, you will want to set up a local copy. To do this, simply follow these simple steps.

In this step by step article we will see how to add AjaxControlToolkit into our asp .net project. Ajax Control toolkit provide us various useful controls and extenders. In this article we will see how to install AjaxControlkit in our project using following techniques:

Read this blog post by DevExpress on the AJAX Control Toolkit for more details on the release, how to upgrade, and report issues. You can file bug reports, make feature suggestions and review the source code online at: and get the latest version of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit (DevExpress Edition) from their website:

For more client-side functionality in the Ajax applications, extenders are used which are the servers that get coupled with the existing server. For example, imagine a delete button. An alert message is often sent to the user before deleting. This usually the work of JavaScript. But here the developer can use the ConformButtonExtender control available in the toolkit.

For faster productivity, this toolkit contains over 40 ready-to-use controls that are very easy to use. The developer has to simply drag and drop the controls available in Visual Studio Toolbox to integrate them with the web application being developed. The controls available are Calender, Watermark, Color Picker, AutoComplete, Slideshow Extender, Modal Popup Extender, etc.

The DevExpress team maintains the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit. The latest version of the toolkit available is AjaxControlToolkit.Installer.20.1.0. To fix the bugs in controls, a lot of enhancements have been made available in the latest version.

It appears that the version of the AJAX toolkit you are using is incorrect. I had this issue and after downloading and installing the correct version for my target sharepoint installation, and it worked. Hope this helps.

To use both Telerik UI and AJAX Toolkit control bundles simultaneously within the same project, you have to use the ToolkitScriptManager. Upon using the toolkit manager, you can come across an error when using an UpdatePanel. This error is due to the ToolkitScriptManager having a bug with script combining. The bug is now fixed within a day after the release:

One of them is to create a webmethod for the AJAX post back and use a directive to tell the method it needs the session details, which will effectively cause a full post back. You can see that here: -to-reset-asp-net-session-with-ajax.

ASP.NET AJAX AutoComplete extender extends properties and the functionalities of the TextBox control that it has been attached to, and experiences RIA (Rich Internet Application) on the client browser.

The ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit AutoComplete extender enables the web developer to display a list of available/possible values for the textbox while the end user is typing on the browser side.

The list that the autocomplete extender reads from an ASP.NET web service is displayed on an associated popup panel to the textbox.

The web service which is the source of possible values gets data according to the prefixText property of the AutoComplete control which is simply the text entered by the user into the textbox control.

In the first image, you can see the list displayed by the autocomplete ajax extender after the user typed "wes".

Following the first image, on the second you can see how data has changed after the user typed on more character.

The list is now populated by using the sample web service with top 6 cities from the Cities database table which has name beginning with "west".

Note that the autocomplete extender uses the web service "AutoCompleteWebServices" for populating data.

And the web service is using the LINQ-to-SQL data classes to reach the data source SQL Server database.

If you have a look at the web service codes, you will see that the LINQ select commands are used to query the City context data from the SQL Server database.


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