In about 650, Uthman began noticing slight differences in pronunciation of the Quran as Islam expanded beyond the Arabian Peninsula into Persia, the Levant, and North Africa. In order to preserve the sanctity of the text, he ordered a committee headed by Zayd to use Abu Bakr's copy and prepare a standard text of the Quran.[42][43] Thus, within 20 years of Muhammad's death (around 650 CE),[44] the complete Quran was committed to written form, a codex. That text became the model from which copies were made and promulgated throughout the urban centers of the Muslim world, and other versions are believed to have been destroyed.[42][45][46][47] The present form of the Quran text is accepted by Muslim scholars to be the original version compiled by Abu Bakr.[28][29][h][i]

Muslims believe the Quran to be God's literal words,[16] a complete code of life,[79] the final revelation to humanity, a work of divine guidance revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel.[25][80][81][82] Quran says, "With the truth we (God) have sent it down and with the truth it has come down"[83] and frequently asserts in its text that it is divinely ordained.[84] The Quran speaks of a written pre-text that records God's speech before it is sent down, the "preserved tablet" that is the basis of the belief in fate also, and Muslims believe that the Quran was sent down or started to be sent down on the Laylat al-Qadr. [85][86] Due to the belief in revelation and divine writing, the word used by Islamic literature to express the context of the Qur'anic verses is "Asbab al-Nuzul".

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Nevertheless, the Quran has been translated into most African, Asian, and European languages.[60] The first translator of the Quran was Salman the Persian, who translated surat al-Fatiha into Persian during the seventh century.[194] Another translation of the Quran was completed in 884 in Alwar (Sindh, India, now Pakistan) by the orders of Abdullah bin Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the request of the Hindu Raja Mehruk.[195]

1st you should know that the book you hold in your hand where the quranic text is in is a Moshaf . The Quran in first place refers to the orally transmitted text which content originally was kept as single "papers/pages" (quoted as the sahaba -may Allah be pleased with them- used everything "clean" they could write on like leather) by the moshaf writers or scribes among the sahaba.

This project contributes to the research of theQuran by applying natural language computing technology to analyze theArabic text of each verse. The word by word grammar is very accurate,but ensuring complete accuracy is not possible without your help. Ifyou come across a word and you feel that a better analysis could beprovided, you can suggest a correctiononline by clicking on an Arabic word.

How to complete Quran in 10 days is not a question anymore when you know how to prepare for it. Anything can be achieved with determination and interest. If you put all your effort and focus into reciting the holy Quran, you can easily finish the Quran.

Note: This schedule is intensive, and the goal is to complete the Quran within the specified time. However, it is recommended to read with understanding and reflection. If you find the pace too fast, consider extending the time frame for a more meaningful engagement with the Quran.

Many Muslims attend Tarawih prayers at night in Ramadan, during which a portion of the Quran is recited. Coordinate your Quran reading with the Tarawih prayers to complete the Quran by the end of Ramadan.

If you are starting out in the last days of Ramadan and want to gain rewards, having a companion can be of help. If all family members divide the number of juz among themselves, you would be able to complete one Quran as a family and everyone gets blessings. As a family of 3, all of you can take 10 juz each or 5 juz each can be recited by a family of 6. Involving your family in good deeds is appreciated by ALLAH.

One of the indications in doing that, theses scholars have deemed good, is that once we finish the complete reading of the Quran, we immediately go into the first chapter (Al-Fatihah) and read the first part of chapter Al-Baqarah to have what is to be optimistic then that we can follow up and read the Quran.

Ans. Nothing specific is mentioned in the hadith about the Dua of finishing reciting the Quran. However, Anas (R) used to gather this family and make Dua to Allah when he completed the Quran. So, without specifying, one can make any Dua to Allah after finishing the Quran.

Make an intention for Allah (SWT) to instill sincerity in us before beginning. When our actions are solely for the pleasure of Allah (SWT), He will grant us the strength and motivation to complete our goal.

Completing the Quran within a specific timeframe, whether in 10 days or even in a single day, demands commitment, structured planning, and a dedicated approach. Breaking down the Quran into manageable sections, setting a realistic schedule, understanding the significance of the verses, and eliminating distractions are vital steps in achieving this spiritual endeavor. With consistent practice, focused recitation, and a deep connection to the teachings, individuals can complete the Quran in 10 days.

Hidayah Network is a credible online quran learning platform, envisining to provide Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies courses to kids, beginners and adults through one one-on-one classes conducted by experienced native Egyptian male and female tutors.

Hidayah Network offers the best and most interactive quran , Arabic and Islamic studies classes which are delivered by the best native Arabic tutors from Egypt that are chosen according to our high standards .

Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed many times before through prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims believe the Quran to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the Five Pillars of Islam and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, from banking and welfare to the status of women and the environment.

The quran has been written in a way that enen AI wouldnt be able to write it in that manner. Thats why its no question that its the word of God. And no it hasnt been changed as we know it by heart for centuries..

Exactly and I started reading the quran ( just for research purposes) and what I noticed is that

It starts just like the bible ( with Adam) but the bible was written before which really makes you think because the bible talks about those who will twist the words of God.

Its very clear you never read the quran and muhammed wasant mentioned in the quran many times coz it was revealed to him and why quran if you ask , its because even after jesus ,people still was worshipping idols like stones crosses and a dead man hanging , he warmed the people (10 commandments) not to worships idols and still this stupid people dont understand so muhammed was to come n he came and showed the right way to worship the god the lord himself alone

In quran there as many facts that were not discovered that time but now are bieng discovered one such information about relativity

4- To Him ascend the angels and the spirit in

a day the measure of which is fifty thousand years.

(70- The Heights, 4)

All these endpoints give you a JSON object describing an edition. From this object, you need to use the identifier to get data from other endpoints in this API. For any of the endpoints that require an edition identifier, if you do not specify one, 'quran-uthmani' is used and returns the Arabic text of the Holy Quran.

My recommendation is during each night of Ramadan except the last 5 odd nights (the nights when we normally perform Qiyam-ul-layl in expectation of Lailatul-Qadr), we read at least 100 verses during Tahajjud prayer. This normally takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Assuming we do this for 25 nights, we are able to complete 2500 verses.

These are some common strategies, but ultimately you should find one that suits your schedule! If you only have time at night, or in the early hours of the morning, use that time to dedicate yourself to your recitation. It's also important to keep a regular routine of recitation, which will help you feel more confident as well as more patient throughout the process. If you know others around you who are interested in reciting the Quran within Ramadan, you can also collectively recite the juz' together! For example, for a household of 5 people, each member can recite 6 juz' to complete all 30 within the month. This makes it easier on the individual, and you can still get the rewards together! If you aren't in the same household, don't worry - why not take this time to set up a nightly Zoom call or Google Hangout to start a Quran recitation group? You can even discuss the surah together after the recitation has ended, and deepen your knowledge as a group.

That's a good question! Under the Shafi'i mazhab, a common consensus is that Muslimahs cannot hold, touch, or carry a physical copy of the Quran during their period, as they are considered to be in an impure state. Generally speaking, it's also understood that this means you cannot recite from the Quran during your period, which can be a big obstacle in completing it within Ramadan. Some women find loopholes such as using electronic versions of the Quran on websites or apps, reciting from memorisation, or reading it for the purpose of tafseer (such as when attending a class). However, during your period you may experience cramps or other symptoms that make it uncomfortable or painful to recite regardless. You can still do other acts of worship when you're on your period but this can definitely feel like a big setback. To make up for this, try to squeeze in 1-2 more additional juz' on the weekends when you're not on your period or add an additional 4-5 pages each time you recite. It's definitely going to be tougher, but do be kind to yourself and take comfort in the fact that by not partaking in these actions you're still obeying Allah's will. ? Whether you manage to complete the Quran within Ramadan or not, there are still lots of blessings to get from reciting the holy book. With time to come, hopefully, reciting the Quran can turn into a regular habit - and eventually, we hope you can achieve reciting the book once, or even twice within Ramadan! 0852c4b9a8

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